The mind finds what it seeks – QFY 474
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When you allow your mind to pick the station, it will play whatever it likes. It will take you down memory lanes and before you know it, you’re in a bad mood, frustrated, depressed or even angry.
Our mind is powerful because it can determine how we feel and act. Therefore, it needs to be controlled. Don’t allow it to seek whatever it wishes. You decide where you want it to go.
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Show Notes for
The mind finds what it seeks – QFY 474
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Episode 474 – The mind finds what it seeks
- I want to put a question out there for all of us today:
- What if we start every day with this sentence:
- Everything is as it should be
- This question came to me on a recent hike
- My climbing partner and I had agreed to hike Saturday in preparation for my birthday on Sunday
- My self-selected present was to climb Cathedral Peak, one of the most popular climbs in Yosemite
- But – the approach is very tough and the climbing as well, due to the altitude
- So we agree to prepare on Saturday by acclimatizing
- The hike up Mt. Hoffmann in Yosemite with an elevation of 10,850 ft was challenging, but doable
- The hike starts off Tioga pass and steadily leads uphill, with the most challenging part near the summit
- Many people hike only as far as May Lake – a beautiful clear lake about a mile up
- My climbing partner is an experienced backpacker
- Adventures like these are a piece of cake for him
- He is often many steps ahead of me, leaving me time for myself and my thoughts
- There I was –
- with the beautiful nature all around me,
- on a Saturday morning, clear sky, sunshine, in one of the most spectacular places on this planet
- my thoughts went looking for what’s wrong
- why is he walking so fast?
- Does he think I am to slow?
- Why is he not talking to me?
- Why didn’t he tell me this was such a steep hike?
- Why do we even have to hike when we are surrounded by mountains that want to be climbed?
- Why did I not pack that apple that was in the car? I really feel like having some fruit
- Then I caught myself
- How is it possible that there can be anything wrong on such a beautiful day?
- But – my friends
- Isn’t it the case most of the time?
- We always find something to complain about?
- Even if we don’t say anything to anyone, but in our minds, we have these thoughts of dissatisfaction
- The issue is that we are always thinking
- It’s a skill that sets us apart from every species on this planet
- And I am certainty glad to have it because it gives me great powers
- Thinking allows me to make rational decisions that keep me safe, and contribute to my overall wellbeing and my happiness
- But then the question arises:
- Why does my thinking contribute to the opposite at times?
- Instead of safety – I feel scared
- Instead of being happy – I feel everything else – unhappy, frustrated, alone, angry, and so much more
- Thinking is power
- But it’s a power that is within our control
- And we are in charge of how we manage this power
- We cannot stop thinking
- Thoughts will always be there
- I often compare them to a radio that is streaming in music and talk in the background – endlessly
- However, we often forget the power we have to change the station
- But how can we do that?
- Thoughts creep in silently and play without is even noticing
- I have trained myself to wake up when I suddenly begin to feel bad
- When I experience strong feelings such as anger or sadness
- But I don’t always notice it and sometimes the station has been running all day, resulting in various little things that then add up to negative feelings overall
- So I complain a little here and there
- I send a rather curt email
- I don’t help out someone who needed me
- I numb myself with social media instead of reading something uplifting
- Our thoughts affect us more than we think
- As the quote by Buddha goes:
- “What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.” — Buddha
- Our thoughts motivate our actions and those become a reflection of who we are as a person
- The mind will always find what it seeks
- When you receive a rejection that hurts, the mind is likely to downward spiral and look for other rejections to add to the list of failures
- When you seek self-pity, wallow in the failure, and only think about this rejection, that is where your thoughts will stay
- But when you have trained yourself to look for the lesson in the rejection and let yourself be motivated by it, your thoughts will go different places
- Our mind is like a lost wanderer
- It needs direction
- It needs to be trained
- When allowed to run wild, it will lead us astray
- Our goals and our aspirations need to be aligned with our thoughts
- If we want to lose weight but think about food all day – we are setting ourselves up for failure
- When we want to reach the next level in our career but only think about how miserable we are in the current job, we will not reach that goal
- If we want to find a partner but only think about the hurt we experienced in past relationships, our search becomes more difficult
- I know that many things in our lives could be better
- We all have areas that are just not making us happy
- Maybe it’s the job that’s stressful
- Or the relationship with our partner, or the lack thereof
- Maybe our finances are strained
- We all go though difficult times and the thoughts around those areas occupy pour mind
- I know – I have them as well
- But what if we start tomorrow morning and every morning thereafter with this sentence:
- Everything is as it should be
- It may not be great, but we decide to focus on accepting it as it is
- Instead of letting our thoughts run us
- Another day at the office
- Monday again
- I wish it was Friday
- What if we set our mindset into the proper state by taking charge?
- First thing in the morning
- The mind becomes more powerful when we learn to direct it
- Independent of how we feel
- Many of us don’t yet have our dream jobs
- We don’t look forward to Mondays
- Leaving the mountains on Sunday evening is always a melancholic time
- But I refuse to let it bring me down
- There are many good things about my Monday
- The main thing – I have a job that affords me my weekend adventures
- Don’t let your feelings about Mondays bring you down
- The dread about waking up early, about going back to work, about living your live as it is right this moment
- Take charge of those feelings by controlling your mind
- And it starts by not following the negative thought train any longer
- Everything is as it should be
- That’s a starting point
- Its Monday – great
- Lets make the best out of this day
- Direct your focus and your thoughts will follow
- It takes discipline to control our mind
- But if we don’t do it, our mind will hold us back from surpassing our current state of mediocrity
- A lot of our thoughts are driven by our environment
- The stressful job
- The unhappy marriage
- The gossipy neighborhood
- The nagging family
- The need friends
- And never any money
- Its difficult to control our thoughts alone by thinking differently
- Focusing is important, but alone its not enough
- We need action
- The right kind of action
- And action can be facilitated when we change our environment
- For example
- Get rid of all the food you are trying to avoid so your thoughts are not tempted to go through the cabinets
- Start scheduling activities on the weekends that give you joy so your thought don’t take you into loneliness and depression
- Change your environment by adding more of the things that give you joy and subtracting those that drag you down
- If hanging out at bars on Friday nights leaves you feeling empty, find a different activity for those nights in place of it
- I have been there – I went to happy hours because I thoughts that what one does to celebrate the end of the week
- But it left me feeling lonely and empty the next day
- So I started going to the gym on Friday evenings
- And now I am quite often on the road to the mountains
- Figure out what brings you down and what lifts you up
- If you are only living for the weekends, then something needs change your Monday to Friday life
- Change your thoughts by directing them consciously instead of allowing them to choose the station
- Change your environment to promote better thoughts
- When I am in the mountains, or somewhere out in nature, I don’t have a lot of negative thoughts
- Its just not possible to be depressed or angry for very long with so much beauty around
- And then
- Change your actions
- Do the things you want to do, even if you don’t feel like doing them
- Go to the gym
- Get up earlier – mind over mattress, as Robin Sharma calls it
- Take a cold shower, or lunge on cold water, as Tony Robbins does
- train your mind that you are in charge
- and don’t negotiate
- set a goal
- find the action necessary to do it and then do it
- whether you feel like it or not
- and your thoughts will follow
- there wont be any more long nights in the bar when you know you have to get up early to go running
- the mind find what it seeks
- that is why we need to control it so it doesn’t get lost
Much love my friends
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