Make mistakes of ambition – QFY 487
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A great quote by Machiavelli inspires us to think about the mistakes we are making. Are we making errors because we underestimated a risk or because we didn’t take responsibility? Mistakes of ambition are teaching moments, while mistakes of laziness never take us beyond our comfort zone.
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Make mistakes of ambition – QFY 487
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Episode 487 – Make mistakes of ambition
- Hi friends
- If you recall, in my older episodes, I used to start each episode with a quote
- Not sure what happened with this routine but today we are picking it back up because I have a great quote for you:
Make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer. – Niccolò Machiavelli
- What a powerful quote
- Worthy of an entire episode
- Because we all make mistakes
- But the question Machiavelli is asking us here is – which kind of mistakes are you making?
- Are you making a mistake of overestimating consumer demand when you launch your new product?
- Did you make an error in your calculations on how much money you will need to take some time off and work on your book?
- Did you misjudge the experience you needed to qualify for the event you signed up for?
- Did you misinterpret the other persons signs of friendliness when you gathered up the courage to invite them for coffee?
- You went for something
- You tried
- But you made a mistake
- It was a mistake of ambition
- Of trying something that didn’t work
- Those kinds of mistakes feel defeating
- You put in so much effort, had a hope, lots of hope
- And then – nothing
- For some people – mistakes of ambition are crushing
- They cant get themselves back up they stay in the hole of failure – for years
- Unable to recover
- While others feel only more fueled
- They get right back up and try again
- They have tons of ideas and they will try another one
- Mistakes of sloth are different
- They are the mistakes of carelessness
- Like getting a speeding ticket
- They are the mistakes we make repeatedly
- Because we are not taking responsibility for them the first time
- These are the mistakes that happen because we didn’t try harder
- Because we sat back and watched
- Because we didn’t take initiative
- We all make these mistakes
- But oftentimes – the mistakes of sloth go by unnoticed
- When we allow people in our life even though they have hurt us before instead of setting boundaries
- When we don’t go for an opportunity because we are afraid of the risk involved
- When we don’t speak up to say what we really want to say
- When we eat the pint of ice cream yet again at night instead of preparing a healthy meal
- We don’t realize the mistake until much later
- In the moment, those repeated little errors give us reassurance
- Because they keep us in our comfort zone
- Nothing happens
- We stay with the same
- We get what we need
- We are good
- Mistakes of comfort catch up with us though
- After some time we realize – wow
- Maybe eating ice cream for dinner every night wasn’t so good for the waistline
- Maybe speaking up would have helped prevent that bigger issue we are dealing with now
- The opportunity we had years ago and didn’t take would have changed our life in a major way
- The relationship with the person we allowed to hurt us has finally ended – and it could have ended years ago and saved us so much time.
- Mistakes of sloth go unnoticed to us because we say yes to the same old and no to taking a risk
- Mistakes of sloth keep us comfortable in the short term
- But in the long term they make us suffer
- The shot we didn’t take turns into regret
- And regret is suffering
- Make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer. – Niccolò Machiavelli
- How can we develop this strength?
- I think Machiavelli tells us clearly:
- When we stay with our same old routines that don’t get us anywhere, we might be comfortable now, but we will suffer later
- So the tradeoff to develop the strength is to say yes more often to risk
- Make mistakes of action
- By trying
- By going for it,
- By saying yes to opportunities
- And no to things you know are wrong
- Make a plan
- A bold one
- And the gather up the courage to go for it
- And know that even if you fail, you will learn something
- That’s the power of mistakes of ambition
- They teach
- While mistakes of sloth keep us in the same place
- Comfortable
- But without learning anything
- What would be bold and ambitious for you?
- Is there an opportunity in your life that is just waiting for you to say yes and give it a shot?
- Or is there a situation in your life that needs your NO?
- Something you know needs to end
- Both require courage
- This would be a good morning journaling exercise we all can do more frequently:
- Writing down at least three things down that we would consider bold and ambitious.
- and then thinking about each for a few moments and starting with one
- here is the thing:
- the bolder the things we do, no matter how small they seem – they help us develop the strength for bigger ambitions
- but we have to start somewhere
- start today
- make one less mistake of sloth and turn it into a potential mistake of ambition
- I have found, that once I go for something and take the risk, I make far fewer mistakes than I fret about prior
- Because usually I underestimate my abilities and those of the wonderful people around me
- Ambition quite often gets rewarded
- So don’t sit back any longer
- Go for it
- Today
Much love.
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