To live is to fly – QFY 490
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I am fascinated by a few lines of a song that starts with these line:
Oh, to live is to fly,
Both low and high
The ups and downs of life are part of life. We can fight against them, ignore them, worry about them OR we can fly with them. Low and high. Accept them and make them work in our favor.
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To live is to fly – QFY 490
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Episode 490 – To live is to fly
Oh, to live is to fly,
Both low and high
So shake the dust off of your wings
And the sleep out of your eyes.
We all got holes to fill, them holes are all as real
Some fall on you like a storm, sometimes you dig your own
The choice is yours to make, time is yours to take
Some sail up on the sea, some toil upon the stone.
Oh, to live is to fly,
Both low and high
So shake the dust off of your wings
And the sleep out of your eyes.
- Welcome friends
- I hope you are well
- A friend sent me these lines the other day thinking I might like them
- And I do
- They are part of a song written by Townes Van Zandt
- Don’t you love it when someone sends you something that made them think of you?
- I think its one of the best signs of friendship
- When you know that you are on someone’s mind
- You matter to them in some way
- And they show it by sharing something they love with you
- I love it
- Keep those people in your life my friends
- They think of you because they can relate to you
- They have walked the same path
- They know what you’re going through
- That’s why they send you stuff that motivates
- That’s why they message you after weeks of you not responding to their previous message
- They are positive, supporting and they are usually there when you need them
- Keep them in your life
- In fact, if you have not heard from them in a while, send them a note, a text, a poem, a podcast episode you liked, an article
- Today
- Do it today
- Contact them because you don’t want to lose those people
- Even if you barely see each other
- With those people – you don’t need to be up to date on every detail of your life
- You can always connect with them wherever you left off
Oh, to live is to fly,
Both low and high
So shake the dust off of your wings
And the sleep out of your eyes.
- Life my friends is an up and down
- Good days, bad days
- Hard days, easy days
- But the only thing that matters is that we continue
- That the bad days don’t overshadow everything else
- I find that most bad days I have are related to other people
- Conflicts, disagreements, interference by other people into my good day
- The other day I discovered money missing form my wallet at work
- I had noticed it before
- I texted my best friend about it months ago but I clearly said that I might be hallucinating
- But it continued
- And I continued to ignore it
- I would withdraw a little cash and whenever I check my wallet, which is not daily because I hardly use cash, it was gone
- I suspected all sorts of people, but not anyone at work
- But last week I did a test
- I checked my wallet before going into work, and again after lunch – and 20 bucks were gone
- Its less about the money
- Its about the pain in my heart caused by people I trust
- This pain comes from friends and strangers alike
- People we are close to, and people we hardly know or don’t know it all
- People often contribute to much of the hurt we have in our life
- And sometimes we are the ones who are responsible for this pain
- Since I moved to Oakland, lots of things have been taken from me
- I told you about my car break-ins
- I have lost things
- And now someone at work has been living of my cash withdrawals for I don’t know how long
- I could have been more careful about where I leave my stuff
- I could have been more responsible with my belongings
- The people that have hurt my feelings – I am sure I have hurt many of them
- others I tolerated to long
- I didn’t set my boundaries
- Hurt people hurt people – is a quote I heard somewhere
- We are hurt and hurt others in exchange
- This is how relationships need and wars starts
We all got holes to fill, them holes are all as real
Some fall on you like a storm, sometimes you dig your own
The choice is yours to make, time is yours to take
Some sail up on the sea, some toil upon the stone.
- No matter what happens,
- No matter how deep the pain
- These lines remind us that we need to continue
- Pains weighs us down
- Its normal
- The day I realized someone at work is going into my wallet, I couldn’t sleep all night
- My heart was racing
- The many days I send messages to friends that don’t get answered,
- Messages that may not be nice
- Messages that may hurt someone’s feelings
- But I end up with pain – because silence hurts
- Self-inflicted pain
- We all have these holes in our life
- Moments that throw us off
- where all the advice we hear and read all day from podcasts, articles we read, motivational quotes on social media – where all of it is useless
- Because we are in pain and we don’t know what to do
- My experiences has shown me this:
- Its ok to Be in pain
- For a while
- Not for long
- But for a while
- To Suffer and hurt a little bit
- To Go through the process of analyzing, thinking, reflecting
- Because when we ignore the pain
- When we pretend its not there
- it will only make us harder and closed up
- we don’t see the lesson in it
- Its in the pain that we come alive
- Pain wakes us up to a lesson we need to learn
- the ups and downs of life are necessary
- from the small moments like a song that reminds us of past love
- to the big ones like tough conversation
- Tough time Help us become more aware to issues that we don’t otherwise notice
- the downs teach us so we can get up
- the difficult moments prepare us for the easy ones
- the tough times get us to the great times
- its after we climb the mountain that we have the view
- Difficulties make us better if we allow them
- If everything was always up and easy and light, we wouldn’t change much
- But when we are hurting, we expand
- Our mind expands – looking for answers
- Our heart expands – looking for more love
- Our character expands – getting stronger and more resilient
- Its in those moments – when we are searching – that we grow
- So don’t disregard the pain
- But also – don’t stay in it to long
- Know that it will be followed by love, strength and wisdom
- Its what you do with the pain
- Don’t let it run free
- But don’t ignore it either
- Contain it
- Work with it
- Work through it
- By being vulnerable and open
- Allow the pain to guide you to the summit
- It may not be easy
- It may take a while
- It may requite that ou change something
- Maybe you need to call on those awesome people in your life that send you song lyrics
- People that get you
- Or maybe you need to figure it out on your own
- But you need to do something
So shake the dust off of your wings
And the sleep out of your eyes.
- Get moving
- Because time is limited
The choice is yours to make, time is yours to take
Some sail up on the sea, some toil upon the stone.
- Don’t be someone toiling
- Be someone who is sailing
- And when the waves are high, you maneuver through them
- They are not the end
- They are not there to make your life hard
- They are part of life
- Remember
Oh, to live is to fly,
Both low and high
- Fly a little today my friends
- Whether its high or its low
- You are still flying
- Every day
Much love
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