Managing distractions to maximize focus – QFY 431
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Have you noticed how seemingly small things can derail your plans in major ways? Like – a texting exchange with someone, that you think you can do on the side while working on your project? And 2 hours later you are still arguing with that person and your project remains unfinished?
This or something similar happens more frequently than we think. And if we want to get our important work done, we need to learn to detect these distractions. Lets find out why we even allow them into our life and that then will help us manage them better.
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Managing distractions to maximize focus – QFY 431
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Episode 431 – Managing distractions to maximize focus
- Hi there
- Have you ever found yourself wrapped up in a texting exchange that started harmless – hello – how is it going – and then ended up taking hours?
- You were working on something important, but you decided to text a little bit while working
- And without noticing – you were wrapped up
- You didn’t really resolve anything with that person
- And you didn’t get your work done
- I call those times loose-loose times
- You tried to accomplish 2 things at once – work and text – and you didn’t accomplish neither
- From talking with friends – I know this happens frequently
- It happened to me just recently
- And not just me – the person I was texting with also – it makes us 2
- I don’t know if he feels the same way about the time loss, but he was equally wrapped up
- The night before my trip, when I was trying to get my podcast epsiodes ready for the week that I was going to be out – I entered such a text exchange
- On top of that I had problems with my website host so I was also chatting with them, trying to get my website up and running so I could post my episodes
- All of this in the precious hours of 10-midnight where I was supposed to be in bed
- who is to blame?
- My friend? I wish
- Its entirely my fault – and here is why
- in thinking through this lost hour or 2 – I don’t even know how much was lost – I realized so many key lessons that I thought it might be worth sharing them so you also can be more conscious of these times
- they may not happen exactly like this for you – but they play out over and over again in some form or another in our life
- we set out with a plan and then we get side-tracked
- maybe by a person, the internet, an event, something outside of us
- we get distracted from our main objective for various reasons that have to do with the outside distraction
- to many to name them all but I would sum them all up in the phrase “shiny little things”
- something more interesting than what we are doing pulls away our concentration
- but the main reason for why we engage and lose focus has little to do with the shiny thing
- it has to do with us
- we think we can
- we decide to be distracted and I found 3 main reason for this
- it’s a test
- A call on us to show how good we are in multitasking and we want to demonstrate that we are capable
- We are competitive – even with ourselves, so we take on the challenge
- It gets us results
- we like accomplishments
- we like checking off things
- and the prospect of doing something else while doing our work is promising to us
- a text exchange while writing a paper – piece of cake
- a quick shopping trip on Amazon for a couple of things we’ve been meaning to order – check – get it done
- a load of laundry in between writing that long tedious paper we are working on – sounds productive
- We think we can engage just briefly with the distraction and be done
- Two things done instead of one
- And
- It gets us attention
- Probably the trickiest of all to detect and it took me some time to figure this one out
- We like attention
- We like being needed, acknowledged, and be seen
- That’s why social media is so popular – it gives us all a reach in this world we previsouly didn’t have
- Now we get pleasure from strangers liking our pictures
- Before we were not known
- Distractions capture us because they ask for our attention
- Someone texting – heck yeah – the clearest call for attention
- Shopping on amazon – those products all want to be bought – they call for our attention
- Laundry – maybe – yet still a distraction and a demonstration of our inability to focus on one thing
- all 3 reasons these were true for me that evening
- I was editing my episodes on my Mac when the texting started
- Its so easy to write text messages on your computer
- If it involves my phone, I am less inclined to constantly pick that up to write a message
- But I am already working on my computer so I am just switching back and forth between windows
- I thought I could do it at the same time
- I hadn’t talked to this friend for a while so why not check off a conversation that was long overdue
- And I like the attention
- He usually doesn’t text back right away but this time he did and it was a constant boost of attention
- Even though the messages kept gripping my attention to the point that I paused my editing several times just so I could text
- And with every new text I wrote, I still though – ok – I need to wrap this up – time is flying – I need to get to bed
- But it didn’t get wrapped
- One complication after another
- Confusion, trying to understand
- And time flew by
- And in the end nothing was resolved
- A conversation that didn’t bring clarity, that didn’t go anywhere, that didn’t bring our friendship closer together
- A waste of time
- So – what do we do?
- How can we guard our time and our goals and our attention better?
- Things outside of us will continue to distract us
- Sometimes these distractions are necessary
- an emergency
- an important issue that you have been waiting to resolve
- something that is truly quick and can be done because its necessary
- but rarely are they really that important to distract us from our plan
- now I know this may sounds to you like I am highly inflexible and rigid
- and most people that know me would tend to agree with that
- but I want to illustrate to you that inflexibility is important because I believe we are to flexible most of the time
- my levels of flexibility will be different than yours
- and that is quite alright
- as I said in the beginning, my texting friend may not feel about that time the same way I do
- but – I argue – he also probaly could have done something more valuable with the time
- if we want to spend our life in a more meaningful way
- if we want to live with more purpose
- get more done
- achieve more
- make an impact on others lives
- we have to learn to manage our time
- Sure – not every minute of it
- But when you set out on an important mission – project, a task, something that yields a critical outcome when done
- Something more important that the laundry or a random errand
- But your work
- Maybe your meditation practice you are trying to get consistent in
- The blog post for a website you own
- The report for your boss
- Critical tasks that, when done, add value to your life and that of others
- Then you cannot afford distractions
- I certainly couldn’t afford it that night
- I got 4 hours of sleep – not enough to be focused on the plane the next day and get important work done
- the ripple effect
- didn’t get my episodes done
- didn’t clear up anything productively with my friend
- and now – on top of it – I was to tired to do all the work I had planned to do on my 5 hour flight
- and my health probably suffered somewhere along the way due to insufficient sleep
- I probably lost a day of my life
- You need to protect your time
- I need to protect my time
- In my next episode I will talk about how we utilize our talents
- Distractions are a main reason we underutilize them, sometimes don’t even notice them
- So its critical we understand what distracts us
- A need to prove we can do it all
- A drive for more results
- And a need for attention
- so here is what I propose we do:
- first – lets be very clear and conscious when we are doing important work
- a lot of our days are spent on tasks that are not life-changing
- we have our daily jobs where its usually ok to surf the internet for a portion of it
- we have our responsibilities at home that we can do or leave however we please
- so the time we have to actually sit down to do important stuff is, for most of us, is rare
- maybe we are facing a deadline – like I did
- or we carved out that time specifically to accomplish something
- but we are more used to multi-tasking than we are to focus on one and only one thing
- that’s why I like long flights so much – I am stuck to my seat and cant go anywhere other then to my work
- once when we have set that time aside – we need to protect it
- It probably costs us a lot to even make that time
- And even if your deadline is still far away, and slacking off today doesn’t have any major consequences tomorrow – you need to honor your time
- You made a commitment with yourself – honor it by doing what you set out to do
- Turn off your notifications
- Put your phone away
- Go someplace with minimal distractions
- Do whatever you need to do to protect your time
- But being conscious about the importance of that time is Step one
- Step 2 – guard it and stick to it
- Text messages can wait
- People can wait
- By giving your time away to others, you are disrespecting yourself
- They are now more important than you and your goals
- It doesn’t mean they are not important
- But they can wait
- You will give them their attention – just not right now
- In the gym I am pretty protective with my time
- I will greet other people, I will have a quick chat, especially with someone I haven’t seen in a while
- But I will not linger in conversations that then make me late for everything else I have waiting for me afterwards
- If there is someone there that I really want to talk to more, or where there is something important to discuss, I can always do it outside of the gym
- Via phone or email or by meeting with the person
- Be selfish
- You are on a mission
- You have objectives that others don’t know about
- When you have allocated a certain amount of time to that objective – stick to it
- Don’t allow your goals to be hijacked by someone elses goals
- Looking back at my text exchange
- I allowed my friend’s need to discuss a certain matter take me off my plan
- Instead – I could have easily said
- This is an important topic, lets talk about that tomorrow as I am in the middle of something
- This shows the respect to myself that I deserve and to the other person as well
As a famous quote says – I don’t know who coined it – Starve your distractions – feed your focus.
much love
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