The truths about conflict – QFY 477
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A recent email by meditation guru Light Watkins revealed 4 truths about conflict that I find helpful. Any difficult encounter with a loved one contains these 4 truths and before we jump into judgement, react with strong emotions or make incorrect assumptions, we need to go through these truths. They have the power to redirect the outcome of the conflict towards an unexpected direction.
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The truths about conflict – QFY 477
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Episode 477 – the truths about conflict
- Welcome back QFY fans
- In Our last episode we talked about the importance of working on ourselves
- Nothing changes until we do that
- We can wait a lifetime for others to change
- Or we can work on ourselves
- This isn’t always apparent – I get it
- We were nice, kind, respectful – we did everything right
- Why do we need to change and what?
- Sometimes its just our perspective on the situation or our expectation from the other person that needs a revision
- If we are kind and the other person is not, maybe its time to set boundaries or create distance
- In order to be happy, and reach our dreams, we need to take responsibility
- I put all the relationships with other people in my life to this test:
- If a person is holding me back from reaching my goals
- Or contributing to constant sadness and frustrations
- Its time to take responsibility
- If I have tried everything
- And in the last episode I suggested you play with different approaches
- Then taking ownership of my life may include to say good bye
- No matter how hard this is
- No matter how many things we share in common
- We are here on this planet to be happy
- I recently gave this advise to a friend who asked me about a decision he faces
- I asked him
- What is this that makes you happy?
- And – what are your priorities in life at this moment?
- Make your decision based on the answer to these 2 questions.
- We have it in our control to change our outcomes
- But we have to take responsibility
- We waste to much time making due
- Accepting, settling, compromising
- Being our best means making the right decisions for us
- And as I was working on this episode – an email landed in my inbox that I wanted to share with you
- Its very applicable to the topics we have been covering this week
- Its from meditation guru Light Watkins and it reads:
- I love this
- Lets go over these 4 truths
- The first one is your truth
- What you believe is right in the situation at hand
- The second truth is my truth
- What I believe is right in the situation at hand
- The third truth that is neither yours nor mine
- Its not related to a person, but to the matter at hand
- It doesn’t worry about who is right or wrong
- It only concerns itself with the fact that there was a conflict which requires addressing
- This truth challenges us to find the lesson in the conflict
- Like a car crash
- 2 cars got into a collision because something went wrong
- What went wrong?
- And lastly, the fourth truth
- It’s the one we talked about in the last episode
- It’s the truth that the responsibility of the conflict is with us
- It reminds you and me that we need to work on ourselves
- Daily – we need to do the work
- And when there is a conflict, we can go through the 4 truths
- Starting with the first – my truth
- What do I believe is true for me here?
- What is important to me?
- Who am I and what matters to me?
- Then I can look at your truth
- Who are you and what do I know about you?
- What matters to you?
- And how might that have influenced your decision?
- I am making an effort to see your point of view
- Then I look at the matter at hand
- What went wrong?
- What is the lesson here that we both need to draw?
- Maybe a better approach next time
- A softer tone
- A different way to express our feelings
- Picking a better time for it
- An incorrect assumption we made
- There is always a lesson
- But I cannot control the lesson you draw
- I can only draw mine
- And this takes us to truth number 4
- Accepting what happened
- Not fighting it
- Not arguing unnecessarily about it
- Not making yourself a martyr either
- but doing the inner work
- taking what you know about you and the other person and the lesson in the conflict and then taking responsibility
- and then moving forward
- For example
- Another fight with your partner
- You were kind, you didn’t do anything wrong that you can think of
- He overreacted
- Maybe jealous, maybe in a bad mood
- But it has happened before
- Take the 4 truths and go thru them
- your truth – you were kind and respectful
- his truth – he is angry maybe because he feels insecure
- the general truth – this happens very frequently and no matter what you have tried – you are unable to avoid these angry outbursts from your partner
- now the inner work begins
- you ask yourself:
- its sacrificing your happiness and there isn’t much else you can do
- he needs to make some changes
- how much longer can you put up with it?
- What action can you take to take responsibility for your happiness?
- This is the inner work my friends
- It happens to me every weekend when I am with my climbing partner
- There are always conflicts, small and some much bigger
- I am constantly reflecting:
- What is true for me?
- This one is not easy – you have to be honest
- For example – he gets upset because I couldn’t tie a knot he told me to practice
- The truth is – I didn’t practice the knot all week
- Its hard to admit because all sorts of excuses come in first – I was busy, I had a lot of work etc
- However, the truth is the truth – I didn’t practice
- And this truth then leads me into a much better understanding for his truth
- he is frustrated because I didn’t make an effort
- he taught me something and I didn’t practice it
- do you see how helpful it can be to go through these truths?
- I think they are so powerful that they can change the outcome of the conflicts in our life in a dramatic way
- Because instead of arguing and blaming – I will draw the lesson that I need to practice my knots next time
- And the inner work is done by understanding where my responsibility in this relationship lies
- What is true for me?
- So powerful my friends
- Give these 4 truths a try next time you are facing a conflict and let me know if something changed for you
- Maybe we can share your experience on an upcoming episode
Much love
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