Making space for Spring – QFY 414
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Spring cleaning is a tradition in many cultures and its usually related to clearing out the old and making space for the new. It can seem like a chore and hard to get in the mood for, but cleaning out and making space has shown to make us happier human beings. I tackle small projects as I find time and I cannot agree more – looking at the spaces that are now clutter-free makes me feel good.
So why not make ourselves happier by getting rid of some stuff that we probably don’t need anyway?
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Making space for Spring – QFY 414
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Episode 414 – Making space for Spring
- Welcome my friends
- I am thankful that you are here
- And I am thankful that it is spring
- I posted an episode on welcoming spring last week
- You can tell I love spring and I hope you do too
- Because I have another episode today for you on spring
- Although this can apply to anytime of the year
- but it’s another very practical episode – just like our episode from Monday on preventing jet lag
- its about spring cleaning
- I was curious
- Why do I get antsy this time of year to start cleaning?
- I don’t even schedule these cleaning times, they simply happen
- I look longer and harder at certain spaces in my apartment and they suddenly start to bother me
- And I get up from whatever I am doing, usually something important
- And I start cleaning
- And I feel this need to make room more profoundly in spring
- So I started to research a little bit
- According to Wikipiedia, spring cleaning may have originated In Iran, where the holiday Nowruz, or Persian New Year, coincides with the first day of spring.
- The 13-day celebration traditionally involves cleaning (or “shaking the house”), buying new clothes, and spending time with family and friends.
- But other cultures have a similar tradition
- In Jewish custom, spring cleaning is linked to Passover in March or April, which marks the liberation of Jews from slavery in Egypt.
- Before the start of the holiday, a general cleaning takes place in order to remove any yeast products from the home.
- In Christian custom, the Catholics clean the church altar the day before Good Friday, also normally in March or April
- Members of the Greek Orthodox church clean thoroughly either right before or during the first week of Great Lent, which is referred to as Clean Week
- These are just a few example –
- It seems to me that cleaning activities are related to preparation for something new
- To make space
- To get rid of the old and to welcome the new
- For me – cleaning, reorganizing, and purging are activities that make me feel good
- After several months of winter-related inactivity and hibernation due to a lack of sunlight and cold weather, the sun gives us a renewed energy and motivation
- I can definitely feel it and you may too
- While cleaning may not be the first thing on your mind on what to do with the extra energy, allow me to motivate you today
- I am not the first to jump up either when its time to clean
- In fact, you may recall that I hired help this year for that
- But, of course, she will not sort through my messy drawers or review my closet for stuff I haven’t worn in years
- That is still my job and its an important one
- Here is why
- Studies have shown that clean homes make us happier and healthier
- Cluttered homes, on the other hand can contribute to depression, fatigue and stress
- When my apartment is cluttered, I am less productive because clutter is a distraction
- It draws my attention to it
- I may get up a million times to organize it and never get my actual work done
- But at the end of the day clutter is clutter, even when its somewhat organized
- And what it tells me is that I have too much stuff
- I recently moved offices at work and was amazed how much stuff I had accumulated
- From every job I have had I have carried paperwork with me that I have never needed, never looked at, never looked for
- It has shrunk over the years, but it was still there
- I threw it out
- I have affinity for pens and stationary
- So you can imagine, I also have a ton of that
- In addition to boxes of paperclips, staples, tape and so on
- Way more than I can ever use because I really hardly staple, tape or clip paper anymore
- I mostly work on my computer and only use one pen and one pencil a day
- And when I need some kind of document, I don’t look through my files to find it, I look through my emails and then the folders on my computer
- Times have changed, but it appears to me that I am still stuck in the past at times
- I find it amazing how much stuff we think we need versus what we actually really need
- My new office looks exactly the same as the old one but it feels so much better
- I can see the bottom of my drawers
- There is space in my shelves and cabinets
- My desk and my guest table are clean and not covered with stuff
- We all have areas in our house that could use some attention
- It may take some motivation to get going,
- In my case it was forced because I had to move offices and I didn’t feel like carrying so much stuff down the hall
- But we don’t have to wait until the next move to start gleaning and clearing out
- its feels extremely rewarding to create some space and organize our current home
- I am sure you have felt it before after you took old clothes to goodwill or remodeled a room
- So I want to encourage you today to make yourself happy
- Not with meditation or journaling or a walk, as I usually suggest on my episodes
- But make yourself feel good by creating physical space in your life
- Space allows us to breathe
- To focus
- And it calms us
- Looking at an empty table versus a table covered in papers – give it a try and you will notice what I noticed
- Stuff is distracting
- It will call on you to do something with it
- It will constantly make you feel guilty “ah I need to clean that mess”
- Empty space energizes me
- It lets me focus on what I am working on and sparks my creativity
- Declutter, organize and polish – whatever it takes for you
- Start by sitting in your house and simply looking around
- What catches your attention?
- When I first moved into my apartment, I had room in my huge wall closet
- Now, after over 2 years, I started noticing stuff piling up on the ground
- When you are shoving things in to make them fit
- When its harder to see what you actually have
- When items that don’t belong together are mixed together
- That’s when you know – its time for some spring cleaning
- The space has been maxed out and needs decluttering and /or organizing
- If you are like me, you have more than you need
- even if you live in small space, like me, you probably have more than you need
- we all do
- it’s a side effect of living in a consumer society
- mountain climbing and traveling a lot have taught me the difference between need and want
- when I live out of a suitcase or a backpack, then that’s all I need
- everything else that I have at home is extra
- we all have extra stuff – for just-in case or for when we might need it
- and just as with my office and all the stationary – we have stuff from times past
- from when we used to do things a certain way
- from when we had a certain hobby or practice that we don’t have anymore
- you can start there
- ask yourself – what has changed in my life?
- My eating habits have changed a lot
- I used to have a pantry full of foods
- Slowly, over time I got rid of all the cans and gallons of maple syrup and soy sauce that I bought at Costco and that I don’t eat anymore
- Food items like that, if not expired, can be donated
- That applies to a lot of things
- On my balcony there is a hammock I am thinking of right now and chairs that I have not used since moving in
- Time to get rid of it
- We change
- Our habits and our interests change
- But the remnants remain in our lives and crowd our spaces
- Give these things to people that could use them right now rather than waiting for old habits to come back
- They usually don’t
- Thank the items for the service they gave you and let them go
- Next – start small
- ask yourself – what area of my house bugs me the most?
- It might be one that you see most frequently or where you really could use some organizations
- For lots of people I would guess it is their closet
- My suggestion is that you always try to get rid of something, even if your main objective is to organize and clean
- You are already right in the middle of it – so you may as well purge
- And as I said before – we all most likely have to much
- There is something in everyone’s house that is not used or needed anymore
- Purging makes space
- And more space makes organizing whatever remains easier
- I don’t have a weekend free to clean my place top to bottom
- So I do small projects as I can fit them in
- When I see the windows all dirt during my morning yoga practice I might tackle those on the upcoming weekend
- When I cant find something in a cabinets that’s all messy, I clean that
- People shy away from spring cleaning because they feel they need to clean everything
- Pick just one thing
- Maybe the curtains haven’t been washed in a while
- Maybe the floor underneath the sofa hasn’t been cleaned in some time
- Look a around and take notice – what would really make you feel better if it was cleaned and organized?
- Every time I look at areas I cleaned and organized, I look just a second longer and it makes me happy
- Its quite an amazing feeling
- I have a few areas in my house I recently organized and it makes me feel so good when I look at them
- Lastly
- A Word of caution
- Don’t buy more things to organize what you already have to much of
- Companies like Container Store sell amazing storage solutions
- I know- I used to work for them
- And I love their products
- But they are again – just things
- Stuff to hold more stuff
- Instead of buying more stuff, get rid of stuff
- I like to challenge myself by forcing myself to make do with the space I have
- When I organized the floor of my closet, I first thought I should go and by some plastic drawers to accommodate all the stuff that had accumulated
- But then I just got a couple of trashbags and threw a few of them away and boom – space made
- Freeing myself of access stuff feels so liberating
- Give it a try
- Instead of buying more stuff, buy yourself some happiness by getting rid of stuff
- You can always buy more
- There is no shortage of goods in our economy
- Getting rid of things seems to be so much harder to do
- So go with the harder of the 2 – it will feel more rewarding
Enjoy this spring season my friends
Much love
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