Episode 14 – We need the details
- As humans we like details.
- We want to know exactly what it is that get us from here to there.
- And thanks to the Internet and amazing innovations such as GPS services, we usually have all the information handy that we need.
- I could not imagine my life without directions on my phone.
- Any simple or complex question we might have regarding anything – its all available with a few clicks.
- If I don’t know to cook the brisket I just bought, I don’t have to call a family member or dig through recipe books. I can find 100s of recipes online in an instant.
- We like details. We like explanations. We want to understand things, especially when it affects us.
- We don’t do so well when we don’t have details. Take your professional life.
- We are often not included in the decisions senior management makes
- We get nervous when sales are down, when we see a lot of meetings behind closed doors without any details being revealed.
- Something is in the works, we feel, and no matter what level we are in the company, it just doesn’t feel good.
- It’s the same when it comes to our life.
- We don’t know what lies ahead.
- We don’t know how long this pain we currently suffer will last.
- We don’t know when we will meet the right partner.
- WE don’t know if the diet we are currently on will help us get to our weight goal.
- If we knew the outcome, we would be more willing to take risks. Or avoid mistakes.
- Would we?
- If you are waiting for all the details before making critical decisions, you are going to wait your whole life.
- We all want to be comfortable.
- Not knowing causes stress.
- But when it comes to our life, it doesn’t work like this.
- We never have all the necessary details before making a decision.
- We do our best – we research, we talk to folks, we compare and calculate and estimate.
- But at some point we have to stop and call it.
- And sometimes it works out, and sometimes it doesn’t
- Maybe we missed something – or something unexpected happens that we could not foresee.
- But we make the decisions based on the information we could gather.
- And in the end there is always a little bit of faith involved
- Think about when you started a new job. Maybe you entertained a couple of offers. Maybe you had a great job but an even better one came along. Or maybe you just really needed a job and the one that finally came along was your only option.
- All of these examples involved a decision on your part mixed with some faith that the job you accepted was going to work out, be better than the previous one, meet your expectations, and many other things you were hoping for.
- You don’t know how a job will play out unless you worked for the same company before. And even then, things change.
- And trusting in the unknown is never easy.
- You question yourself, you second-guess your decision.
- But in the end – you take a leap of faith.
- After all you need the job right?
- What about decisions that are optional? How often do we take a leap of faith? Something we really want – maybe starting our own business.
- Much harder right?
- There is a huge difference when you are forced into change versus seeking out change.
- Often, we avoid seeking change because its uncomfortable.
- And we are afraid of making that big unknown decision.
- Fear of the unknown.
- I understand fear. Fear is hard to overcome.
- We will talk more about fear in other episodes
- But I want you to know this:
- If you want to go further, reach higher, become more, you will have to be a little uncomfortable, stretch yourself, you may have to pray and believe a little while you are not sure how it will work out.
If you had all the facts, you wouldn’t need any faith.
- This is also when you grow the most. When you always stay in your routine and with the comfortable, you are not required to grow
- Uncomfortable situations ask for you to dig and while you dig, you grow
- We will face situations where we are in over our head, where our friends cant help us, where we lack experience, where we simply are not qualified.
- And we need to manage
In the unknown miracles happen
- If you step into the unknown, it will require boldness.
- It wont always make sense. You cant see the end result. You don’t have the details
- Maybe you listen to this podcast every morning but you are not yet sure how this will benefit you in the long run.
- Your mind will always tell you – play it safe. Don’t take risks. What if it doesn’t work out?
The familiar is the comfortable. But the comfortable can keep you from your greatest destiny.
You cannot play it safe your whole life and reach the fullness of your destiny.
- This is what movies are made of. The great moments. The unexpected encounters. People going out on a limp, spending their last dollars on a business idea.
- But this is also what life is made of. We all have examples like this – where we took a risk, even a small one, and where things worked out.
Those where the moments when we ignored the little voice in our head “What if …”
I came to realize that life always works out. Always. Every time I look back, my greatest worries never came true, and the moments where I didn’t know how to go on, went by. I moved right through them. Pain and all. But I came out ok.
On the other hand, my greatest successes came from the times when I took the greatest risks.
Taking a risk can mean different things to us – to some it’s a monetary investment, to others, it can be a leap of faith into a new career, a new city or even a new country. Or, like this podcast, its an investment of time.
Think – the places you will go, the people you are going to meet, the dreams you are going to accomplish.
Its all in the unknown!
If you step into the unknown, along the way you see miracles. It may not always be an even road, but the right people will eventually show up, doors will open.
The journey is more important than the destination because it prepares you for what you otherwise could not handle.
You will make mistakes. It wont always work out. But we learn from it.
Be in your best where you are and be ready to jump into the next step.
Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back.