The people I like – QFY 504
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The people I like are people that I am drawn to because they live the actions, behaviors and words that I also want to live. I look up to them because they set the example for the kind of person I want to be. And those are the people we should surround ourselves with. By spending time with the people we like, we become more like them.
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Show Notes for
The people I like – QFY 504
Looking for a quote from my show notes?
Episode 504 – The people I like
I don’t know about you, but
- I like people who are funny
- I love to laugh
- And when the situation is bleak, some humor always helps to lighten everyone up
- Humor, genuine, really funny and smart humor, is a skill and I admire the people that possess it
- Especially in times when everyone else is occupied with serious stuff, humor rescues our minds from the downward spiral
- I value people that welcome me
- I feel it when they properly greet me
- Say my name
- Look at me
- Invite me into their life for a brief moment with a kind word or gesture
- And then warmly say good bye when our time is over
- Walking me out, waving, smiling, wishing me well
- It makes me feel my company was cherished
- I like people who ask good questions
- You know, those deeper questions that make you pause for a second because you haven’t thought about it in a while, haven’t been asked about it either in some time
- These kind of questions, probe, challenge, make me reconsider
- And most importantly, they show interest, which I consider the greatest respect a person can pay me
- I am grateful for people who teach me
- Patiently, genuinely, and without expectations
- Simply because they want to give, from their heart to mine
- When they pass on something they learned – they are enriching my life
- It makes me feel special and appreciated
- I like people who sing or play an instrument while in my company
- Or even better, ask me for a dance – wherever we may be at the moment
- Sometimes it is the communication that doesn’t come in spoken words that is most impactful
- I feel warmth in my heart when people cook for me
- Food is more than just the ingredients I consume
- Food prepared for me comes with parts of the person they are passing on to me – their love, their wisdom, their thoughts and their generosity
- I find delight in being included in a meal prepared by someone I know
- I am drawn to people who engage me
- They include me into their world with their fresh ideas, their unique perspective, the way in which they express themselves
- They share books they enjoyed, strategies that helped them get better, and wisdom they learned about life
- Their commitment inspires my own journey
- I like spending time with people who challenge me
- they gently push me to do more and to do better
- Not for challenging’s sake
- Not because they benefit
- But because they want to see me grow
- These people will ask at the end of our meeting “How can I help you achieve your goals?
- Thereby making themselves a part of my learning and growth journey
- they gently push me to do more and to do better
- I enjoy people who remember me
- A call or email
- A small token or a souvenir from a trip
- Flowers – yes
- Pictures of times together
- Follow-up, follow-through, check-in
- Anytime
- Not all the time
- But particularly when times are tough
- Or when the distance is large
- Or when our connection is close
- remembering is a sign of care, compassion and empathy
- its one of the easiest ways to stay connected with another person and build something lasting
- I love people that assume good intent
- Because I never mean ill will
- I may have forgotten
- I may have shown neglect, lack of care, or ignorance
- But I never mean harm
- I never mean to hurt
- I never mean to intentionally disrespect
- Can I do better?
- Almost always,
- But I learn better when people focus on my good intentions
- And help me see where I can improve with a gentle nudge, a reminder, a refresher, curiosity, kindness and a smile
- And most importantly – when they not take personally something that was not personal
- But a human flaw or error or misjudgment
- I adore people who stand solid on this earth
- Above the petty things
- But occupied with the big questions of our time
- Not easily blown away by small transgressions
- But clear, respectful and not afraid to address the big issues face to face
- People that see the work that needs to get done and do it
- Without asking for recognition
- not even years later
- Pursuing their dreams
- Changing the world by making it a better place
- And inspiring me with their actions, behaviors and words
- Above the petty things
- Those are the people I like
- Those are the acts and behaviors I admire in others
- Those are the people I feel draw to, over and over again
- Because they show me the person I also want to be
- Surround yourself with the people you like
- That have values that match yours
- That exhibit virtues you want to have as well
- And slowly eliminate those that you don’t like
- Because that creates space for new people to come into your life
- And the more you behave like the people you admire, the more they will be drawn to you
Much love
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