As a mountain climber, I know how challenging the journey to the summit can be. But there is a deep passion and commitment that is driving me to get there – every time. Through climbing I have learned that our desires are signs on our path indicating the direction for our life. However, oftentimes, we neglect what we want. We pay more attention to others, or what the world tells us we should want. We give up on mountains we think we can’t reach. And every time we feel a nagging for it, we find ways to distract ourselves. I want to help you become aware and honor what is calling on you because it will lead you to a life where you feel most alive. I want to help you face your mountain, stop hiding from yourself, and allow yourself to dream without doubts.

The road to the mountains can be long and windy. Signage is often missing; getting lost is a possibility. Pursuing our goals and following our dreams is scary. There is so much doubt and uncertainty. Add to that all the responsibilities we have, and the rest we need from the hard work, and there is just no time left for lofty goals. We settle. We fail ahead of time, before even going after it. We give in to the doubts and give up on our desires. As a coach, I partner with you. I walk alongside you with a compass, and shine a flashlight where its dark. I will challenge you to honor your dreams over your doubts and begin living your life. Coaching brings clarity – what you believe, how you feel and the actions you currently take. With better clarity, you can make conscious choices. A lot of our perceived obstacles are just that – imagined. Thats the magic of partnering with a coach – together we uncover, create awareness and decide how to move forward.
How I help my clients
You focus on the number of the scale. You obsess over the food you eat. You restrict yourself, limit your options and constantly beat yourself up. And most likely that has not worked in the long run. Together we will take a different approach that begins with awareness, love and understanding. So much of what we learn about weight loss begins on the outside – with deprivation of food and the force to exercise. In my weight coaching sessions we are looking within first. We start with you – what are your desires, your urges, and how can you learn to manage them with kindness and humanity.

I created Quest For You when I realized I didn’t even know who I was and what journey I was on. I blindly went where others told me to go, and I rarely questioned my choices. Schools, jobs, relationships – I never checked in with myself. What do you really want in your life? It is a powerful question we often don’t ask, but one I will ask you on our journey together for your quest for your best life.
Coaching with Janine
“We don’t attach to people or to things; we attach to uninvestigated concepts that we believe to be true in the moment.”
And that is coaching:
We investigate. We inquire. Because we don’t just experience life. We experience the life we focus on.
As your coach, I will hold space without judgment and just help you see your own thinking and the feelings your thoughts create. And then we look at the results you have created for yourself – your weight, your job, your ….
We are always choosing what we do, the actions that we take. But by the same token, we’re also choosing the consequences of those actions, whatever they are.
In our sessions together, we can question everything and based on your insights, you can choose the most deliberate and best life you want to live.


I offer two ways of working with me: month to month or via a 3-month package.
Both options include:
- 1-hr long coaching sessions
- Subscriptions terminate at the end of the time period OR when all sessions have been used. For example: A 3-month package purchased on January 1st would terminate on April 1st OR when all 10 sessions have been used, whichever comes first.
- Each option can be renewed and you can switch from one to another. Pricing may change.
Free Intro Session
30 minute call to get to know each other and strategize next steps.
Month to Month
3 coaching sessions
3 Month Package
10 coaching sessions
Ready to go after it?