Start before you are ready – QFY 436
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Is there even such a thing as “being ready”? Most of the time, we don’t feel prepared for the important tasks in our life. Yet, when looking back, they almost always worked out. If we went for them. A lot of times, we allow our feelings of not being ready hold us back. In this episode, I don’t suggest to dive in blindly into every opportunity that comes our way. There are a few things we can do to prepare. But eventually, there comes a moment where we have to take that leap and START, even when we don’t feel ready.
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Start before you are ready – QFY 436
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Episode 436 – Start before you are ready
- Hi there everyone
- How are you today?
- I hope your day is off to a good start
- I want to ask you a question
- How often do you actually feel ready for important events in your life?
- Ready as in READY – prepared, informed, and set
- You feel good about all the work you have done and now you can roll
- Dressed for an important event
- Studied and prepared for a test or an interview
- Ready to move forward with confidence and determination
- Isn’t it true that we feel unprepared more often than we feel prepared?
- Do you remember your college days?
- Didn’t everyone in your class always whine and complain prior to a final exam that they didn’t study enough? Are not prepared enough? Don’t think they understand the material, and so on?
- I do
- I was one of those people
- And rarely did I actually screw up
- I mostly performed better than I thought
- Because I did study and I prepared
- But I never felt ready, no matter how much I studied
- The same happens every time something important comes up
- I never feel quite ready
- Sometimes I truly didn’t do the work
- But even when I do it, I never feel quite ready
- Does that happen to you?
- I have been thinking about how often this feeling of not feeling ready actually holds us back
- I believe when we don’t feel we are ready, we try fewer new things
- Unless, of course, we have to
- Deadlines, and tests, are part of life and they push is into getting ready
- But the older we get, the fewer exams we have to face
- In fact, we try to avoid them at all costs
- The problem however, is that often unless we are forced into the next challenge, we often don’t take it
- Because we don’t think we are ready
- There I always something missing that our brain will find and hang its fear on
- Not enough expertise
- Didn’t study that
- Don’t know anyone who can help
- Timing is off
- Not enough time
- No money – ok well – money but not for this
- We can come up with a myriad of reasons why we cannot do whats in front of us
- Yet, over and over again I have found, that this concept of ready is an illusion
- The state of readiness doesn’t really exist
- In our professional lives the question often gets asked – are you ready for the next level in your career?
- To me this would imply that I can perform all the functions of whatever that next level is
- That’s unfeasible
- There I a reason it’s the next level
- It will entail tasks and responsibilities that are new and that I don’t have any experience with
- To feel ready is – like it says – probably more a feeling
- A state of mind
- Ready to me means being prepared
- Not to handle every scenario
- But to be able to use my existing knowledge and apply it to the new circumstances
- Here is the thing:
- We don’t yet know what the new issues are
- We may know a little about what the job entails, but we will not be able to predict every situation we will run into
- Hence – our perception of readiness will always be flawed
- We don’t know exactly what awaits us so how can we determine if we are ready
- Yet
- We make so many decisions based on our determination of ready or not
- And sadly – we turn down many opportunities just because we don’t feel ready
- There are times when the opportunity truly is not for us
- But if its something you have already been thinking about
- Something you really would like to try
- And opportunity that makes you smile and your heart beat faster
- I’d say START
- The things that catch our attention do so for a reason
- They interest us because they meet a need
- But I will add to this
- Don’t start blindly
- I read tons of articles and motivational posts encouraging us to Jump In – follow your heart and don’t wait until you feel ready
- And I say – yes, but prepare
- Don’t prepare until you feel ready
- Don’t prepare and then never get out of preparation mode
- Don’t prepare for what you cannot prepare
- But do you due diligence just like you would for anything else new that you are about to begin
- You wouldn’t start a new job without informing yourself about the new company
- Reading reviews about the company
- Seeing how they perform financially
- Maybe speaking to current or former employees
- For an opportunity knocking at your door
- For a new adventure or a business pursuit
- Don’t wait until you feel ready
- Start – but prepare
- And I suggest you prepare in the following 3 ways
- Gather information
- Don’t overdo it but collect information
- This is easier than ever today in our wired world
- This week I took over additional responsibilities at work as my coworker left
- She was responsible for scheduling all our inbound freight from overseas
- He departure was sudden and I only had about 2 hours with her
- Not nearly enough to learn everything about this very important aspect of our business
- As I was planning my first loads I needed to find out the maximum capacity for a 20 ft ocean container
- I couldn’t find the information in her notes so I googled it
- This is what I mean by ready
- I wasn’t ready to take over her duties, but I knew that with my basic knowledge from working on the distribution side receiving containers I could figure out the rest somehow
- I didn’t have much time to think about it and sometimes we don’t have time to gather a lot of information
- Then move on to step 2
- Compare your passion with the risk –
- I believe, that the more passionate we are about a new adventure the more risk we are willing to take
- Ask yourself – what’s the worst that can happen
- When I started my podcast, my biggest 2 investments were time and some money, but not a lot
- The risk wasn’t huge
- Before you jump in – at least check your risk temperature
- This is not meant to deter you
- The opposite
- If the risk is not major, then go for it
- If the worst is some lost time, then I believe it was worth the try
- Even if I never climb a mountain again, I would never regret the time I spent climbing almost every weekend for a year.
- Envision the worst and I can tell you right now- the worst hardly ever happens
- However, still think of it
- It will give you peace of mind
- If you can deal with the worst, you can deal with anything in between
- And lastly
- find the opportunity in the failure
- should you fail
- should things go sideways
- figure out right now, before you start, how the opportunity will serve you
- for my podcast – I thought this through
- if nothing, I told myself – at least I have tried
- I rather try and fail instead of not failing but always regretting that I didn’t try
- The experience is almost always worth the try
- Learning something new
- Testing out ones capabilities
- Going for it
- It usually always makes it worth it
- When you prepare yourself –
- It quite often means just this:
- Thinking through the worst that can happen and deciding to be ok with it
- Its not to say you should not study, and learn and prepare yourself in other ways for the challenge ahead
- But the opportunities that come our way often do because we have already done that
- We are ready
- We are prepared
- Now its just a matter of deciding to start
- And not let our feelings talk us into Not feeling ready
- Remember – ready means you know exactly what awaits you
- That takes the fun out of anticipation
- There is a thrill in not knowing
- In going for something without a predictable outcome
- I think that is what life is about
- The adventure
- The opportunity to discover who we are and what we are capable of
- The chance to write our own legend
- When you start before you are ready – it means you are more curious than you are comfortable
- When we are comfortable, we stop being curious and we don’t go out and try new things anymore
- But when you start onto an unknown path
- Even when you are a little unsure, you are curious
- And that means you are willing to accept the risk that comes with the unknown
- And I cannot think of a time in my life when this didn’t work out
- When the outcome was better than anything I could have ever imagined
- And definitely better than all my fears that tried to hold me back
- So I urge you
- Don’t get hung up on the illusion of readiness
- Don’t worry about being all prepared
- Check in with yourself and see how passionate you are
- and then trust in that and set out to find out
- Discover
- Learn
- Try
- Go with the flow and allow yourself to be surprised by your own capabilities
Much love
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