My Vision with Quest For You

Thank you for your interest in me and my grand vision called Quest For You.

I grew up in a small town in former Eastern Germany, close to the border of Poland and the Czech Republic. I spent my childhood roaming forests and listening to pop music streaming from West Germany over a small transistor radio late into the nights. Posters of the Golden Gate Bridge decorated my wall and I often imagined myself in the picture– a dream that seemed impossible to achieve at the time.

But – walls fall, regimes change, and the world somehow always seems to rotate towards the Good, however long it takes. I arrived in California with one suitcase and as the plane descended into San Francisco, an immense happiness arose inside of me at the view that was spreading out in front of me. (By the way – I still get a light high every time I land here)  It is difficult to describe the feeling of not belonging into your own country. Germany is home according to a little red booklet called passport, but every time I visit, I can’t wait to come back here.

Through hard work, a deep desire to stay here, and help from wonderful people along the way, I graduated from college and landed in jobs that taught me tough lessons on how to work (and play) effectively with other human beings.  With the American Dream well under way, I added a house with a pool, a dog and a family. What finally looked like the life I thought I needed to have, a happy Hollywood ending …fell apart much quicker than it took me to sow it together.

My real journey started.  From trying to wrestle with others and maneuvering events to make them fit my idea of a happy life, I now had to face myself. My pains, my problems, my screwed-up dependencies, and all this inner unhappiness that came along with it. Work like this is never easy. But it is so much more fulfilling. We cannot change other people, and all trying and crying doesn’t do a thing. Yet – we take one look at ourselves and we find so much that needs attention. And the best part: we can change if we want.

Life called my attention and just like that, I believe something similar is happening on a grander scale across the globe. I read and listen a ton – and I am amazed by the amount and the quality of content available. The world is waking up; people are no longer satisfied with the standard recipe of life. Everyone wants more – value, fulfillment, passion, and a sense of purpose.

Quest For You is my journey shared with you. It is my voice, my heart, my dream – to contribute to this awakening in a spectacular way.

Life has a way of steering us towards the Good. When people unite themselves, like in the former communist countries, an energy is created that brings about the right path. The same is true for us. When we reach out and ask for more, when we gather up our inner strength and make an effort to change our circumstances – life conspires to assist us. Doors will open, people will show up, and most of all – the wisdom and knowledge we need in the moment becomes available.

This is the vision for QFY – to be your companion on your journey towards greatness.

Every person is here in this life to shine and contribute to something great. So – get your poster of the Golden Gate Bridge out and think back to the times your nights were filled with music and dreams. Its time we begin working towards them.

Much love


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