The art of creation – QFY 449
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We consume, but we hardly do anything with all the information we consume. We don’t create. We don’t apply the information we browse, surf, listen to and read every day. Thankfully, we have access to every piece of knowledge we ever wanted to know. But what are we doing with it?
There is magic in creation. In applying what we know. In helping others with what we learned. The key is to start. To find out why a particular interests us and then DO something with this passion. And as we turn acquired knowledge into action, we continue to learn, but now, in a more focused manner.
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Show Notes for
The art of creation – QFY 449
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Episode 449 – The art of creation
- I was at the De Young museum here in San Francisco last weekend
- They had a special exhibition by Paul Gauguin – a post impressionist French painter who is known for his colorful painting of Tahitian women and children
- It had been a while that I set foot into a museum, even though I love art
- Especially the impressionists – Monet, Pissaro, Cezanne
- Art inspires me
- Its beautiful to look at but it also does something to my brain
- I cant quite describe it
- It is relaxing, and it gives me room to think
- By looking into another world
- A world expressed in color
- It somehow brings color into my world
- And that color inspires me to create
- I am not a painter
- But I also create
- I come home and often find myself writing for hours after looking at art
- Writing is my creation
- Everything I create starts with writing
- My podcast
- The videos I am working on
- And the speeches I plan to give in front of thousands
- I create content
- I think about my message, my story, what I want to say
- And then I formulate it into words
- Writing is my art
- My creation
- Its how I want to make an impact the world
- But didn’t always write
- I also didn’t used to look at art much unless I was with my good friend Koko from Germany
- He is a painter himself and we would visit art galleries all the time
- I always felt the inspiring power of art on my brain and in my heart
- But back then I didn’t know what to do with it
- I hadn’t yet discovered writing
- And I didn’t create anything
- I mostly consumed
- I consumed other people’s creations
- Painting in museums
- Photographs in galleries
- I admired art
- But I didn’t do anything with the impact this art had on me
- We all are inspired every single day
- Now more so than ever
- We spend hours on our devices
- Reading, surfing, watching, liking, tagging,
- But then – doing nothing with all those hours of consumption
- The workout videos you watch on youtube?
- Are you taking them to the gym with you and incorporate them into your routine?
- The beautiful sunrise pictures you admire on IG?
- Are you going out at dawn trying to shoot something similar?
- The food blogs you follow and the recipes you save?
- Are you testing them in your kitchen, refining them, perfecting them?
- What about your hardships? Your long journey? Your unique experiences?
- What are you doing with your stories?
- We consume endlessly – but we don’t create
- This consumption without creation reflects in other parts of our lives
- Food is meant to give us energy so we can tackle the adventures that lie ahead of us
- But we use food and drink to pass time, to soothe our worries, to fill us beyond what our body needs
- Learning and information gathering has become easier than ever
- For most of my podcast episode I do research online
- I listen to other podcasts and gather information there
- I read a book from time to time
- But prior to my podcast, I didn’t do anything with the information I consumed every day
- Its good to fill our brains
- In the process we learn, we become wiser, and better at what we are doing
- But if we don’t actively apply the information we consume, what is the use of all the reading and researching?
- Food is meant to give us energy so we can tackle the adventures that lie ahead of us
- How much time do you spend consuming and how much time do you spend creating?
- What do you consume daily and what do you do with all that consumption?
- If you are interested in certain subjects
- Cooking, gardening, dancing, photography, travel
- Whatever it may be
- Don’t just read about
- Don’t just look at pretty pictures
- There is a reason THIS AREA peaks your interest
- There is something inside of you that wants to be expressed
- Are you listening?
- Or are you drowning it out?
- Filling up
- Shutting it out?
- There is magic in creation
- When we create something – we express ourselves in unique ways
- This expression comes from deep inside of us
- Our feelings, our experiences, our sense of this world
- When we create, we bring out who we are
- My writing is an expression of me
- My ideas, my past experiences and my view of the world comes alive when I write
- Bryants filming is an expression of him
- He is filming me – but he brings his background to these videos and turns them into unique pieces of art
- My friend Leyder is from Cuba and sings
- His music is an expression of who he is
- Your creation is your art
- Its your contribution to the world
- Just how Gauguin’s colors inspire me, so can your words, your music, your movements inspire others
- I know
- We think small
- We don’t think we have anything to offer to this world
- But we look at it the wrong way
- Even the greatest creators need inspiration
- We all need it
- We want to become better at what we are already doing
- And we always want to add new skills to our repertoire
- And we need others for that to learn how
- You are that person to someone
- You are the person someone out there needs
- Your story may change their life
- your journey through dieting and exercising may help someone else
- your voice may help people connect
- what is it that is calling on you to be expressed?
- Bring it out
- Stop wasting time consuming for hours content that you never recall
- Do something with the knoweldge you already have
- And then, as you create, go out and keep gathering more knoweldge
- Improve yourself as you create
- Become better
- But start now with what you have
- With what you know
- With what you already do
- Its enough
- Use it
- Create
- Bring yourself out into this world
- Much love
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