Uncertainty builds resourcefulness – QFY 502
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Change is difficult because its uncertain. But its in the uncertainty that we become creative and resourceful. But we need to step into it. Know that when something scares you, it might be exactly that which you need to face. We can often get over our fears by turning directly towards them.
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Show Notes for
Uncertainty builds resourcefulness – QFY 502
Looking for a quote from my show notes?
Episode 502 – Uncertainty builds resourcefulness
- I started this 500 series out with the topic of change
- It’s a topic that is near and dear to my heart because for the major part of my life I struggled with change
- I literally fell apart when something I had planned or counted on didn’t work out
- And this fear of failure held me back from many wonderful opportunities which involved risk that I wasn’t willing to take
- Today I am determined to not let myself be controlled by my fear of change anymore
- I want to manage change and I want as much as possible of it in my life
- I realized that when I make friends with change, change makes friends with me
- It becomes less scary, less intimidating
- And it begins to work with me and even work in my favor
- We tend to blame our limitations, our setbacks, and our misfortune on the changes that occurred in our life
- All the negative circumstances that befell us
- And I am not being dramatic here,
- We all have bad luck at some point in our life
- Circumstances that we didn’t plan on and that often don’t seem fair
- They happen to even the luckiest of people
- But they don’t have to decide the course of our lives
- We cannot forget that we are still in charge
- Our problems may not be our fault, but they are our responsibility
- When our home floods with water due to a busted pipe, we take care of it because its our home
- When we get sick, we take care of our body with medicine and rehabilitation
- But we often neglect our heart
- It gets injured as well
- Pain is inevitable in this life but pain can be healed
- It requires a commitment to self care
- Remember when I said in the previous episode that change is not hard?
- It is only hard when we say it is
- Change is life
- Life is constant change
- We need to come to terms with that and then we can manage change better
- The reason we struggle with change is that it is uncertain
- In our ancient world, uncertainty was a normal part of life
- Everything starting from the next meal was in limbo
- People didn’t have tools to predict the weather,
- Or conveniences like stores and fast transportation
- Every day was a new challenge with many problems to solve in order to ensure survival
- in today’s modern world, we are not used to uncertainty anymore
- most of us in this country don’t have to worry about our next meal, where to sleep, or how to get from A to B
- We can check almost anything online
- There is very little that we have to wait for or are not sure about
- Hit refresh and you are in the KNOW
- Our modern day worries revolve less around present day survival but more about future life happiness
- This, in my opinion isn’t bad but it creates a dilemma
- Since we are more concerned about our future and how things will play out, we are at the same time less in control
- Present problems such as lack of food or physical pain are attacked and resolved instantly
- Future problems are perceived problems that have not yet taken place and are therefore difficult to address in this moment
- We try
- We buy enough so we don’t run out
- We save enough so we are prepared
- We plan and organize so we are ready
- We try to ready ourselves for the future, with the hope to eliminate any potential surprises
- But in the process, our ability to deal with uncertainty weakens
- We become slaves to our routines and we lose our ability to think creatively and resourcefully
- This weekend, on our way home from climbing, the sun was setting as we were driving
- And abruptly, I decided I wanted to see the sunset – not while driving in my car, but on top of a hill, in nature
- So I took a left turn
- There were hills to my left and I headed towards them
- I didn’t look at my phone for directions
- I just followed the roads that looked like they would lead to the mountains.
- And minutes later we are watching the sunset on a lonely dead end road with no houses anywhere in sight
- Surrounded by nature, crickets, and birds contributing their sounds
- A beautiful ending to a day
- Did I feel a little nervous without directions?
- Of course, I wont lie about that
- I don’t ever drive anywhere that I don’t know without my phone anymore
- But I have to say, this also takes the surprise and the pleasure away
- I believe uncertainty makes us stronger because it builds resilience for the unexpected changes that hit us
- Yes, we don’t have to worry about lions running after us or food not being available for dinner
- But yet we still are faced with very real and basic threats
- I am reminded of this these days as I am sitting in a smoke filled apartment in northern California, with all my devices plugged in in fear of losing power any moment
- Electricity, fresh air, these are basic human needs that we have come to rely on 24/7
- Suddenly I think about where I would go to work on my computer in case power went out
- This is the creativity and resourcefulness we employ when we are forced to
- Thing is – we are rarely forced anymore
- Today I am a little frustrated with my colleagues
- My office is shut down because there is no power in the area but somehow everyone took this as a holiday because nobody is online
- I realize that some of the people may not have power, but there are plenty of public places with free Wifi that one can go to for a couple of hours
- Especially during month end – a critical time for any retailer
- When change is running our life, we are not in charge
- We become victims to our circumstances
- And this makes us weak and powerless
- We can learn to manage change better by growing the muscle of uncertainty
- By becoming comfortable with uncertainty
- And we can do so by exposing ourselves to it more often
- When I take off for the mountains, especially for the longer alpine routes that require long and difficult hikes, I am exposing myself to uncertainty
- I walk away from my car with a pack on my back that has limited food and water and some extra clothing and I have to hope that it will suffice for whatever circumstances I encounter
- The rest will depend on my me
- Ask yourself – what scares you most?
- What are you afraid of?
- That will give you an idea where you also might be limiting yourself
- For a long time I guarded my money very carefully
- I saved everything with hopes that it would be useful later
- But then I realized, that I didn’t live in the now
- I didn’t enjoy my life
- I didn’t buy myself anything nor did I pursue anything because I was afraid to touch my savings
- This has changed
- Now I spend money on what I think is in line with my values but this also makes me more creative and resourceful
- After I spend a lot money on my speaking program I am more driven to make that investment pay off
- Paying for 2 gyms pushes me to use them both
- What scares you?
- are you worried about losing your job?
- Then start looking for another one right now
- Are you overly protective with your possessions?
- Try to live without some of them for a while – including your car
- Do you have health concerns?
- Then become active now and change your eating habits
- Do the things that scare you because by doing so you at the same time will address the fears you carry inside
- what scares us wants to be addressed
- I want to encourage all of us today to challenge ourselves more
- And to invite uncertainty into our life
- A talk with a stranger
- An invitation to our home
- A course on something new and foreign
- An unplanned trip, alone
- A new routine
- A different direction
- Another perspective
- This is how we grow
- This is how we become comfortable with the unknown
- And this is how we make friends with change
- And ultimately , this is how we find out more about ourselves
Give it a try my friends
Find something that scares you and head towards it
And then share with me how it felt
I would love to share your story on this podcast so others can be motivated as well
Much love
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