How to avoid jet lag – QFY 413
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After several recent trips to the East coast I have finally figured out how to minimize my jet lag, which usually interferes with my first day at the new place and doesn’t allow me to perform at my best.
The key is preparation – as with so many other things in life. If we want to be on top of our game, we cannot expect our bodies to adjust to a sudden time change so quickly. We need to prepare – several days ahead of time.
I am sharing tips with you on sleep preparation, food intake, movement and general planning around your trip. The areas that you normally plan around and deem important in your daily life are just as important when you travel.
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How to avoid jet lag – QFY 413
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Episode 413 – How to avoid jet lag
- Hello my friends and welcome back
- If you have been listening to my latest episodes you may have heard me mention that I have travelled a bit lately
- And I have another 2 trips coming up
- Most of them have been to the east coast, which involves a 3 hour time change
- Towards the end of last year – I also travelled there a few times and I have to tell you – I struggled
- The first night I just could not go to sleep, which, of course, affected my performance the next day
- Twice I flew in a day early to get a day of climbing in before my events and I don’t even know how I did it
- I climbed some of the scariest stuff those days on hardly any sleep
- And without proper sleep, we cannot be at our best
- This makes sleep a relevant topic for QFY
- Maybe one you don’t expect – but I have talked about sleep before
- If you want to listen to that episode, you can find it on my website
- It was episode 285 tilted Lack of sleep
- Lack of sleep affects me profoundly, maybe more than others
- I have friends that can function well on 4 hours of sleep
- However, I still see it on their faces the next day
- sleep is a fundamental need we all have and insufficient sleep affects all of us –
- Our bodies recover and recuperate while sleeping
- Its super-important to me and it makes a world of difference
- without good sleep, everything else becomes harder
- its almost as if the body runs on low battery mode and its trying to conserve energy as much as possible
- this means it affects my willpower which is not good
- without much sleep – I don’t make healthy eating choices
- My workouts are no good, if I do them at all
- Even though I did climb those days on major jetlag – which shows how resilient our body is
- I will have a low tolerance for problems or delays – the things that require more energy for me anyways
- For you those might be other things
- I will simply not be my best self
- With more travel to the east coast this year, I think I have figured out a few tricks that have helped me to adjust to a sudden time change much quicker
- I have actually heard this topic discussed on other podcasts and the recommendations given never seem quite useful for me
- So be prepared – my tips today do not involve supplements or crazy breathing exercises
- I am not saying these don’t help, but they seem like bandages
- Quick fixes after the fact – when you are already in the new time zone
- I have never counted so many sheep before than during those first nights on the east coast last year – I think I was up in the thousands
- And I don’t know how many times I started over
- One podcast suggested to run in the morning to ease into the new time zone
- I don’t want to ease into it when I am there only for a few days
- I want to roll into it as seamless as possible which finally worked on my last trip
- Plus, I am less likely to go running when I am tired
- I finally realized – its all about preparation
- What we do prior to going on the trip
- A 3 hour or longer time change is a sudden change for our body – so we need to prepare ourselves for it
- After many trips and lots of experimenting on monitoring my body –
- I noticed that groundwork involves all the essential elements in life that make up a good nights rest:
- Sleep itself – specifically sleep the days prior to departure
- Diet – the food we eat while travelling that affect our adjustment to the time change
- Movement and exercise
- And general planning around the day of travel
- My top suggestion for you is the one I think makes the biggest difference:
- begin adjusting to the new time while still at home
- I know people that fly in days earlier because of the time change so they can adjust while there
- I think we can accomplish the same from home by adjusting our schedules days in advance
- Here is what I did:
- For the 5 days prior to departure I went to bed a little earlier, and got up a little earlier every day.
- Same amount of slip, just a slight shift in the timing
- My goal was 30 minutes every day but I didn’t get that together quite as exactly
- but a little bit helps
- just do what you can
- I also took my flight into consideration, which I get to in a minute
- Flying anywhere far involves usually an early flight, trip to the airport, check-in, etc
- So on the day of flying we usually get up pretty early
- In the past I would try to go to bed early just for that last night because I knew I had to be up early
- Again – a drastic change and I was never tired so early
- So – take your day of departure into consideration and work your way backwards
- If you are planning on getting up at 4am and you normally get up at 6, you have 2 hours right there you can work on adjusting slowly over the course of 1-2 weeks
- I alluded to my second recommendation which aligns with the first
- book an early flight out – no matter where you fly
- get up as early as possible, the earlier the better
- this helps especially if you are flying east – where it is already later in the day
- I used to travel for work to the east coast a lot and I was always on one of the first flights, as early as 6 or 7am
- I did that not just because of the anticipated jet lag, but I simply like to get in early
- If there are travel delays it doestn set me back so far
- I may get in later but not to late unless something really goes wrong
- This is especially important if you have a critical meeting the next day
- I would never aim for a late flight
- Flights are frequently late or sometimes even cancelled and the later in the day you fly, the riskier it will be to get onto another flight and get out
- I also like to see my new area in daylight
- Maybe stop and go grocery shopping along the way or go for a walk to check out the area
- And then I simply want a little bit of time to settle in
- Maybe even get a workout in – but we will get to that
- However, getting up and out early helps greatly with jet lag
- This time I booked a 6am flight
- That meant I got up at 3 and was in my Uber at 4.00 and at the airport by 4.45 and in the plane by 5.30, with my coffee in my thermos
- 3am is early but I had adjusted all week already
- I was up by 4am the day prior, so this was just an hour earlier
- On the plane I was surprisingly awake
- I even did some work
- Which brings me to suggestion number 3
- Try to treat your travel day just like a normal day
- I see lots of people sleep on those early flights
- Its understandable – They didn’t get enough sleep the night before so they are tired
- But when you already adjusted all week – you wont be
- I get some of my best work done on the plane
- I have written an entire episode on a plane
- I have finished major portions of books
- Sometimes I do work if I need to
- If I fly during the day – I treat the flight like a normal day
- Sleeping, if I can even sleep, only makes me groggy
- And even if I am tired, like I was on my 6am flight – I forced myself to stay up
- A 20min nap is fine – and I usually fall asleep when the plane takes off, but I don’t stay asleep for long
- If you do – set yourself an alarm and wake up – and then get some work done
- Next – number 4:
- Food
- If you know me a little, you know that food is a big deal for me
- I plan all my food ahead of time
- And I bring all the food I am going to eat on the day of travel
- Our body responds to food and when we eat just as it does to sleep
- The same principle applies here
- Try not to throw yourself off schedule to much
- I get to the airport and I can’t believe how people are able to chow down a burger with fries at 5am in the morning
- Do you normally eat a burger at 5am?
- Maybe you do, because you work shifts
- Maybe you got up at 2 am and now you are really hungry
- I highly recommend to eat when you normally eat, or even a little later
- Our body may think its time to eat just because we are up early
- I also have that feeling of hunger when I get up really early – but its just my body thinking it will get some food
- it usually goes away after a while
- the trick is water
- I drink a ton of water prior to boarding
- I mean – a ton
- Flying is extremely dehydrating for the body and the couple of glasses of water they bring you on a 5 hour flight are not nearly enough
- So I hydrate my body properly before even getting on the plane
- That kills already some of the hunger cravings that may come up, and some of which are partially due to the body just being dehydrated so early in the morning
- I bring my 40 oz hydroflask bottle on every flight – long or short
- I fill it up after the security screening and drink more water
- I make sure I can go to the bathroom before boarding which tells me that I am well hydrated
- I mentioned earlier- I do spend some money on a nice coffee in the airport but I don’t drink it – not yet
- I bring my thermos to keep it warm
- I will have it around 8 when I normally have coffee
- I normally eat breakfast between 9-10 and that’s exactly when I eat on the plane
- Which is already close to landing time
- But recently I have noticed that I feel better on the plane when I don’t eat at all
- Because we can move around so little, food just sits in my stomach and sometimes causes indigestions
- If I have to eat, I keep it light
- a hardboiled egg, maybe some chicken and some raw veggies
- I don’t need many carbs – I am not active
- Unused carbs only make me tired
- When I get to my destination, I am then really hungry but the wait is worth it
- Once everyone gets in, we go and enjoy an early but nice dinner somewhere
- I look forward to it
- And it taste so much better when you’re a little hungry
- Now your clock is tuned into the new time zone
- Instead of having already eaten a ton of food because you got up so early, you waited and now you eat when its dinner time in your new time zone
- Boom
- A big dinner will add to the tiredness – the body is full – it can relax
- On top of that – you are tired from travelling and getting up early
- And hopefully you adjusted your sleep time so now its much easier to go to sleep
- Last tip
- Exercise
- This doestn have to be a gym workout
- The walking alone in and around airports for that day is enough
- It adds to the exhaustion and it will ensure a good night rest
- I noticed that the days that I struggled sleeping usually didn’t involve much movement
- From Uber to plane
- From plane to rental car
- Rental car to door
- Some airports require more walking than others so try to get some steps in if you notice that you are sitting all day
- maybe take a walk once you get to your destination
- I usually don’t take longer than one day to adjust to a new time zone
- If It does take you longer, use exercise as a medicine
- Go for a run in your new timezone or hit the gym
- Exercise tires the body out
- Even just walking more helps
- So these are my recommendations
- I hope you find them useful and applicable next time you have a trip come up that involves a major shift in your schedule
- Try to prepare ahead of time as much as you can
- And when you get there
- Adjust to the new time – meaning don’t take a nap even if you’re tired
- Wait until bedtime and go bed then
- Eat your meals when its time to eat, even if you go hungry a little bit
- And lastly
- I usually don’t struggle going back home
- Flying back to the west coast from the east just means a longer day that day.
- I try to take that into consideration and try not to fly in so late so I can be in bed on time
- But by the time I get home, I don’t have trouble sleeping
- If you do, try to prepare a little for your return the same way you did for your departure.
Much love
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