Episode Summary

Difficult times happen to everyone. Some of you may feel singled out, punished in some way or destined with bad luck.

After this episode, you will see that struggles happen for a variety of reason.

The point is not to dwell on how they happened, but to learn strategies to effectively move through them.


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Recent Episodes

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We like things that are easy. We try to avoid as much pain as we can. We want to pull through and get it over with.  However, some of our biggest accomplishments in life have come from doing hard things.

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Start every day with intention and direction

Does it seem challenging to find an inner connection with ourselves? Our world can be noisy, overwhelming and distracting.

Yet, the direction for our life comes from within us.

The Quest For You Podcast is my mission to help you discover who you are. I will help you challenge yourself through daily guidance, motivation and inspiration. I want to help you find your direction.





Show Notes for 

Difficult Times – Quest For You 033

Looking for a quote from my show notes?

Episode 33 – Lessons Learned during difficult times


  • Nobody likes difficult times
  • We wish they would never happen, and if they do, we feel isolated, we think they only happen to us
  • Everyone around us seems so happy and relaxed
  • We feel stuck in a deep dark hole that we can’t escape and we wonder how we will get out of it
  • Its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when we are in the dark
    • an event has occurred that we don’t know how to deal with
    • all we feel is the pain in our heart
    • maybe adrenaline rushing though our veins
    • our normal life seems unbearable, unmanageable


  • The truth is, everyone goes through stuff
  • No one wants to struggle. And if they do, they dont want to even admit their struggling
    • People try to make it thru the day,
    • smiling when they are actually hurting
    • working when they feel like staying in bed
    • exercising while the body hurts
  • If everyone carried a list of past pains on their back, we would constantly be affirmed that our dilemma is not on single occurrence
  • everyone goes thru them
  • trials and challenges are an unavoidable part of life
  • I have experience with religion in my past and I still listen to religious messages at times
  • One aspect of religion I simply don’t agree with is this –
  • I don’t believe that God wants us to live thru difficult times
  • That somehow it is part of our plan
  • Challenges are part of luck, misfortunes happen
  • they are NOT assigned to us as part of our journey here
  • we don’t have to suffer certain things to ascend to the next step on the holiness ladder
  • you may disagree and that’s ok
  • but we may agree on the end result, which lies in what we do with these challenges
  • that where the religious message offers hope
  • when it comes to misfortune, I believe they are part of life in general, and part the result of the choices we make in life
  • Accidents happen, so do layoffs, natural disasters, people pass away, illness takes hold of us – these are things that we are not singled out for, even though it can feel like it
  • Divorce, break-ups, financial problems, addictions, health issues – some of these can point back to ourselves and the possible wrong decisions we made along the way
  • Often we see thing coming but don’t heed the signs –
    • Our body sends us signals when its not feeling well
    • Our relationships can be rocky and we feel that
    • We are constantly out of money
  • We contribute to a potential negative outcome in the future through our actions
  • Or we don’t know how to choose or make good decisions
    • We pick the wrong partner because we don’t know what we really want and need in a relationship
    • We consume food that is harmful to our bodies because we don’t know better
    • We make financial investments that are not paying off as we hoped
  • Nobody taught us – we could not see it coming
  • This is often the case when it comes to the people in our life
  • They come as they are and we decide to make them part of our life
  • We are humans so we crave companionship
  • But we don’t know everything that is inside another human being
  • Or how that person develops over the time they are in our life
  • Sometimes these people are wonderful for us, they enrich our life in multiple ways
  • And then there are people that are reduce the joy in our life
  • They cause trouble, sometimes harm, pain and emotional suffering
  • Their actions and behaviors expose us to situations that we often have not encountered before and therefore don’t know how to handle


  • So I hope you see now that suffering can occur due to varying reasons
  • Some of our own making, and some are simply part of life
  • Some are easier to accept because we know we contributed to it happening
  • Others cause resistance within us because they occurred at random – and our logical mind wants to wrap its hands around it and understand WHY US?
  • The important part is – how do you move through such a challenge?
  • I want to read you a quote from Roman Emporer and Stoic Marcus Aurelius
  • You will hear me quote a lot from the Stoics because I often consult Stoic writings when I seek answers to challenging questions in my life
  • The Stoics offer quite the advanced guidance given that their philosophy originated in ancient times
  • I find that the Stoics analyzed life in a very dry and analytical way, resulting in solutions that can appear tough to implement because the emotional aspect is missing
  • Hence the often negative association with stoicism
  • But at the end of the day – emotions are erratic, inconsistent, subjective
  • Strip them away and get to the bottom of the matter of fact and that’s what needs addressing


So here is what Aurelius said to challenges:





  • So Aurelius argues that obstacles are actually our greatest opportunities for growth and advancement. They force us to re-examine our path, find a new way, and ultimately empower ourselves by practicing virtues like patience, generosity and courage.
  • “The impediment to action advances action,” “What stands in the way becomes the way.”
  • This is advanced
  • But I am sure you have heard this before – boiled down – usually we say “What can we learn from this experience”
  • While a question like this doesn’t offer much consolidation while you are in the midst, it gives you something to focus on
  • In the beginning, I realize, its hard
  • You cannot focus on much else other than the dilemma or obstacle in front of you
  • Too many emotions in the way
  • But you can teach yourself to keep this question in the back of your mind
  • For when emotions ease, and reason kicks in
  • Because eventually that happens, or at least should
  • It will help prevent you from falling apart, from giving up on life, from adopting destructive beliefs that will hurt you in the long run
  • Look for the lesson or the message
  • Ask questions – why did this happen
  • Don’t ask “ why did this happen to me”
  • Remember – there is no answer
  • Rather ask – What am I supposed to learn from this?
  • Is there something I can do better next time?
  • How can I change my outlook on things or my approach because of this event?


  • We become much more in the trials and in the tests than in the blessings
  • The blessings are easy
  • We barely give them a nod
  • When things flow as they should we don’t look up to learn, to reconsider, to make changes
  • Everything is going well
  • When hardship hits us it feels brutal, buts that’s when we are called upon to access our resources, our strength
  • Not to give up, to throw life away, to retreat
  • No – that’s when life is being loud and aggressive and its time for you to stand up and pull yourself together and fight back
  • Remember this – it takes time to become YOU
  • You don’t walk the red carpet of life and learn everything you need to know
  • The pains and the scars are part of that journey
  • They make you a richer you
  • Take a minute and think back of something that didn’t go as expected in your past
  • I am sure there was something – even if you are still young and you don’t think this applies to you
  • a fight with a good friend maybe, or your parents
  • this journey of learning lessons from life starts early
  • what matters is what you do with the lessons
  • what conclusions do you draw?
  • What changes do you make to your thoughts, your behaviors and your actions?
  • My message for today
  • Don’t interpret issues as a setback – but as a moment toward uncovering a real need
  • And then work towards addressing the need



“Does what’s happened keep you from acting with justice, generosity, self-control, sanity, prudence, honesty, humility, straightforwardness, and all other qualities that allow a person’s nature to fulfill itself? So remember this principle when something threatens to cause you pain: the thing itself was no misfortune at all; to endure it and prevail is great good fortune.” — Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


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Quest For You
Zooming In – Quest For You 600
Three ways to find gratitude – Quest For You 599
The moments bigger than us – Quest For You 598
We need civility – Quest For You 597
My silence – Quest For You 596