Writers Block – QFY 494
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Writers block doesn’t just affect writers. We all have moments when we feel stuck or empty with our creative endeavors and our goals. But writer’s block is just a temporary emptiness that requires new fuel. Instead of excusing or resisting it, we need to fill ourselves back up with new inspiration and creativity.
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Writers Block – QFY 494
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Episode 494 – Writer’s Block
- This weekend was the first weekend in a long time that the weather interfered with my plans
- The cold season is knocking and it caught me by surprise
- All my stuff was already packed for my first ever backpacking trip in Yosemite
- I had agreed to a new challenge – to hiking with a 50-60lb pack and spending the night somewhere in the middle of nowhere
- It is an easy 3 mile hike, at high elevation though, but I was ready
- I have hiked longer than that
- I have hiked steeper and at higher elevation
- I have hiked with climbing gear and a rope on my back
- But I always came back to a tent or a car
- I never had to carry sleeping gear and food
- But I realized – backpacking is part of training
- As I am climbing more strenuous alpine routes as I have this year
- With long hikes in and out
- And as I dream more and more about Big Wall climbs, where you spend a night or more on the side of a mountain
- I need to get comfortable with the idea of carrying everything I need with me
- Not just for a day
- But for several days
- A new challenge
- And as you will learn if you listen regularly to this podcast
- This is how we grow
- Sure, we can learn by taking classes and reading books and listening to podcasts
- I have learned a lot like this
- I call this – safe learning
- At home, in your comfortable chair
- With the heater on – like I have right now, because the cold front that moved in this weekend and that cancelled my first ever backpacking trip,
- not because of the 30% chance of snow the weather forecast was predicting at 8000 ft of elevation
- but because of road closures in Yosemite
- and without a road, its hard to get to and from places
- I had plenty of warm clothes packed and I was ready for a windy and cold night
- But alas, someone thought it might not be my weekend
- So here I am
- At home,
- I woke up and instead of getting up, I read
- I read in the book that I have been carrying with me all summer
- A short book
- Not hard to read
- It came on every overnight climbing trip because surely, I thought, and mistakenly every single time
- That when I end my climbing day around 6, hop in a lake or river somewhere to shower, eat something and then lay down between 8-9pm because once it gets dark there isn’t much else to do
- I figured I have plenty of time to read
- Well, you can tell how this worked out based on the fact that I am still reading a 237 page book
- My library already sent me an overdue notice so tomorrow morning I will turn it
- Of course, after I finish it
- But as I read this morning, cozy and lazy in my bed from 7-8
- Instead of being outside somewhere in the cold, trying to heat water for tea
- I read a chapter that I want to share with you
- I have shared from this book before
- In episode 472 – titled Your terrible first effort – I shared an excerpt from Anne Lamott’s book called Bird by Bird
- A book about writing, but even more so, on good advice for life
- I am not an aspiring book writer
- But I write my podcast episodes
- My climbing partner has a blog
- You probably have a social media account
- We all write at some point
- Even if its just a sentence underneath our pretty IG shot
- And even if you are not writing, you are possibly creating other content
- Maybe you garden, or do pottery, or jewelry, like I used to do
- Writers block – todays topic – doesn’t just affect writers
- Sometimes we are just stuck in our lives
- We want to do more
- We have aspirations and ideas and we want to implement them
- But we somehow cant find a way to get started
- I specifically thought of my climbing partner when I read this chapter
- We have taken so many wonderful trips together all summer and he took tons of pictures on each one
- But he hasn’t written about any of them on his blog
- When I asked him about it a while back – the answer was the usually answer we all give
- The one 4 letter word that comes easiest to use
- We blame time for everything
- TIME, and probably money right after
- But then I asked again last week and he said something I didn’t expect
- Writers block
- Hmmm – I thought to myself
- And I didn’t respond because sometimes it takes me a while to percolate an appropriate answer
- Well – the answer came to me today in bed
- When I read the chapter on writers block, where Lamott says:
- It begins with acceptance
- You see, I think we lose a lot of valuable time with our creative endeavors because we ignore our so called writers block
- But when we ignore something, or resist it, or refuse to acknowledge it, it gets pushed in the background and it never gets addressed
- If we have a desire to create, then we have to keep it present in our minds
- And if creating becomes challenging, then we face the situation as it is
- Last weekend I struggled climbing
- We climbed routes that were rated as easy, yet it was hard for me to finish them
- This week at the gym, I still carried my frustration from the weekend and I honestly didn’t feel like climbing
- But I did and I started with very easy routes
- I faced my fear, my failure, and I eased it by getting on easy stuff
- Lamott continues:
- The key word here is presence
- Staying present with our goal is important
- When it gets ignored, excused with things like “Oh I have writers block” it also moves down on the list of priorities
- Don’t let that happen
- Its harder to do when your livelihood depends on it, like it does for full time authors
- But its much easier to do for most of us, who have full lives and then we want to squeeze something else in, like a podcast, a blog, training for a marathon or whatever your goal may be
- I have considered giving climbing up
- I love it, but I am also not that great at it
- To get really good, which I want, which would give me motivation to continue, I need to climb more frequently than I can
- But I decided that I will focus on the small improvements I can make every time I climb
- Instead of hoping that from one weekend to the next I can suddenly zip through chimneys and climb over huge roofs, I focus on the small steps
- Like my footwork, my balance, climbing efficiently, without expending so much energy
- I am staying present with my task
- If you feel you are stuck, stay with it
- Figure out what you can learn from this
- In the previous section Lamott shared how she encourages her students to write about being stuck and what it feels like
- This is staying present
- I climbed easy routes on Thursday
- On days where absolutely no topic comes to mind for a podcast episode, I share other peoples work
- stay with your goal
- When we create something of our own – we need a lot of energy
- I like to call it fuel
- Writers need ideas to put on paper
- Athletes need strength to push through their workouts
- Photographers and other artists require inspiration, material, the right conditions
- Sometimes the fuel is not there
- Writers block
- Accept it
- But don’t give up
- Don’t push it away, don’t excuse it
- Stay with it
- It is just a need for more fuel
- If this is your calling – your goal, your passion, your dream
- Then you will find fuel
- The question she poses- What if today was your last day? – is a way to fuel you
- It makes you priotize that which you are most passionate about at the moment
- This morning I wanted to go run,
- But the 10 mile hike tired me out so I read
- Do what resonates with you at the moment, and it may be the opposite of whatever your craft is
- But my encouragement here is this:
- Don’t use it as an excape
- Use it as fuel
- Its easy to get lost in weekend after weekend of going away, climbing hiking, and then returning to work – getting through the week – and then getting out as quickly as possible
- I feel often that this is me
- I then have to catch myself and remind myself of my main purpose
- To create
- To write and record content
- To craft speeches that inspire others
- And to make time for that
- Lamott suggest ways you can find fuel in the section I just read
- Read, go to the beach, or simply participate in your ordinary life
- I did all 3 this weekend
- I hiked along the beach at Point Reyes yesterday since the backpacking trip was cancelled
- I read this morning
- And I did ordinary stuff like making my bed, bringing my apartment back into order, cooking dinner, doing laundry
- All 3 things together inspired me to sit down and write this episode
- How do you think I come up with so much content?
- I allow life to fill me back up
- Do the same
- If you are stuck – find activities that inspire you
- But be careful not to get distracted
- Stay present with your goal
- Yesterday on my hike I thought very deliberately about next steps for my speaking career
- Keep your goals in the back of your mind and when you are refreshed and ready to roll, ideas will come out of you
- My trips near and far always inspire me
- They give me content for my episodes, for my speeches and for next steps
- But I have to make the time for it
- Writers block is temporary
- Don’t hide behind it
- Accept it and stay present with it like a sick relative
- And one last tip -that is not in the book
- This always helps me get back to my quest
- And that is when I remember my audience
- I think of all the people that may find help, encouragement and motivation in my epsiodes
- I focus on them instead of on myself
- I think about how much they might need to hear from me
- How just a few of my tips might make a difference in their lives
- And this then brings me back to my laptop because I feel inspired to continue
- Think about the difference your work could make in someone’s life
- How it might help others on their journey
- And let that dissolve your writers block
- Because in the end, the purpose we create is really – to improve the lives of others
- I want to end with a few more lines from this chapter:
- Don’t forget to share this episode with someone close to you
Much love my friends
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