Don’t wait with your goals – QFY 505
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Just because the end of the year is near, doesn’t mean your goals have to wait until next year. Even if you tried and failed, you can try again. In this episode I encourage you to take the smallest step you can think of. As long as you are doing something, you are are inching your way closer to success than if you do nothing at all.
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Show Notes for
Don’t wait with your goals – QFY 505
Looking for a quote from my show notes?
Episode 505 – Don’t wait with your goals
- Its that time of year
- I felt it on Monday – the first Monday of November
- Somehow I felt the energy and the frenzy in the air
- Holiday season
- The end of the year approaching
- People getting stuff done
- Preparing for gifting season, eating season, family time
- As you might know – this time of year is not my favorite
- If I was rich and could do what I want, I would probably take off right about now
- Into warmer lands
- Into quieter lands
- Where there is no rush for anything
- This is the season I am battling with negative thoughts more often
- With sadness
- Regret
- Wishful thinking
- I am just not as motivated as I am in the spring and the summer
- There are many reasons
- The goals I haven’t yet accomplished are weighing on my back
- the progress that I don’t seem to be able to make on the things that are important to me sometimes wants me to throw it all away
- The shorter days make me feel time runs even faster
- The weather is gloomier
- And there is to much candy around during these next 2 months
- Requiring more of my energy to resist
- Of course there are some things I enjoy about this season
- The colors of Fall are beautiful
- Fewer people are outside in nature, especially early in the mornings – which pulls me outside more often
- In fact,
- I noticed that in Fall and winter, I find it easier to get up earlier
- Maybe because the sun rises earlier
- Maybe because I go to bed earlier
- I took notice of that this week,
- when I reflected that I have been quite successful in implementing my daily morning yoga practice over the last couple of weeks
- Despite the house being colder and the bed warmer
- I get up and do yoga
- And this isn’t the first time
- I tend to restart my morning routine during the colder months
- As you may know I have talked about getting back into a morning routine but it has been hard
- Not because I couldn’t get up,
- But often I went to the gym or for a run, instead of doing Yoga
- Summer and the warmer days give me tons of energy and I find it hard to find stillness
- But I always miss those quiet mornings
- And now I have finally prioritized what is most important to me
- that quiet start to my day
- I do my cardio now mostly at night, only go to the gym one morning a week for a boot camp class that I really like
- And I have noticed a change in my day when I begin the day with Yoga
- I am calmer and more at peace about the often stressful events during my day
- My energy feels somehow more … levelled
- I stand up straighter
- My back is less stiff and this makes my evening gym workout easier
- My morning practice, that I started at the end of October helped me realize yet again the importance of not waiting, and just starting
- All year long I wanted to get back into yoga
- And for a million reasons, I didn’t
- And now it did
- I contemplated not doing it at all and instead just adding it to my goals for next year
- But then I really wanted to do yoga
- I know how good it makes me feel
- So I started
- This is not my entire goal
- I really want an hour every morning for yoga, mediation, maybe even some reading or journaling
- But I started with one thing
- I want to get consistent with yoga and then add on from there
- What is your goal?
- What is something you really want to do, try or continue?
- What is something you wanted to do this year but didn’t get around to
- Or something you’re holding off on – because you think its not worth starting
- Now, that its holiday season
- Now, that the year is almost over anyway
- Assuming you will have January 1st secured?
- The idea of time, especially future time is comforting
- “Oh, ill do that later – tomorrow – next week, next month”
- But the only time that is secure is the time we have right now
- Future thinking, to me is useless, when we don’t take any steps at all
- Future thinking only works when we are actually working our way towards it
- Its very hard to start something major right out of the gate
- That is why so many new years resolutions fail
- We introduce a complete new routine or habit into our already very structured life
- We start off well because the will and the motivation carry us through
- But at the slightest challenges, often brought on by our environment, we fail
- Its normal
- We are not prepared
- We don’t know what challenges will hit us
- Take my yoga routine
- For the longest time I wanted that one hour –
- But when I didn’t get out of bed in time or had other things planned, I didn’t do anything
- Until one morning I finally said – I have 20 min – I can at least do yoga
- And that’s how I began
- Easing into my morning routine
- Into a larger goal
- With small steps
- The one hour goal was to much
- Ambitious, but not doable for me
- Most of the big goals I have started, started with failure
- We don’t like to plan on failure
- We think we can do it
- And when we can’t we give up
- I want to tell you today:
- Start
- Start again
- Try
- At whatever stage you are with your ideas, your goals, your passions
- But start
- One step:
- Maybe that step is 5 min long
- Maybe its 5 sentences long
- Maybe its 5 pages
- 5 miles
- 5 ideas
- 5 poses
- 5 reps
- Define your first step of your major goal and take that step today
- Do not wait any longer
- For a future moment in time that you don’t have secured
- That you only use as cushion to excuse yourself
- Start today and consider it practice for your big goal
- You get to fail
- You get to try out what works
- You can revise and refine and adjust
- And when January 1st hits, or whatever other arbitrary future Start date you set for yourself – you are prepared
- You know what things may derail you,
- You know what to watch out for
- You are ready
- Because every time we fail and get back up, we learn more about ourselves
- And we can use that knowledge in many ways
- Maybe set a more realistic goal
- To change our expectations
- And to prepare appropriately
- You can accomplish so much between now and the new year
- Maybe you even complete your goal between now and the end of the year
- Did I tell you I started a biweekly newsletter?
- The idea for it came to me a couple of months ago
- And one day I just started writing it
- And since I wanted to keep it short, it was done very quickly
- I edited a few time and on Monday shipped it
- For a couple of months I considered it and wrote it under my goals, but I didn’t really think I would get to it
- Well – now its done and that’s one goal I don’t need to carry into next year
- Please subscribe if you want to stay connected
- You can go to my also newly revised website – another project I am finishing up, page by page – and scroll to the bottom and enter your email there
- I plan to send it out every other Monday with the intention to get you to think, reflect and stay connected with me
- Don’t wait with your goals
- The future is not certain
- If you have motivation, time and some of the required resources – start now
- Every day is a new opportunity to start over
- You failed yesterday, so today you try again, slightly modified
- Practice
- Cant make it to the gym 3x per week – Go one day a week
- Don’t have time for an hour walk – Walk 10 min
- Want to start a website or blog but don’t have time – start writing anyway and gathering content and ideas to be used later
- Don’t have money for those expensive in-person classes –
- Read a book about the topic of your interest and then buy an online class that is cheaper
- Feel you way into that big goal
- Read, write, collect information
- There is always something we can do
- Take a small step
- Make a small investment
- Give it a try
And do it now
Much love
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