I grew up in a communist country.
I dreamt of freedom and possibility.
And when the Berlin Wall fell, I came to the United States to make my dream come true,
Searching for a place to call home.
A better life – filled with joy and comfort
I chased the American Dream.
And I found it. I lived it.
Yet I felt lost, unfulfilled, and visionless.
I faced another Wall.
Today I speak.
I speak about my real journey to freedom
I speak about fear and courage, safety and risk, predictability and discomfort.
I show my audiences how to take small steps towards a more meaningful and authentic life.
I talk about our real American Dream
And I show my listeners how to access it – within themselves.
Transform your next event!
In August 2019, I invited a special group of people to hear my Keynote Speech. These are amazing human beings that have been part of my journey via Toastmasters, Heroic Public Speaking and my Meetup Group. Everyone has played an invaluable role in helping me grow as a person and as a speaker. I am grateful to have them in my life.
My speech was successful when it inspired change. Rafael describes an action he took following the invited rehearsal:
“I also want to let you know I fulfilled on the commitment I made at your talk to step out of my comfort zone. I was involved in organizing and designing an interfaith security workshop for houses of worship and my role was to moderate two of the panels. After your talk I got myself 5 minutes on the agenda in the main plenary session to “set the tone”.
I practiced my talk at warehouse, but it lacked punch. I was trying to be clever and come at my subject indirectly and it lacked heart. I reshaped it, made a different opening, and pulled it together as the people preceding me on stage spoke. It came off well. What I see is next is setting up more practice opportunities so I can get to the reshaping stage sooner in the process.
Thanks for inspiring and encouraging me.