The power of words – QFY 464
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We like to favor actions over words. But words are still needed. Words sometimes speak louder than actions. Because not all actions are always clear. and not all actions can replace words. Words can be powerful – so lets use them to make a positive impact.
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The power of words – QFY 464
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Episode 463 – the power of words
- Welcome QFY fans
- How is your day going?
- How is your summer?
- I wish that you have an amazing summer
- If you haven’t been outside much – put it on your calendar for thus weekend
- Summer is to be enjoyed outside
- A morning walk or jog
- A dip into the ocean or a lake on a hot afternoon
- Watching the sunset from a nearby hill with a loved one
- I encourage you to feel summer
- On your skin soaking up the sunlight
- in your hair as the breeze comes in through your window as you drive
- On your feet as you walk barefoot along a water shore
- And In your heart as you feel lighter and happier because summer makes you feel that way
- Summer makes me happy
- I just returned from another climbing weekend in Yosemite and saw so many people out
- People hiking, fishing, climbing like us
- People on bikes, motorcycles, and in convertibles
- People bathing in the cold mountain lakes like us when we come down from the mountain, all sweaty and exhausted
- That’s summer
- I love summer and I hope I can inspire you a little bit to love summer as well and go out and taste it
- Today’s topic on my mind came from a conversation with my climbing partner this weekend where he said to me that he values actions more than words but tht I am the opposite and that I need words as confirmation
- That got me thinking
- Is this true?
- I always thought I value actions over words – especially with my climbing partner who is not a big talker but demonstrates his commitment through his actions
- But then we have had situations where I challenged is lack of communication and I reflected on those times
- And I noticed that there is not one or the other
- Both actions and words can have their merits and pitfalls, their strengths and weaknesses – depending on the way they are used
- Words can be powerful
- Strong, explicit words like
- Your fired
- You lost
- I’m proud of you
- I love you
- Will you marry me?
- I met someone else
- We all have, at some point in our lives been greatly affected by the words someone said to us
- Words that made our heart dump to the bottom of our stomach
- Words that jumped up into our heart and turned our cheeks red
- Words that made us dizzy in the head
- Words that sent shivers down our arms and our spine or shot tears into our eyes
- Words can greatly influence how we think, feel and then act
- Words spark my imagination when I see them in front of me in a book or an article on my monitor
- But words can also dampen my mood and bring about negative feelings, such as often happens via those emails and text messages we all receive from time to time
- and yet, actions are equally powerful
- especially in the absence of words – actions can communicate what words otherwise would
- actions can show us how another person feels about us, how committed they are to a cause, and who they are as a person
- our actions demonstrate who we are
- even if we don’t want to be that person, when we demonstrate the behaviors – we are that person
- words and actions combined are even more powerful when both are in sync
- when we do what we say
- but when we say we are sorry and then do the same stupid thing again, then there is a mismatch between actions and words
- and that is when we get confused
- words need actions;
- actions reinforce our words,
- they give them credence and credibility
- Actions show the level of truth behind the words
- Lots of things are said every day
- Words are all over the internet, and wherever people meet and talk with each other
- Words can make us feel at ease temporary, but its not until the person follows up with an action that supports the words are we actually at ease
- Both are needed,
- actions need to follow words to give them credibility
- but also – and quite often – words need to follow actions to provide explanations and interpretations because not all actions are always clear
- sometimes actions are enough and say everything that’s needed
- when your partner fills up your car with gas on a Sunday evening – nothing needs to be added for interpretation
- it’s a powerful message of love and care
- but – I have noticed that there are times words are more powerful than actions
- Words are needed when the action is inaction
- silence, non-responsiveness, failure to show up
- we have done it and it has been done to us
- we are always communicating – even when we are silent
- silence may say –
- I don’t know how to react at the moment
- I am still thinking
- I didn’t like what you said
- I don’t agree
- I have talked about Silence as a response on this podcast before
- To me- its not an acceptable response because it leaves the other person guessing
- Am I being ignored?
- Are they still considering?
- Did he get my message?
- Is she just really busy and hasn’t had time to respond?
- Do they simply not care?
- How do we know what they’re telling us when there is silence?
- Action lovers will often break the silence with an action
- A sudden hug after a day long of this awkwardness
- Or a continuation of the day-to-day conversations as if nothing has happened
- Long-term silence is not ok
- When you are side-by-side the person, living and working together, silence makes things hard for the other person
- This is when words are needed
- Can you give me some time to think?
- Might be something that can be said in absence of the right words
- Can you clarify what you meant by ….
- Can be used to initiate the conversation
- I am deeply hurt by what you did
- Is a way to express the feeling that causes the silence
- Silence is preferable for the person initiating it
- But its not for for the other person who now has to wait without a clear understanding of whats going on
- Just because you are hurt by something I said doesn’t mean I know why you are hurt
- I cannot always know why you are silent, so don’t assume I do
- When the action is inaction
- When you are tempted to become non-responsive by ignoring the other person, not listening to what they are saying, not doing what you need to be doing – then you should use words
- Can you give me some time to think?
- Words are needed during conflict
- Silence is often a sign of conflict
- The other person is silent because they are chewing on something and just don’t want to or are unable to tell you what it is
- Words are critical during conflict
- I have had partners that tried to wipe over the conflict with a thoughtful action
- Flowers, dinner, physical contact
- That’s nice, but that is not enough
- Conflict is a sign of a problem and a problem needs to be addressed with words
- Otherwise, its most likely to occur again
- Actions may express feelings –
- I still love you
- I am sorry
- But words are needed to resolve the issue
- Words are powerful tools of recognition
- Lovers of action will often argue that their actions are a sign of appreciation
- But I wash your clothes every week – I wouldn’t do that if I didn’t love you?
- Or
- I gave you a promotion last year – I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t think you are capable
- Actions can send strong messages of appreciation, but words are needed to express feelings
- we are all built differently – some of us need more words than others
- but even those silent lovers of actions need a pad on the back sometimes
- we all want to hear encouragement and know that we are doing well
- whether its at work for a job well done or at home for a delicious meal prepared – we want to be noticed and recognized and words can do that in powerful ways
- that’s how greeting card companies survived for so long
- a promotion from my boss is nice, but its even nicer when he tells me why I earned it
- flowers delivered from a loved one are beautiful gesture, but words along with the flowers expressing his or her feelings for me are priceless
- Words help us understand one another better
- I have spoken about the power of writing on this podcast
- I consider myself first and foremost a writer
- You never see my writing, you only hear me speak
- But 95% of what I say starts with written words
- I also love challenging conversation that require that I sort through my brain to see what I truly believe and think
- Expressing ourselves with another person or with our journal can be an important way to gain clarity
- As we dig through our thoughts, we challenge ourselves to express what we think and feel
- This is important in relationships
- It helps us get to know each other and understand one another better
- So that when we are being our unique selves with our ticks and our manners, we understand why
- Its also important for our own growth and development
- As we gain clarity in our thoughts, we can better understand the decisions we make
- Because, and as we talked about in the last episode – our thoughts determine our actions
- Words fill in the holes that actions cannot cover
- Actions are just not always clear and words can provide this clarity
- I did this because I wanted to show you XYZ
- I have met many people, often men, that are like my climbing partner
- Quiet, comfortable in silence, and focused on actions over words
- I am a word person
- I love words
- I love reading them
- Listening to them
- Learning them
- And writing them
- And I also love to speak
- I am not a huge talker, but when I am comfortable and when I feel I have something important to say, like here, with all of you on this podcast (even though I don’t know you) – I like speaking words
- I like words in different languages
- I like the sound of some words
- I have favorite words
- I love words
- And when I am with another person, I want words to flow between us
- I enjoy silence alone – but with another person I don’t want to share silence
- I want to share words
- I especially like Words that express interest
- Words that probe
- Words that inquire
- Words that ask and challenge and make me think
- I don’t need many words, but I like clear and direct words
- Words help me learn about the other person
- How they grew up
- What they think
- How they look at the world
- Actions – positive and committee and supported actions are needed in every relationship
- I show my boss that I am committed to my work through actions
- Not just my regular work but other things, where I go above and beyond my regular duties
- I show my friends that I support them by offering to help out when they need me
- I show my boss that I am committed to my work through actions
- But actions alone are not sufficient
- We need to use our words
- To explain our silence
- To express our feelings
- To explore our mind
- To congratulate someone
- To share about ourselves so others can understand us better
- And to resolve conflict
- And maybe there is more that I cannot even think of at the moment
- And if you do – feel free to send me a note
- As you know I’d love to hear from you
- Words from you are a powerful tool for me to know how my message lands
- So my friends
- Don’t underestimate the power of words and use them
- Good words
- Encouraging words
- Words aimed at resolving issues
- Words that grow and enrich your life and that of the people around you
- Those Words can make a difference in someones life
So don’t be afraid t sue them
Much love
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