Why the Quest For You – QFY 444
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Why the Quest For You? After over 400 episodes I figured we should talk about my purpose with my vision. The quest for you is the return to yourself. Instead of looking to the outside to give you direction for your life, you look within. You listen to yourself and what you like and then you go out into the world and play, experiment and discover. I lost myself in all the distractions this world has to offer. But I found myself when I tuned it all out and instead follow my inner guidance system, This is the journey I am on, and this is the journey I want to invite you to join.
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Why the Quest For You – QFY 444
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Episode 444 – Why the Quest for You?
- Welcome everyone
- Thank you so much for joining me on this podcast and on this journey that I call Quest For you
- We have taken on many journeys in life that have nothing to do with ourselves
- We follow the direction of others
- We do what is recommended, profitable, admirable
- But we rarely look within to see what it is we actually want to do
- And by missing ourselves like this, we also miss our greatest potential
- Because we never actually explore it
- We are to caught up being entertained, following 30 day plans, signing up for things that promise the world and generally spending most of our time in a state of distraction
- Where everything calls for our attention expect us
- We don’t call on ourselves and don’t pay attention to us
- This is what I want to do with Quest For You
- I want to bring that attention back to us so we can see what is possible when we turn inward first, and then face the world around us
- Not the other way around
- Because the direction for our life has to come from within, from us
- Our desires, our passions, our interests, our curiosity
- It comes from within
- And then, by facing the world we live in, it finds a way to express itself
- We notice unique opportunities
- We play with changing circusmtances
- And we seek out challenges to experiment and discover what we are capapble of
- This my friends – is the quest for you that I want to take you on, together with me
- I am on the same quest
- This quest has resulted in this podcast,
- It helped me discover mountain climbing
- It brought so many new and wonderful people into my life
- The quest to turn to me – to Janine
- Has changed my life
- And still is changing my life
- Earlier I was sitting over my Moleskine agenda and planned out June – since here are already in June
- I have shared how I plan with you before and about my awesome Moleskine agenda that I discovered this year
- Episode
- And as I wrote down my major areas of focus for June I realized –
- While a lot is still in progress, I am working on some major stuff
- Never before, in my 40 something years have I been so deliberate about the things I am working on
- This is my journey – my quest for me
- Imagine what yours can be?
- It starts with awareness
- Everything starts with awareness
- For me it started when I finally listened to my own questions
- Questions like –
- Is this is?
- Is this all there is to live – wake up, go to work, to gym, home, sleep, eat in between and have a couple of trips and a few special events that are highlights during the year?
- Why am I not happy?
- I have a lot of what I thought I wanted
- What I thought would make me happy
- What else do I need?
- These questions were always there, sometimes louder than other times
- But I never had an answer
- And when I finally listened – answers appeared
- Some of these answers were there before too
- But I never saw them because I was distracted
- Instead of going to the food bank where my friend invited me to to help out over thanksgiving, I was shopping – looking at purses to see which one I should buy next that would get me the most compliments
- Instead of exploring something new, with a chance to meet new people, add value to others lifes and doing something that has meaning, I chose distraction
- And I did this many times in my life
- Sure – there were times I listened to myself as well
- It wasn’t all bleak
- But the older I became, the more stable my life was, the less I ventured out
- Which brings me back to the quote I shared on an episode last week and that I want to bring back because its so important for our quest
- Read it
- Repeat: The less you venture out – the greater your risk of failure.
- If this doesn’t sound right to you, let me prove it to you with numbers:
- Say you want to quit a bad habit like smoking or drinking alcohol or consuming to much sugar
- Its January 1st and you decide – I am quitting today
- But you don’t make it through the day and fail
- Youre discouraged now and give up on your goal
- Maybe next year, you tell yourself
- You failed one time
- But lets imagine you are determined and you try again on February 1st, and while you fail again, you try again on March 1st
- All year long, you keep trying to quit
- 12 times – once per month
- You failed 12 times
- I know – you’re thinking – 12 versus 1 time – clearly, Janine must not be good at math
- But here is what you’re not seeing
- Failing 12 times doesn’t sounds attractive but let me ask you
- January 1st the following year rolls around
- Same goal
- Who do you think is better prepared this time?
- The you that failed once and did nothing all year?
- Or you who failed 12 times, picked herself up each time, made mental notes of what works and doesn’t, and learned something each time?
- Failure makes us stronger because we a redeveloping a muscle
- The muscle of being ok with some discomfort
- The muscle of trying again, no matter how hard it is
- The muscle of building up resiliency
- The muscle of learning, correcting, revising
- The muscle of repetition and training
- Just like a math test you take over and over again
- There will be a point when you know how to answer the questions
- This my friends is the power of 12 over 1
- Of a bigger number over a small one
- This also applies to anything new we want to try
- Apply to 1 college or 12 –
- Get only one rejection? good
- Get 11 rejections but one acceptance ? Much better
- The more we put ourselves out there
- Taking a chance
- Trying something new
- Exploring an idea
- The higher the chance of success
- The enemy of success are comfort zones
- We try something new
- We take a big bold step and it works out
- Great
- But then we get into a routine
- My podcast is a perfect example
- I have now finally challenged myself to take it up a notch and do more with it
- But for years this big bold step of mine became just another comfort zone
- I know you all are not sitting at home watching Netflix all day and eating ben and jerrys
- Otherwise you wouldn’t listen to this podcast
- But have your former challenges become new ruts that keep you stuck?
- Your gym routine
- Your weekend plans
- Your circle of friends
- Your well-planned out trips and vacations?
- Then I challenge you to ask yourself:
- Whats next?
- Not for the simple purpose to be uncomfortable
- But to discover more of yourself
- To see what else you are capable of doing
- How much more you can contribute with your unique set of skills and strengths to this world that needs them so much
- I have found that there is so much more within me than I could have ever imagined
- But when I spend Saturdays at the mall, in front of the television, or at Starbucks chit-chatting useless stuff with people that didn’t care about me – or course I couldn’t discover my potential
- I was distracted
- Even when I spent them writing and recording my episodes,
- Yes I was doing something of value
- But when I did merely to check them off my to-do list
- That’s when I knew – I am in a comfort zone
- The challenge is gone and I am missing out on more
- When we don’t try, we don’t fail
- But then we also never get to see what could be possible
- The process is described simply:
- Look within yourself to see what draws your attention
- Then go out and play with it
- Experiment, discover, learn, and grow
- Its not magic
- Your sense of purpose will most likely not strike out of the blue one day
- You may not have a glue what it is you are here for
- I didn’t either
- But the slightest step into the direction for your question will open up a tiny door
- You explore and walk through that door into a bigger room with more doors
- And slowly you will find your way
- Your quest for you
- But don’t be afraid to fail
- Because the quest for you is based on you trying
- If you don’t try to explore, to challenge yourself, to risk something big once in a while, then you will stay in the same old boring room and miss out on everything beyond your 4 walls
- Don’t get stuck because of past or recent failure
- Dust yourself off and try again
- Don’t get stuck because your life is comfortable and you think you have everything you need
- Try something else, or new, or different and let yourself be surprised like I was when I discovered climbing
- Don’t get stuck because you don’t know what to do next
- Answers rarely come when you are in the same old routine
- They come when you venture out
So venture out my friends
Be brave
And be ready to discover your potential
Much love
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