The inner critic – QFY 407
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I am so excited to share a listener’s feedback and experience with the inner critic in this episode.
The inner critic likes to tell us stories, often right when we are about to something risky or uncommon. It wants to protect us, but at the same time it holds us back from growing into a stronger human being.
I consider my inner critic an overprotective friend. Its not an enemy, because at time we do need to make responsible decisions and stay on the safe side.
Lets learn more about how to best utilize such a friend.
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The inner critic – QFY 407
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Episode 407 – The inner critic: An overly protective friend
- Welcome back fellow listeners
- Today I want to share something special with you
- I am super excited actually
- Since the beginning of my podcast I have always encouraged listener feedback
- A few of you have left comments on my website for the episodes that resonated with you
- But its emails like the one today that make me happy
- This kind of feedback helps me get up in the morning and when I drag myself through the day – I remember these messages and they give me new inspiration
- Listen to this comment from one of our listeners:
Hi Janine, I hope you are well. I have enjoyed listening to your best of the best episodes. I had a recent experience of going to an Oscar viewing party but almost did not go because I did not know anyone. I was afraid of being rejected by putting myself out there. I decided to not let the stories that I was telling myself stop me from being with people who like movies. I ended up meeting someone who may be another movie buddy. It is amazing what can happen when we work through our fears.
- I love it
- Its indeed amazing what can happen when we work through our fears
- This line is from my listener but it could have been straight from one of my episodes
- I love that it came from someone else
- It means someone else is seeing the results of their work
- Their hard inner work
- And it is hard
- You can tell based on this persons feedback that this was not an easy step
- How often have you opted for staying home instead of going to an event that made you uncomfortable?
- Our inner critic – that part of the brain that wants to protect us against anything unknown and potentially harmful
- On one hand – it makes us feel safe
- Stay with what you know
- It wants us to sit on the couch and watch Netflix
- And when we listen to it – we get rewarded by a feeling of comfort and relief
- So glad I didn’t go to that party
- Probably was boring anyway
- But in the back of our mind there is always a little What If voice that nags on us
- That wants to know what would have happened had we gone for the risky thing
- It wonders – what if
- What could have happened
- What did I miss
- But – since we didn’t go – we don’t know
- Instead we spent a nice evening on the couch doing nothing
- Next time a similar opportunity roles around, we are even less likely to take a chance
- We all have different voices inside of us
- Sometimes they support us and sometimes they hold us back
- Sometimes we look in the mirror and love ourselves in that new outfit
- And other times we cant find anything positive to point out
- And my listener is correct
- They way these voices often operate is through stories that play in our head
- These stories come from a life time of experiences, beliefs and ideas we have accumulated
- Sometimes our stories are based on past experiences – a mistake, a disappointment, a setback
- Sometimes they are just stories – tales like the ones we find in books
- Made up by our inner critic
- Don’t get me wrong
- The inner critic is not our enemy
- When I researched the topic I found sources that call the inner critic a self-destructive antagonist
- I don’t think this title is helpful for dealing with it
- In fact – I believe the inner critic has a place
- I consider my inner critic an overly protective friend
- We all know what that looks like
- For some of you it might be your parents
- For my grandparents every new adventure I decided to undertake was potentially life-threatening
- My grandmother always found a way that I could die if I pursued my idea
- An airplane crash
- Or a car accident
- Sometimes its our friends or partners that worry about us a bit to much and hence, are not supportive of big steps that may not be following the book
- In situations that are dicey and truly potentially harmful, we need this friend to protect us
- We all have been there
- About to get in the car and drive when we know we had alcohol
- Going out with friends when we know we should be at home studying
- That’s when we need to listen to our friend and call an Uber or leave our friends so we can prepare for our test
- Its good to have the voice of caution in our ear reminding us what could happen and thereby helping us make more responsible decisions
- But quite often, our inner critic speaks up without cause
- When there is no real danger
- When we are just trying to be a little bit more brave
- Step outside of our comfort zone
- Go for something new and different
- That is when we gently need to reject our inner friend’s advice so we can actually explore our potential
- And my listener did it successfully
- You know what I find interesting?
- Its not that we don’t know how to tune this friend out
- We do it all the time
- When we really want something – we have no problem ignoring the inner critic
- When the donuts show up in the office
- When the bed is nice and warm
- Every time we forego our goals and aspirations and go for something we know is against it
- That voice is there as well
- Reminding us
- Hey – its not good for you
- Its not what you said you would do
- Its not responsible, ethical, right
- And we do it anyway
- We know very well how to shush this nagging friend
- Yet – when it comes to challenging ourselves
- When its time to step up, come out of our shell a little and take a chance in a positive direction –
- We allow our inner critic to win
- We don’t know how our listener succeeded
- But I bet you can imagine what it looks like because you have been there yourself
- And if I asked you or if I think back to what I did, we would say some of the following:
- I had to force myself
- I argued with myself
- I found good reasons to
- I tuned it out and just went for it
- I ignored all the voices in my head
- This is what it takes
- Just like we did with our parents or overcautious friends when they tried to talk us out of our adventures
- Maybe we argued
- Maybe we reasoned
- Maybe we just found an excuse or a little lie and did it behind their back
- Point is – when we really wanted it – we found a way
- This is why I set goals every year my friends
- I put in writing what I want to accomplish that year so it is always front and center for me
- Sometimes we need forget about what matters to us
- The invitation sounds good but the couch sounds better
- Its easy to drift back towards the known and comfortable
- That why our diets and fitness and many other goals fail
- Because initially they are uncomfortable and our inner critic will always talk us out of it by telling us all sorts of stories
- Lets all learn from our listener and lets use the tactics we know work best with the nagging people in our life and apply them to ourselves
- I don’t like arguing –
- I may try to reason for a while but if the other person isn’t open to my reasons, I go for what I want
- What works for you?
- It might help you recall a few people in your life or maybe your past that always tried to dissuade you from your path
- What did they say and how did you react?
- Use the same tactics for yourself
- You need to stand up for yourself
- Nobody else will
- You can watch Netflix all your life – if that makes you happy
- But you will have never tried anything risky and you may regret that at the end of your life
- Your overprotective friends don’t have your best interest in mind because they don’t know what’s in your best interest
- They judge it from their point of view
- They use their level of risk tolerance and apply it to your life
- You are different
- We all are different
- Only we know what is best for us
- Start standing up for yourself
- As you go through your day become more aware of your inner critic
- Find the difference – when is it trying to protect you and when is it holding you back
- What are things you have been putting off?
- Saying no to repeatedly?
- Even though you really want to pursue them?
- Every day we face our inner critic
- But we are so used to it – we barely notice it
- Can you detect some of the stories your inner critic tells you in the following examples:
- You are not smart enough
- You’re not attractive
- You’ll never be really successful
- You don’t have the time or money to pursue your dreams
- The world will hurt you so you better protect yourself and don’t show your feelings
- Everyone is out to get you
- Nobody is interested in you anyway
- I could go on and on – but it only depresses me because I have told myself many of these silly lies
- And most people do
- Even those people who have it all
- Become aware of your stories – just like my listener
- pay attention to when you suddenly slip into a bad mood or become upset,
- ask yourself whats going on and most of the time you will notice that your inner critic is ranting negative stories in your head
- then learn to take control over your inner voice by consciously deciding not to listen and rather play a different story
- and the best way to shut the inner critic up is to act in your best interest.
- Just like my listener
- Go for it
- Give it a try
- You can always come home
- But at least give yourself a shot
- Learn to dialogue with your overprotective friend in a way that works for you
- Give it new stories – stories you decide on – not your inner critic
- You tell the stories because you are the director of your life
Much love
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