Your To Don’t List – QFY 468
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Show Notes for
Your To Don’t List – QFY 468
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– Welcome
– Yes, you read the title of this episode correctly
– I did not make a mistake when I named it your To-Don’t list
– And I was inspired to bring you this unique concept by a recent article I read on
– Which in turn was inspired by Adam Grant, author of books like Originals and Option B (which he cowrote with Sheryl Sandberg).
– I also listen to his podcast WorkLife with Adam Grant for an interesting perspective on how to make work more enjoyable
– And I am fascinated by idea of a To-Don’t list
– You know I like the to do list
– Most of us high achievers do
– But it also helps people who are otherwise very disorganized and have a hard time getting things accomplished
– studies have shown that people perform better when they have written down what they need to do
– to-do lists give us structure
o they help us prioritize
o they break down big overwhelming projects into smaller and more manageable tasks
o they keep us on time and on schedule
– well- ideally
– if we follow what we write down
o I have things on my to do list that I have not done anything with in months
– But I think everyone’s favorite part is when we get to check things off out list
– Writing them down may feel good
o It gives us clarity on what needs to get done and maybe some motivation to get it done
o But then the list is really a nuisance
– Seeing it is like running into nagging relative who always has to remind us of everything we have promised to help them out with but haven’t shown up for yet
– So yes, the best part is when we finally can cross something off that list
– Just this is motivation enough
– I mean I have completed tasks just so I can show some progress on a long list
– Its an eye sore for me – similar to an inbox full of unread emails
– Getting stuff done feels good
– But then visually seeing that we did them is even better
o Its confirmation and praise
o It’s a pad on our own back
– But for many of us our To-Do lists get longer and longer
– Its not always a bad thing
o It can be a sign of our growth and our success
o We find more of what makes us happy so we want to do it
– But it can become overwhelming because the moment may come where your list runs us, instead of us controlling it
o Where we are only chasing the off-checking and stop thinking about the meaning of the task for our life
– I try to control my weekly tasks and keep them to a few critical items
– But sometimes my list just keeps growing
o Its already Wednesday and I am still adding on things for the same week
– So when I read about a to-don’t list – I was curious
– But also a little suspicious
– Another list?
– But as I read through the article, which basically features Adam’s to-Don’ts – I realized
– I already have that list
– Just not written out
– But in my mind – I have To-Don’ts
– We all do
o Things we know we should say NO to
– The issue is,
– We are much more lax when it comes to following that list
o We give in
o We procrastinate
o We say yes to do many things
o And don’t we all do that?
– this is where this list can come in handy
– a To-Do list helps us prioritize and get stuff done
– a To Don’t list does the same
– it helps us focus on the important stuff by eliminating the unimportant things
o those that suck our time
o those that keep us from doing what matters
o those that don’t help us in any way in our quest
– for me – there are small and larger things on my currently still only on my mental To-Don’t list
o don’t eat after 8pm because then its hard for me to get a good night rest which will affect my effectiveness the next day
o don’t read a text message the minute it pops up
o I try to wait a little bit
Partially I want to delay the gratification a little
But then I also often just don’t want to be interrupted by whatever direction the message will pull me into
o And something bigger that I am working on:
o I wont saying yes or no to requests before taking the time to think about how they fit into my priorities
Its so easy to get sucked into coffee invitations, happy hours, hanging out at my house, etc
These are all great things, but most of the time I could use that time more productively
– Find what it is in your life that needs boundaries
– Maybe you want to work out early mornings but cannot get to bed before midnight and that is preventing you from getting up
– A possible to-don’t could be to no watch TV late in the evening
– Find the things that hold you back from achieving your goals
– Those are your To-donts
– There might be many but pick 2-3
– Those that will make the biggest impact
– Here are the 4 that Adam Grant shares:
– 1. Helping everyone who asks
– I think many of us have this issue
– We have our big to do list in front of us, ready to be tackled, but a friend calls us and needs help moving, and we say yes
o We want to help
o We want to be nice
o And we feel guilty when we say no
– Here is what I do to prevent most of such requests in the first place – that way I don’t even have to go through the painful process of having to say no
– I communicate with all my close friends about the things I have going on in my life
o Currently, most of my friends know that on the weekends I am in the mountains climbing
o On Sunday I am hosting an invited rehearsal for the speech I have been working on for months
o My climbing partner knows this and even though we are planning a big trip for the weekend after next, he already acknowledged that he understands that I cannot currently focus on that by reading maps and planning anything
– When you have big projects you want to tackle – inform your friends
o Hey the next few weekends I will be quiet because I am working on ….
– Just like when you go on vacation
– Nobody will ask you to help move when you are gone
– The same applies to your goals
o You are gone
o Away and working on big things
– Keep a door open for specific requests that you will help out with
– Know what those are
– Maybe a family member is currently in the hospital and you do want to be available for that person
– 2. Mindlessly engaging with screens
– We all need a to don’t list for our screens
– Grant avoids getting on his phone or computer unless he has a specific plan for what he’s going to do with them.
– This is one of the reasons I don’t watch TV anymore
– I just don’t know whats on and I don’t feel like wasting my time searching for something interesting
– I grew up this way
o We red the TV program in the paper and then we turned the TV on during the time we wanted to watch our selected program
– When I come home at night, often tied from the gym I find it easy to plop in front of my computer
– Its automatic – I flip the monitor up and I get lost in a screen
– Now I try to think about my evening in the car on the way back from the gym
– I set a plan on what I will do when I get home
– What are your temptations when it comes to email, general internet usage and social media?
– stop yourself from succumbing by creating a to-Don’t around it.
– 3. Putting work ahead of family time
– We have busy lives and sometimes our family suffers
– Grant tries to reserve 3–7pm on weekdays as a solid block of family time
– My family time is my weekend climbing time
– I work hard all week to be able to escape for an entire weekend
– My new climbing partner is committing a lot of time to our projects and to my learning so I better honor that
– You to-don’t might be to not work on weekends so you can spend quality time with your family
– Lastly Grant seems to have an addiction with scrabble
– 4. Playing online Scrabble
– Is a to don’t for him – sounds like he does it only with his sister on her birthday
– We all have out little escapes were we like to get lost
– Sometimes we need to limit them before they take over
– For me its IG
– I don’t really play online games
– I also need to monitor my podcast listening activities
– As they are piling up in my App they are like another to-do list
– I am learning to let go the notion that I need to be caught up on listening to all of them all the time
– Currently I don’t listen at all as I am preparing for my speech every time I am I the car
– Creating a to-don’t list may help you hold myself accountable to your most important endeavors
– It can be a Sticky note on your bathroom mirror or a reminder in your calendar
– Give it a try
– Especially when you have to many things on your list or just to much going on in your life
– The only way to move forward is to narrow them down and let the less important tasks go, at least for a while
– And instead of trying to get more done – be on the lookout for things you can not do,
– Decide what is not important, and what won’t add real benefit to the day, and manage your priorities that way
Give it a try and see how it goes
Much love
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