What is your untold story – QFY 411
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In a recent workshop I noticed something: We are all good at telling stories. But are we sharing the real stories? Those that need to be told? We may be great presenters and story tellers but in order to tell the real and true stories, we have some more work to do.
Our authentic self is often hidden behind masks and covers to protect ourselves. When we start digging and questions, we can reveal the stories that we need to tell – those stories that help others on their journey.
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Show Notes for
What is your untold story – QFY 411
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Episode 411 – What is your untold story?
- I just returned from my public speaking workshop that I am taking
- Still so inspired from all the wonderful people I met there, their stories that they shared on stage and everything I learned on how to become a better speaker
- But there was something in particular that stood out for me from this trip
- Something I want to share with you
- Every day a few of us had the opportunity to practice a portion of our speech
- Sometimes in front of peers
- Sometimes in front of the teachers
- And during those session, where people shared part of the speech they are working on, often for the first time with someone else, lots came up
- As the teachers asked them questions about their performance, or challenged them to try something different, people gained major insights
- some of those insights led to tears
- there was one very common realization for many speakers
- they noticed that they are not sharing the whole story
- they had a good story
- whether it was about stress management for real estate professionals
- or unhappiness in life for people at the top of their career
- or financial advice for single women
- everything everyone shared was interesting, inspiring and informational
- but as several people got up to present their material they realized – something is missing
- and that something was more of themselves
- authenticity
- most people shared personal stories as part of their speech
- but quite often they stayed on the surface
- they didn’t really get to the bottom of the issue
- but then – as they rehearsed the story in front of others and heard questions from the teachers that challenged them
- many students realized that there is more they need to bring out
- more they can bring out
- and it made me realize
- our best stories are those we don’t want to tell
- those stories deep inside of us
- buried long ago
- maybe even forgotten
- maybe painful and therefore pushed far into the back
- maybe embarrassing and avoided on purpose
- Those stories we think don’t mean anything to anyone other than us are often the stories we need to tell
- Those stories are the real and authentic US
- Because all the maneuvers we pull trying to keep that story inside is not US
- It’s only half of who we are
- Maybe even a fake self,
- One we adopted so we don’t have to show who we really are
- What is your untold story?
- We all have stories inside we are trying to suppress
- We all have been through experiences that shaped us
- They don’t all have to have been dramatic or painful
- But they were still significant
- They affected us and shaped us
- By bringing our untold stories out into the open, we free ourselves from the burden of carrying them on the inside
- Trying to keep something from coming out and be seen creates stress and tension
- That’s why people usually feel so much better once its out
- Yes – its hard
- Yes – it means being vulnerable
- Yes – it means confronting inner fears
- But its rewarding because once its out, there is no return
- You will feel better, lighter and most importantly –
- You may realize that you have a story you want to tell to others because it may help them
- And that doesn’t have to be through a podcast, a book or public speaking
- It can be though another creative avenue that allows you to express yourself better
- What is your untold story?
- What is inside of you that you have hidden because you don’t think it matters?
- In my group of people who want to share their words on stage I noticed that when they brought out the real stories,
- Those experiences that made them who they are
- That led to the decisions they made
- Including the decision to speak publicly
- They became more authentic
- Their message became clearer
- Their voice more natural
- Their posture more confident
- And they felt better
- Public speaking is a performance
- But that doesn’t mean it needs to be fake
- And you don’t have to become a public speaker to share your story
- Its just an avenue that helps you access it
- When I recall my first episodes of this podcast, I remember I was very careful with personal examples
- I kept most of my examples general which resulted in my episodes sounding less authentic
- Finding my voice is part of my quest for you
- It has led me to my podcast, toastmasters, a conference and a workshop on public speaking and who knows what else will come
- There is a person in my workshop who lost 300 lbs
- This journey led him to live a more authentic life and that has led him to create a consulting business
- We all have our untold stories
- Sometimes they are what holds us back from living to our full potential
- I needed to bring my voice out into the world
- I felt a deep inner need to do so
- Looking back I realize why
- I would have never otherwise dug deep inside to discover who I am
- Preparing for my podcast episodes day after day, week after week forced me to sit down and reflect on topics that related to my quest
- It was and still is the work I need to do
- My friends untold story was his weight
- Once he brought the story out into the open, the issue couldn’t be avoided anymore
- He addressed it and today he has a successful business and speaks to people all over the world
- When we share our real stories
- Those untold stories deep inside
- When we allow them to come out
- it will transform our lifes
- if you don’t believe me – try it
- take out a pen and your journal and write
- or press play on your recorder on your phone
- capture your words
- then read them and add to them or edit them
- not to turn them into a speech although you can do that
- but to get the truth
- every time I prepare a speech or a more personal podcast episode I learn more about myself
- but its never just easy
- I have to think and ask myself a lot of question
- To get to your untold story –
- probe yourself with questions and don’t stop until you get to the real story:
- here are questions I often ask myself when I am stuck or I feel like I am dancing around a certain subject
- what am I trying to say?
- what do I want to say?
- What is that bothers me
- Whats a pattern in my life that keeps showing up?
- Why is that?
- What have I no addressed?
- What is the real story?
- Keep digging until the story is told
- It may take days, weeks, months, years
- It will take however long it takes
- But usually it doesn’t take as long when you are really honest with yourself
- Telling the untold story releases the burden associated with it
- As part of the speech I was working on I wrote about many of my childhood experiences
- While I have thought about them often throughout my life, I never actually wrote about them
- There is a magic about putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard that I cannot explain
- Seeing the words in front of us is almost as if they are set free, along with the pain and the melancholy tied to those experiences
- You have heard me share several of those experiences and since then I have worked on them repeatedly
- Untold stories take time to tell
- We may tell one version today and it sounds right and honest and sincere
- But then we read it or share it several times and realize – that’s not all – there is more
- That is where many of the people in my workshop landed
- They had crafted a great story
- They fluffed it up
- It sounded wonderful
- But it wasn’t the real story
- So we need to dig deeper
- At the airport I sat with an accomplished speaker who shared a story about his father
- He mentioned how for years he told this story in his keynote speeches until he finally realized why he told it – because he was angry
- But that is not what he wanted
- Instead he wanted to send a totally different message with that story about how his father was laid off late in his career after working so hard all his life
- But it wasn’t until he understood and acknowledged his anger that he could overcome it and then share the story the way he intended
- You may never do anything with your untold story that you have told
- But my feeling is it will do something with you
- It will transform your life if you allow it
- it started with writing and recording 5 podcast episodes for me
- imagine what it could be for you if you decided today to begin journaling
- maybe every day
- randomly or specific experiences
- and what if those words on paper turn into more?
- Maybe a blog or a YouTube Channel
- A story book on IG
- not with the goal to get thousands of readers, but with the objective to produce authentic content
- what if your words inspire you to join a meetup on story-telling, improv or even toastmasters?
- What if you decided to use the words as a basis to write a book, a poem, or a short story?
- What if your words turn into ideas, concepts and strategies that you will utilize at work, or to start a new business?
- Untold stories unleashed have great power
- And the biggest of those power is that they set us free
- And once we are free – we are limitless
- We can pursue anything
- Try it
- Begin writing the story you don’t want to tell
- Put it to paper or screen
- And keep working on it until it’s a story you want to tell
- A story that may help someone else tell their untold story as well
- And that is how we create change in the world
- One story at a time
Much love
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