What I am thankful for – QFY 508
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During this time of year – Thanksgiving and Christmas, I like to consciously think about what I am thankful for. I am sharing 3 key aspects of my life that I cannot live without. As you listen, I encourage you to reflect on these same areas of your life and see if you can find gratitude for them. And if that is challenging, then it could be an indicator that it might be time to change a few things. Happy Thanksgiving.
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Show Notes for
What I am thankful for – QFY 508
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Episode 508 – What I am thankful for
Here we are my friends
Thanksgiving weekend in the united states
a holiday I didn’t grow up with
therefore I have little association with any tradition around it
for me its only a long awaited holiday because of the long weekend
and this year I will leave town
but before I do, I want to keep with the one tradition that I do keep for this holiday
and that is giving thanks and showing my gratitude
I don’t need turkey for that or a big gathering
Although I enjoy both
But I can simply think of what I am grateful for and that is what I want to do today
With you – here on this podcast – together
Here are 3 key aspects of my life that I am thankful for:
- My friends
- This may sounds banal to you, but just these 2 words MY FRIENDS mean the world to me
- You have no idea
- 2 years ago, I barely had any friends
- I had friends spread in different parts of the world
- These were friends from Germany or from college
- Friends of the past that I spoke to only sporadically
- But these were not friends that I could meet for dinner with
- That would help me solve a problem or motivate me
- These were friends far away that I barely see, barely speak to
- And when we speak, we merely update one another on the events that have happened since we last spoke
- No
- I am talking about actual friends
- In the last 2 years I have made more friends that I have made my entire life
- Listen to my recent episode on how to make friends
- Because I finally figured it out
- Only took me most of my life
- I have friends
- Friends that support my journey with advise, with motivation, and by challenging me
- Friends that listen when I am going through a tough time
- Friends that teach me
- That invite me to join them on trips
- Friends from a wide variety of background
- If you listen to my interviews, you will meet some of them
- The best part about my friends:
- They make me a better person
- They are not perfect but who they are challenges me to be at my best
- And that is what I love about them
- So here goes a shout out to all my friends
- And to you my listeners – take a moment during this Thankful time of year and think about your friends
- Acknowledge how awesome they are and how much value they add to your life
- My work
- I never thought I would say that but here it is
- I am very thankful for my job
- It took me a long time to acknowledge that I enjoy my work
- Because when it comes to our jobs, I think we all are highly critical
- There is the boss that’s always nagging
- There are the co-workers that always somehow make our life difficult
- Our pay never seems to be high enough
- The promotion long overdue
- All the politics we have to put with
- The stress, the deadlines, the unreasonable expectations
- The commute that sucks
- The location that could be better
- And so on
- We spend a lot of time at work so its normal – we complain
- And – we know so many other people that also work,
- And we probably envy many of them
- But here is the thing:
- Most of the time – its really not so bad
- My company is going through a lot of changes
- In fact, I already know that my job will probably go away next year
- Yet, I am quite at peace with that and I am thankful for my job
- Everytime I browse the open postings out there, I quickly close my browser window after a few minutes – thankful for what I have and wanting to enjoy it while it lasts
- I like what I do
- Its challenging, its interesting, I solve problems on a daily basis which always keeps me on my toes
- I have flexibility with my schedule and the decision that I make
- I have a great team supporting me
- I get compensated well
- My commute can be a pain but it’s a beautiful drive
- I cross a bridge and see the ocean and San Francisco every morning
- From my desk I have a beautiful view of the hills surrounding my office
- All around I have to say – I am pretty lucky
- Do I wish certain things were better or different?
- Sure
- We all do
- But everything I have just listed quite outweighs the few complaints I have
- I am thankful for my job
- And this became even clearer to me this week as I said good bye to my boss who left the company
- I really enjoyed working for him and as I wrote him a card I realized – we sometimes aren’t grateful until its to late
- I was often impatient and short with him
- Now that he is gone and I don’t yet know who exactly will be my next boss, I regret some of my behaviors
- So – this is for you my listeners – take a moment during this Thankful time of year and think about your jobs
- Despite all the complaints you have, many of which may be valid –
- Try to find the good things
- I bet there are more than you initially can think of
- Acknowledge the value your job adds to your life
- The life style it affords you
- The friendships you may have formed there
- The many things you have learned, even if it was the hard way
- Our jobs are an important part of our growth journey as we are constantly dealing with other human beings
- Without all my management experience, I would not be where I am today
- And lastly
- California
- This is somewhat of a no-brainer because I am thankful for California almost every day
- On my morning commute crossing the bay
- On my evening commute as the sun sets and casts the iconic California orange glow over the water
- On the weekends when I am in the mountains
- California is amazing and I know being able to live here is a privilege
- Many people dream of this
- But life here is not cheap
- Living here means sacrificing a lot of things that are a given in other places
- Safety and security – not so optimal where I live
- Housing and rental prices – crazy
- Amenities in return for those prices – minimal
- Yea, for what I pay in rent I could live in a modern loft downtown in some other city in this country
- But that’s not where I want to live
- There is a smile on my face every day when I am outside
- Because I love California
- And the accessibility to the outdoors is more important to me than the size of my apartment
- Because I rather be outside anyways than inside
- With ocean and mountains and woods all around me, there is no need for a huge house
- There might be a need for a good car to explore the outdoors, camping gear, climbing and skiing gear, a surfboard, but not a fancy house
- At least not for me
- Because as soon as the weekend hits, I am gone
- And during the week – I am at work
- So – this is for you my listeners – take a moment during this Thankful time of year and think about where you live
- To me California is my dream place – since I was a teenager I dreamt of California even though I couldn’t even find it on a map
- I know many of my Texas friends love Texas
- What do you enjoy about where you live?
- There is a reason you live there,
- What are you grateful for?
- I could continue with my gratitude list but I focused on the big buckets today that we often don’t consider or simply take for granted
- The people in our life
- Our jobs
- And the place we live
- And if if it was hard for you to be grateful for one or more of these, then it might be an indicator that its time to change
- If you are not with people, in a job or in a place that makes you happy, then take responsibility and change your circumstance
- We spend a lot of our time in these 3 areas – at work, with the people in our live and in the places we live
- Its important we are happy with them
- Wishing you a wonderful thanksgiving me friends
- As I am roaming around in the beautiful state of Utah
- I wish you some time for reflection and gratitude
- Wherever you are
- Take a few moments out of the day and consider the things in your life that give you joy
- I certainly will, although I have to say it will not be hard while being on nature
- That’s where gratitude always comes easy to me
Please share this episode today – that would add to my gratitude for today
Much love
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