Change is not hard – QFY 501
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We like to say that change is hard but quite often we use it as an excuse to when can’t fully commit to the change. Change is not hard. We change all the time – when we want to, or when we have to. All growth comes through change. Yet, we are scared of change. Lets talk about what we can do to make change our friend and maximize our growth.
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Show Notes for
Change is not hard – QFY 501
Looking for a quote from my show notes?
Episode 501 – Change is not hard
“Your life does not get better by chance; it gets better by change.”
Jim Rohn
- Good morning my friends and welcome back
- After a 3 week break, I am back with brand new episodes for you
- I hope you enjoyed either re-listening to some of the older episodes or catching up on them if you missed them
- I used to record 5 episodes per week
- It was tough for me and I am sure it was tough on you
- I can’t keep up with all the podcasts I subscribe to so I know it was hard to listen to so much content – even though it was short
- My goal is to be there for you with daily inspiration, but I have learned based on my own experience that I can only absorb so much
- And apply – even less
- And this is where I am hoping to be more effective
- I want to not just inspire you and feel good for a few moments
- I want to help you take action
- Information is plentiful
- But without using that information, it remains just information
- A Cookbook with healthy recipes looks nice on the shelf
- But without ever cooking and trying out some of the recipes – the book alone doesn’t add any value to our life
- The problem I see today that there is so much information out there and that we have to really become scrutinizing and select the knowledge that is useful
- That means we always have to ask ourselves – if it applies to us and if we can actually apply the information
- Sadly – there is so much useless advice out there
- Advise that doesn’t really address the issue
- Advise that is not practical or realistic
- Or its advice that is to overwhelming to take action on
- I have read many great books
- Loved them
- But never did anything with the information
- I find small bits of information more helpful
- An example I can relate to
- Some lesson from the example that I can understand
- And a resulting action I can easily implement
- That is what I am trying to do with this podcast
- I share stories I have come across and the lessons I have drawn from them
- And I will always leave us with something to consider, to try, to take action on
- Because action is the only thing that matters
- If we don’t try at least one of the 100s of recipes in the book, we will not learn
- If we don’t change something, nothing will change
- Or it will change in a way we may not like
- Change is hard – we all have said it at one time or another
- And that’s all it is – something we say
- And we say it to excuse ourselves
- to excuse our laziness,
- our unwillingness to try harder,
- our lack of commitment to the task
- We say it when things don’t work out in our favor
- When we failed
- When things didn’t go our way
- When we lost courage or motivation
- But its just something we say
- Its not how it has to be
- This podcast is all about change
- Its about taking tiny steps from a place of status quo into a different direction
- I am asking you to change
- Because I have found that change is the only way I grow
- Change doesn’t have to be big but it needs to be consistent
- Making one big change today and then nothing again for the next 10 years will not help you grow unless you consistently push yourself
- If we want to explore our potential, and live our best life, we constantly needs to change
- When you try a recipe from that new cookbook you bought, you change
- You introduce something new to your brain and therefore to your life
- You expand your horizon
- Change is that simple – it IS NOT hard
- Excuses, resistance, laziness, and disinterest make change hard
- But change itself is not hard
- We do it all the time
- We try a new dish in our favorite restaurant
- We take an alternate route home because the freeway is clogged
- We stay in a different hotel when we visit our family
- We react differently to a recurring complaint
- We read an article about a question that we want to answer
- change starts with awareness and openness
- a readiness to listen, to be receptive, to be curious
- change already starts when we notice something that interests us, and then reflect on it
- play with it, imagine it, evaluate it
- action will not follow immediately
- it takes time – it may take years
- until we are ready
- We are ready when we transition from awareness to acceptance
- when we acknowledge that this pertains to us and we decide to do something about it
- Action initiates change
- Awareness > Acceptance > Action
“Your life does not get better by chance; it gets better by change.”
- And change lies in our hand
- Life will change around us and force us into change
- And the less we are open to change, the harder this change will be
- I prefer to initiate my own change
- I have found it makes me more open for the sometimes tough changes that come my way
- But I have also noticed that there are fewer tough changes when I make my own tough changes
- The more change I seek, the stronger and more resilient of a person I become
- The more I can handle and take on
- And the better I can deal with setbacks
- this is the purpose of this podcast
- to help you create that awareness areas of your life you may not have previously considered
- to inspire you to think more about them, to play with different ideas
- and to eventually take a step towards that new idea
- Remember that the environment we live in is key
- Surrounded by smokers you are less likely to quit smoking
- Bring more into your life of the things and the people you are seeking
- Climbing has taught me that
- I want to climb – I need partners
- If I rely only on the one partner I have then I am left stranded if something happens to him
- Its easy to get comfortable with what we have
- It works, so why change?
- Well, the day it doesn’t work anymore, we are forced to change
- So why not be ready for major change and make small changes along the way?
- After I met my current gym climbing partner I realized the importance of being open and friendly with people
- You never know who you meet
- And when fellow climbers meet at the base of a route, there is always small talk going on – hey, where you from, what are you climbing
- I never used to engage much in this chatter
- Its not my comfort zone
- Besides – why? I wondered.
- I have a partner. I don’t care about these other people – I will never see them again.
- This has changed
- Now I even initiate these conversations
- I am a climber so I want to surround myself not just with one climber, but with many
- That way, I never have to worry about a weekend where I don’t have anyone to climb with
- Our environment is important
- If we want to change, if we want to reach a goal, be better at something, or fulfill a dream, we need to create an environment that supports us with that change
- My favorite example is food
- Don’t buy the food you don’t want to eat and you wont eat it
- Don’t book your entire weekend with eating out get-togethers if you are watching your diet
- Instead find people who walk with you
- Why do get togethers have to involve food?
- I frequently text friends to meet me by going for a walk
- My podcast is such a change in environment that you can make
- By filling yourself with information that inspires you to change, you an increasing your awareness and challenging yourself to be more open and curious
- Instead of listening to meaningless radio in the car or the train, you can fill yourself with something that helps you grow
- This is what I want to do
- Nudge you
- Inspire you
- Make you think
- And act
- Change is not hard
- Change is doing something different and we do it all the time when our motivation is there
- When we want to change, we change
- When we have to change, we change
- But when we are to comfortable, or when it’s a bit risky, we make excuses
- So don’t say change is hard
- Instead ask yourself – what does it take for me to change?
- Do I need more information?
- Do I need to be more open and curious?
- Do I need more motivation and believe in my goal?
- Do I just need to take a step?
- Mostly, that’s all you have to do
- Take a step into a new direction
- And design your environment so it supports you
- Change is not hard
- Change can happen automatically when you are ready
- Find out what you need to do to be ready
Much love
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