Episode Summary

Welcome to the 2nd Episode of Quest For You. I talk about why the quest for yourself is so critical. We live either in the past or plan for the future. But we spend very little time in the present. Yet, the present moment is what gives us power, energy, and the balance we so desperately seek.

Enjoy the start of your journey.


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Start every day with intention and direction

Does it seem challenging to find an inner connection with ourselves? Our world can be noisy, overwhelming and distracting.

Yet, the direction for our life comes from within us.

The Quest For You Podcast is my mission to help you discover who you are. I will help you challenge yourself through daily guidance, motivation and inspiration. I want to help you find your direction.




Show Notes for 

Why a quest for you – Quest For you 002

Looking for a quote from my show notes?

QFY – Episode 2

  • I am Janine and welcome to my podcast – QUEST FOR YOU


  • Thank you for tuning in. If you listened to my First episode and decided to come back today – I bow to you in gratitude for allowing me to be part of your day. Its an honor.


Review WHAT:

  • I have created QFY to help you to be the best you can be in your life.
  • For most of my life I have allowed the outside world to run my life and determine the ups and downs in my day.
  • Until I finally realized – I SET THE TONE for MY day.
  • And I want the same for you.
  • I want to help you see that you ARE in control of your life.
  • And there is NO BETTER WAY to do this than EVERY single morning – before your often negative thoughts crowd your mind and you are rolling along with a current into unpredictable directions.
  • Together we will set the tone for your day by refocusing on ourselves.
  • I will give you ideas and inspirations to try that will help you on this journey.


  • I am not anyone special yet I am special
  • Just like you
  • I have big dreams and QFY is one of them
  • I simply want to be here. I want to share my experiences and the tools that have worked for me
  • I want to help you.
  • I see a need in this world of inundation to find clarity.
    • And understanding of WHO WE ARE.
    • A cutting of the attachment and dependency on satisfaction from our environment and other people
    • A need to find our dreams, passions and ultimately our path.
    • To get back in touch with ourselves
  • Quest for you is my wish for you that you take on a journey back to yourself.
  • You may not be aware that you lost touch.
  • But take a step and examine any given day that you are currently living:
    • Are you in a frenzy to get things done? One after the other?
    • And where is your mind?
    • Is it on the next task, the meeting next week, the vacation next month?
    • And when you get this next thing done, where does your attention go now?
    • Or is it in the past?
    • Glamourizing what once was? Saddened by the loss of it and the inability to turn time back?
    • Or are you stuck on an event in your life that replays in your mind over and over
    • an injury to your body or your soul that still hurts, even after many years?
    • Words said long ago that you cannot forget?
  • What do you notice?
  • I notice that my day consist of thoughts that meet all these criteria
  • Just exactly how many times have I replayed an exchange with my boss from work that, when it actually took place, took less than 5 minutes? But if someone was able to tell me times I have replayed it – I couldn’t even imagine how many minutes it would add up to.
  • What I am trying to get at?
  • We run stories in our mind all day long. A combination of past and future events.
  • Most of what our day consist of IS thinking and doing.
  • We think between 60-80,000 thoughts per day. And most these are a replay of old tapes – meaning – very little original and unique things cross our mind. It often happens when the scenery changes – we go to a new place, we meet a new person, we immerse ourselves into a new activity like a class or a hobby.
  • And we do. We perform our various functions every day. Sometimes like a robot.
  • What is missing from this daily grind of thinking old stuff and doing?
  • Being is missing.
  • Being present. Being mindful. Just being.
  • Being means stopping this incessant clockwork of thinking and doing like a hamster in a wheel and looking inward.
  • Inward – A place we NEVER make time for.
  • Yet that’s the place all your thinking and doing originates from
  • That’s where your strength and your power lies
  • You may not realize it – but think for a moment of all the amazing things you have already done in your life.
  • Think of one!
  • I came to this country by myself.
  • What about you?
  • Nobody made me do this. I did it – and how?
  • Yes – events fell into place, but when the time came to ACTUALLY Do IT – I pulled my inner strength together, my energy, my will, and coupled that with passionate thoughts and feelings and DID it.
  • We are capable of so much.
  • We mostly don’t realize it.
  • I want to help you see this.
  • And I realize –
  • This journey looks different for everyone
  • And this is the beauty of it – we all find our own path in our own way.
  • There is no cookie cutter approach.
  • Words and sounds move us in different ways,
  • books and poems fall into our lap,
  • significant people cross our paths
  • All that matters is that you start to notice.



  • Take a few minutes – every morning – and incorporate my podcast into your morning.
  • The morning is the most important part of your day.
  • Your mind is ready. Your body is refreshed.
  • If you start with something positive, there is little room for anything else.
  • I am here for you with a little good every morning. Start with this.
  • You will notice – over time – your thoughts will change, your actions may too.
  • Everything I share has one goal – to help you be the best you can be every single day.


  • The best you can be – it will reflect in your thinking, your words, your actions, your decisions, your whole life. The best you can be will reflect in the way you show up in this world.


  • We all carry something with us. A burden. Something unresolved. Past pain. Thoughts that bother us. Attitudes and judgement we cant get rid of.
  • We all want to change something, want to be better at something, maybe everything.
  • With this podcast, I am opening up a new path for you to start.
  • I cannot promise where this will lead you. I never thought I would do this podcast. But here I am.
  • But I can promise this: As you begin to dedicate sincere time to yourself, you will begin to see lights, have unexpected insights, sudden ideas, clarity on what to do and say, and so much more.
  • With you showing up daily FOR YOURSELF, opening your mind and heart, you are on the right track.

So – lets do this. Lets spend the mornings together, with the goal that our days will become brighter, our plans clearer, our actions in line with our vision, and so much more.

With tons of love and a quote from a person I deeply admire – his name is Rumi – and this quote speaks so much to me –

I publish episodes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Subscribe now so you don’t miss them

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Choose this step and empower yourself to become the person you desire to be!

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