Self-Love is Self-Discipline – QFY 456
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How can self-love equal self-discipline? These seem to be two opposing concepts. Discipline is rigid, maybe even punitive. Love is free, relaxing, joyful. But yet, how can we be our best self? By relaxing and giving in to every whim? Or by disciplining ourselves so we can reach long term goals that make us proud? When we truly love ourselves, we will look beyond the momentary pleasures and try to achieve our long-term dreams by being more intentional about our decisions.
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Self-Love is Self-Discipline – QFY 456
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Episode 456 – Self-love is self-discipline
- My friends
- Welcome
- I hope you are having an amazing week
- And if you cannot find anything amazing in your life at the moment – try to look for the small lights
- A smile from a stranger
- A nice gesture from a neighbor
- An understanding boss
- Or being thankful for good things in your life – a nice comfortable bed, your car that’s paid off, a short commute
- Find something – no matter how small – that when you think of, makes you happy, even if just for a split second
- If you do this more frequently throughout the day, you just added a few minutes of happiness to a day that didn’t seem so amazing at first
- Sometimes the big amazing moments make an entire day amazing
- I spent last weekend in Yosemite national park and despite the many people there, it was amazing
- I could talk the entire episode about all the wonderful moments I had there
- But I only want to share one – the last one
- After a long day of climbing on Sunday and on the way out – we stopped at a riverbed
- The water was freezing but we needed a refresh
- As I lowered myself slowlt into the shallow water, my climbing partner pointed behind me
- And as I turned around there was majestic El Capitan hovering over me
- What a beautiful finish to an amazing weekend
- Something I will keep in memory for a long time
- Fresh cold mountain water, the last rays of sunlight on me, and the wall of my dreams behind me
- The wall I want to climb one day
- We all can find moments like this in our days
- But we have to hang on the them
- Because the monotony of the daily grind wipes them out quickly
- I often look at my IG feed so I can inspire myself
- Yes, I post pictures and comments to motivate others, but I also use it for me
- The picture of my trips bring joy into some of the says that are less amazing
- So if your day is grey and bleak today – try this little tip –
- Find something small to inspire yourself
- And maybe its on your own IG or FB feed
- But lets talk about todays topic
- I was inspired by a short video Will Smith posted on IG
- So inspired that I needed to record this episode today
- Because never before have I thought of self-discipline as self-love
- When we think of self-love we think of spa treatments, days off, relaxing on the couch, eating ice cream and doing fun things
- When we think of self-discipline we think of restrictions, of cannot haves, and we definitely don’t associate joy with it
- Often we associate punishment with the word discipline
- We need to lose weight so as a punishment we cannot eat ice cream for desert
- Or we slacked off for to long and now we punish ourselves by working long hours
- Will smith proposes to change our view on both concepts and look at them as equal
- Self-love is self-discipline
- Sounds contradictory at first but lets think about it
- Will Smith says in the clip that Self love is behavior towards ourselves that is self-loving
- The Pleasure in the moment may feel like love
- Relaxing
- Slacking off
- Eating that donut
- Sleeping in
- I have found all these behaviors as pleasurable
- But only in the moment
- Later – maybe right after, or months later when my pants didn’t fit anymore, I regretted every one of those moments
- I loved myself in the moment, but I didn’t love myself afterwards
- Instead, I felt guilty, unaccomplished, a failure
- I am sure you can relate
- We all have to face these trade-offs every day
- Do we do what feels good right now or do we hold off and seek a solution that works better in the long term?
- Do we suffer now, by being disciplined?
- Or do we suffer later, by going for pleasure in the moment?
- I have found that true love is the love that lasts
- Just like the love in a relationship
- When the circumstances are hard and you work through them effectively together – your relationships gets stronger over the long term
- But when you give in to every fight and argument and don’t put forth the effort to work things out, then most likely the love wont last very long
- It’s the same with self love
- To truly love ourselves, we need to put forth a little bit of effort
- Giving in to all the things that sound pleasurable in the moment – that doesn’t involve any effort
- We all want to grow and be better
- Its an innate desire we all have
- We are competitive, sometimes with others, sometimes just by being hard on ourselves
- We want to excel
- We want do be better tomorrow than we were today
- But we struggle with our brain which is wired to seek short-term pleasure
- Quick wins
- Easy satisfaction
- And this need to go for what feels good stands in the way of getting long-term goals accomplished
- But what would happen if we change our perspective?
- Instead of looking at discipline as something punitive,
- what if we think of discipline as self-love?
- Because we love ourselves more than just this cookie, the 1 extra hour in bed, the alcohol on Saturday night, or the hateful twitter posts?
- We love ourselves more than just the momentary outlet of pleasure
- We love ourselves enough to not be guild-driven after these moments of pleasure
- Because that is what they are
- Moments
- Short amounts of time
- A bite long
- Sometimes a night long
- But never long enough to not eventually catch up with us and make us hate ourselves
- Which often happens
- Even if we don’t want to admit it
- And drown it out in just another one of these pleasure
- So we hop from one short term pleasure to another one
- Really only so we don’t have to face ourselves
- Our dreams
- Our hopes
- Our desire to be better
- And we ultimately don’t love ourselves
- But run away from ourselves
- True self-love is self-discipline
- Its waiting when others run
- And running when others wait
- Its going for a long term goal
- One that we know we need, that will make us a better person, that will help us reach a new level in life
- Its saying no when others say yes
- And yes when everyone else says no
- Its doing what we know is best for us, and not following what everyone else is doing
- Because only we know best what it means to love ourselves
- Self love for me is staying active because I feel better and I am more productive
- For you it may mean to rest more
- Self love for me is to get up early and start my day quietly, and in mediation
- For you it may mean to jump up and get to the gym
- We all know what we need to love ourselves more
- But we don’t listen often
- Instead we follow whatever feels good in the moment
- Because we wrongly assume that this is what self love is
- But now you know
- When you regret whatever decision you made in the moment later
- When you are not happy with where you are now
- When you repeat the same action over and over again even though it doesn’t get you any further
- Then you know
- This is not self love
- Self love involves forgoing immediate pleasure for a longer-term result
- For a satisfaction that is lasting
- And that doesn’t result in guilt
- A big goal accomplished
- A dream fulfilled
- A long-desire outcome reached
- The happiness and fulfillment associated with something that took discipline to accomplish lasts
- And it inspires to take on even harder tasks
- Tasks that require even more discipline
- And that result in even bigger self love
- Do you see how much further get can get with a little bit of discipline?
- With a little bit of pain in the moment?
- All we need to do is listen more
- And always be aware of what it is we really want
- Not just in the moment
- But for this life
- Because the momentary pleasure usually don’t add up to anything
- While the momentary pain associated with forgoing these pleasures adds up to growth, strength and a better self
- What will you go for?
- How will you love yourself more?
Much love from me to you
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