Do what is hardest – QFY 450
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When given a choice between new projects and goals to take on, we usually go for the easier ones, the quick wins. But we already have a lot of those in our life – email, errands, small projects that come easy to us. The harder tasks take us further because they are more challenging. We shy away from them because they take more time, but in the end they are more rewarding.
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Show Notes for
Do what is hardest – QFY 450
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Episode 450 – Do what is hardest to do
- When I have a choice between tasks to complete on any given day, I will always go for the easiest firsts
- This works for me
- My easy tasks are the ones I am most comfortable with
- By doing them first, I not only have a quick win but I also get them done and can free my mind
- The problem with this approach is that I have way more easier tasks on my plate than I have harder stuff
- You know – the routine tasks like checking emails, responding to a few, doing errands, running a report, and so on
- The more difficult projects are only a few, usually long-term or more difficult tasks
- And we all have them
- Even if we haven’t started them
- That website we want to set up
- The instrument or language we want to learn
- The book we would like to write
- We all have some major projects on our plate and we often push them off
- Even though they are on our daily action item list
- Sometimes we don’t even get to them because we filled our day with the easy wins
- There is much advise out there that recommends that we start our day with those hard tasks
- I wont tell you to do that
- It doesn’t work for me and it and I don’t see how it works for many people
- Especially when your day starts with a regular job that doesn’t include your big projects
- I will be honest
- I have used down time at work to do personal things
- But I have observed the exact same pattern that I follow on weekends when I don’t have to work:
- I first need to deal with the monotony of routine and easy tasks
- reports, emails, maybe even small cleaning projects, killing small fires, and more
- for example
- today when I came into work, I first checked all my emails,
- I deal a lot with our factories in Asia so I walk in to 100 emails first thing in the morning
- I cannot ignore these emails – they have to get done
- Then I had some down time and I ordered a few things on Amazon that I needed
- I also quickly read an article that I have been meaning to read and checked some personal emails
- Easy and quick wins
- Then after I completed other work related things I had to do, I used my lunch break to work on this episode, which I consider part of my major tasks
- The same happens on weekends
- I need to clear my plate of the nagging little things before I can focus on the big ones
- Often on Sunday mornings I will get up and go straight to writing because I spent Saturday taking care of the easy stuff
- I am not telling you to ignore your small and easy tasks
- Those need to get done
- Emails will need to be read, answered and filed
- Bills need to be paid, shopping and cooking needs to get done
- But when you have the choice to go for something new – go for the hardest thing
- Pick a project that will challenge you before you add just another easy one to your plate
- Easy things are easy to add:
- Another version of what you already do
- A lecture, a workshop, a short trip
- A month long course
- Another meetup group
- This book club your friend invited you to – it meets just once a month
- These are easy assignments, but here is the thing:
- We have enough easy stuff already
- Easy stuff might be interesting
- But it doesn’t get us to the next level
- Instead
- It just takes up more time
- Time we should be using for the hard things
- I noticed this in my life:
- Easy stuff is everywhere
- Opportunities are endless and they come my way
- I am not saying to say no every time
- But if you want to reach the next level, challenge yourself and accomplish something major – stay away from more easy stuff
- You need to free your calendar for the hard things because the easy stuff will take up all your time otherwise
- I didn’t go climbing last weekend
- I had the weekend free and I had made a plan to tackle several harder projects that weekend
- Projects that couldn’t be done just in a few minutes
- Projects that requires uninterrupted time – hours of time
- For example – my website redesign
- I wrote the content on my website when I first launched QFY
- I wasn’t really clear on my message back then so the wording is choppy and not clear
- I am also adding more content to my site
- So I needed some time to really think about content, layout, and overall design
- and I had a couple of other big things I wanted to do
- Everything was noted in my calendar
- I had a plan
- But when the weekend rolled round – guess what?
- I began to text with friends
- Started to accept coffee invitations
- I also started writing podcast episodes
- Not necessarily an easy tasks but easier than some of the other projects because I write those episodes every week
- However, I had already written the ones I needed – I simply decided to write more
- Why
- Because its familiar
- And when we are faced with challenging things, we will always drift towards the easy way
- I even notice this pattern in climbing
- Every route is predefined
- And when I follow my leader, I simply follow the rope and the protection he placed
- But now that I am leading myself, I noticed that I get off route quite a bit
- I know roughly where I should be going, yet when I see an easyer section, I go there
- This was quite obvious 2 weekends ago when we climbed a route that was literally straight
- A straight line
- Yet when I reached the summit and looked down, my rope was not straight
- I went to far right and then had to traverse over to get to my anchor
- We like easy because our brain is fearful of risk
- We like small wins because they send feel-good chemicals through our body
- We don’t like uncertainty
- And that is why we need to seek it more
- Because progress in life comes mostly from those big tasks that we try to avoid, that we push off, that we cant seem to find the time for
- We have to force the time
- I eventually came around and got some of the things done last weekend that I set out to do
- But I really had to resists the urge to go for the easy stuff and to add more easy to my plate
- And I know we all go through the same thing because that is hour our brains function
- So I am telling you today
- Do what is hardest
- If you can’t do it first thing in the day – find the time
- And then do it
- Be strict with yourself
- Hold yourself accountable
- And reward yourself if you need an incentive
- But form my own experience I can tell you-
- It feels rewarding enough to have done the thing – the big thing
- It feels great
- And it feels even better when results start to come in
- Every major project consists of many small steps
- Start breaking down the hard thing into small tasks
- For my website – I began with one page –
- Once I had that finished, I was so motivated – I moved on the podcast page
- Getting those small things done feels good
- It gives us renewed energy for more
- But we need to start
- I urge you:
- Identify one big project you have been putting off
- Maybe it is work related
- Maybe it’s a personal goal
- And then:
- Break it out into smaller tasks
- Part of my website redesign includes adding testimonials
- I had a couple of people in mind that I asked but as soon as I sent those requests, I thought of more people
- I must have sent 5 or so emails
- Once I start – I feel energized to keep going
- And a small task that is part of the bigger picture is the best way to do so
- But – again
- You need to discipline yourself by protecting your time
- Because every difficult task starts with the time to do it
Don’t wait any longer
Get to it
Make the time now before there is no more time
Much love
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