Why I fast – QFY 511
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Fasting has many physical and mental benefits for me and that is why it is part of my Quest For Me. I share my best practices and learning lessons with you so you can evaluate whether it its something that you might want to experiment with.
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Show Notes for
Why I fast – QFY 511
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Episode 511 – Why I fast
- Welcome friends
- To another episode of QFY
- Today I want to talk about fasting
- I know, that doesn’t fall into my usual category of topics, which mostly revolve around habits, goals, mindset, behaviors and techniques that help us become our best self
- But in a sense – it does
- I don’t much talk about the physical aspects that help me be my best self, but I have dedicated a few rare episodes to topics such as nutrition, exercise and sleep
- Because without the physical aspects, all my other efforts become more difficult
- Without exercise – I feel sluggish and lack ideas
- Without healthy nutrition – the sluggishness is even worse and I wont feel like working out
- And without proper sleep – I cannot focus and produce content that inspires
- Everything is connected and to be our best self, we eventually need to look at all areas
- I don’t like to give advice however,
- I try to be careful in telling people to eat this or that, or try a certain workout or sleep a certain number of hours
- For once – because everyone is different
- What works for me doesn’t necessarily work for you
- And then – There is plenty of information on those topics already out there
- However cluttered and confusing it may be
- There are people that have more knowledge on those topics
- You just have to find them
- Not everyone who gives advise has the expertise on the info they present
- For once – because everyone is different
- I like to share what works for me and how what I do helps me on my quest for me
- I am very focused on my health because the more I am, the better of a person I become
- And this is why these kinds of topics also have a place on the QFY journey
- I don’t want to tell you what you should do
- I merely want to share WHY I do what I do
- You can then evaluate if it resonates with you and maybe experiment with some of the same things
- Because its only through trying something different that you learn and discover more about yourself
- This is what I did – I experimented
- And only when I find something that works for me – for a while – do I feel comfortable and share it
- Fasting, just like eating, exercising and sleeping serves both a physical and a mental purpose for me
- Physically – it helps me maintain my weight and makes me feel better
- Mentally – it challenges me out of comfort into discomfort
- I will dive into both aspects shortly
- Lets first talk about the concept of fasting
- I don’t want to go into detail here as the topic has exploded in popularity over the last couple of years, and a Google search will result in a wealth of information you can dive into
- I first began fasting 4 years ago and that time there was very little information available
- I experimented with intermittent fasting – which I will explain in a minute
- My first multi-day fast was 5 days – I picked the 5 days leading up to Christmas – and I tracked my glucose levels and heart rate in an excel spreadsheet
- I loved it.
- I felt better every day
- My second multi-day fast was supposed to be 6 days, but it was horrible – I only made it to 5 days
- I didn’t feel good, was in a bad mood, could not focus
- I was just done after 5 days
- Since then I haven’t attempted another multi-day fast
- There are many options if that’s what you want to try
- Some people fast 3 days every month
- I have a friend who fasts 24 hours every Monday, something I am also trying to incorporate
- There are also different theories out here on what constitutes a fast
- For me, the answer is straightforward – no calories
- When I fast, I only drink water and tea
- Some people drink coffee, others think a certain number of calories are OK
- I don’t agree
- Fasting means Zero for me
- the fasts that really work for me and that I want to talk about today are the daily intermittent fasts
- instead of eating all day, I basically shorten my eating window and only eat for about 8 hours
- I usually stop eating around 8 and don’t start again until noon
- some days I can barely make it to 11 –
- those are usually the days after a heavy workout or a long climbing day
- other days, I forget all about time and the App I use reminds me that I reached my 16 hours
- but even then I may not be hungry or may be busy and wait another hour
- fasting between 13-18 hours every day, brings many health benefits that you can read about online
- and those have initially motivated me to start fasting
- but the longer I kept up the routine, the more I like and feel how good it is for me
- for some time I stopped intermittent fasting
- I was working with a personal trainer who wasn’t a fan and believed I needed a solid breakfast
- I ate, because I followed his specific diet plan
- But I can tell you, I never liked it
- I missed my IF days
- I just feel better when I don’t eat right away when the day starts
- The body adjusts – I am naturally not hungry in the morning, but after eating BF regularly, my body started craving food at 8am
- But now that I am back to fasting, I am just not hungry until around lunch time
- Again – I am not telling you to adopt this kind of fasting method
- I am sharing with you why I do it
- Physically here are some benefits I have noticed, and they are not uncommon for others who do this type of fasting
- More focus
- I cant talk about this enough – but my mental focus is at its best when I don’t eat
- My mornings are my most productive hours
- Especially after the little hunger surge that comes around 11 passes
- If I am able to resist that, then my energy and mental concentration are top notch
- Coincidently, as I am working on this episode, I am actually fasting
- I am already in my 18th hour
- Its Monday and I would like to play with a full day per week of fasting
- I just haven’t been successful yet but I am working my way slowly towards this
- Every Monday I try to fast as long as possible, with the goal to eventually eat my first meal at dinner
- If you have mental work to do for the first part of the day, this schedule may be very beneficial for you
- My encouragement for you here is:
- One – as I say with everything, take small steps
- When I started IF up again a few months ago, I started with 14 hours
- I then slowly worked my way towards 16
- And no, I am not going higher
- My exercise routine is such that I do need to eat to have energy to work out
- 16 is my sweet spot
- Find yours
- This will take time and experimentation
- One – as I say with everything, take small steps
- BF may be your most important meal, and you might be ok without dinner
- I need to eat in the evening because I work out in the evening
- If my workouts were in the mornings, I might have a different routine
- It depends on your lifestyle
- Simply try it out and don’t give up
- My other piece of advice with fasting is this:
- Your body is highly adaptable
- If you eat every day at noon, it will eventually crave food every day at that time
- If you stop eating lunch at noon, your body will cause you some stress, but not for long
- You are in charge
- If you keep at it, your body will adjust to the not-eating just the same way it adjusted to the eating
- The second major benefit for me is
- Weight management
- Ideally, skipping breakfast means I am skipping a meal and therefore eat fewer calories overall
- I said “ideally” because it often doesn’t work this way
- By noon or 1 I am quite hungry and usually eat a bigger meal
- The word of Caution here is this:
- There is a tendency to go all out during the short eating window
- Sometimes, knowing I am coming up at 8pm I will just add snack after snack after my already filling dinner – just because
- So this is something I have to be conscious of and I have heard others mention as well
- Its also very easy to eat just whatever, and consume foods that are not healthy
- I still prep my meals and try to eat well
- I also have to keep my active lifestyle in mind
- I need calories to be able to perform well in the gym, but its not as many calories as some people may think
- For me – my noonish meal is fairly big, and the remaining meals for the day are smaller, often just snacks
- Some fasters eat 2 big meals, some only one, in their eating window
- My encouragement for you here is, if you want to try fasting:
- Find the most convenient time
- Obviously sleeping time is time when you don’t eat
- But then figure out where to get the extra hours from
- I have noticed something interesting:
- I naturally fast when I am out in the wilderness climbing or hiking
- Sometimes we start the day really early and there is no time to eat until the afternoon
- Other days I eat a breakfast because I have a physically challenging day ahead
- But then I am so busy all day I may not eat all day until dinner
- The best way to try out fasting is when you are busy, ideally both physically and mentally
- This is why multi-day fasts are very hard for me
- I am in the office Monday-Friday and only stand at my desk
- My work only keeps me occupied for certain stretches of time and then my thoughts will wander to food
- But when I am running around doing stuff, I may hear my stomach talking to me, but I don’t have much time to pay attention to it
- I just got back from my TG trip to Utah and I fasted my full 16 hours almost every day
- I didn’t plan on it like I plan it when at home
- It simply happened
- We woke up and went hiking
- It was cold so we needed to warm our bodies up before we could stand in the freezing cold and cook something
- We often eat just because its time to eat and that’s when everyone eats
- Remember – the time in this life is your time
- You can decide when to eat
- When I heat up my breakfast at noon in the office, people think its my lunch
- Do what makes you feel good
- Not what everyone does
- There are many other physical benefits to fasting that are less obvious and that you read about on the internet
- My digestion for example is much better and I have also noticed that it gives me more energy overall
- You will have to experiment and see what it does for you
- This brings me to the mental benefits of fasting and those are equally important
- It’s a challenge
- Every day, I am faced with a little bit of discomfort and I love that
- Food is so readily available everywhere, its easy to eat
- Even if I don’t bring breakfast to work, there are plenty of opportunities to eat in my office
- But knowing I cannot eat,
- not eating on purpose
- Watching the time than tells me when I am allowed to eat again
- I enjoy that small daily challenge
- Even though it’s a restriction I imposed on myself
- I have noticed that a little bit of constraint every day helps me develop a sense of discipline that then I can apply in other areas of my life
- The reason I like IF so much as a weight management strategy is that I find it easier to not eat for a long stretch of time than to wait several hours in between meals
- This was always hard for me when I ate according to a diet plan
- I had small, calorie-measured meals but I suffered in between those meals
- They were to small for me and my discipline wasn’t there to avoid the snacks to fill up a bit more
- With IF, I can have a decent size meal – and I am not talking overeating here – and feel full and satisfied
- I use an App called Zero to track my hours
- Its not necessary
- The clock tells me every day what time it is and I know when I stopped eating at 8pm that I can eat again at 12
- The math is not the reason I use the app
- But as humans we all like tracking
- Seeing our progress gives us a sense of accomplishment
- And for me as a chart freak – I like seeing my weekly fasting chart, and my weekly fasting average
- It pushes me to last another 30min the next day just so I can get my average up
- And the second mental benefit is focus as well
- Physically I am more focused as a result of my brain going into survival mode, leading to increased ability to focus on the tasks at hand.
- But mentally, there is the added benefit of not having to think about food
- Its just not an option so there is no distraction – trying to figure out what to eat
- It allows me to focus on my work
- For example, at work there may be a breakfast catered in or donuts might be laying around
- Instead of contemplating what and how much I should eat, I don’t even think about it
- Its not time to eat
- When on the road, the same thing
- I don’t have to worry about breakfast
- I can focus on what I have to do
- I think we spend many of our waking hours thinking about food
- What to eat, where to eat, with whom to eat
- It can be a distraction at times, taking us away from the stuff we really need to be working on
- Lastly
- I enjoy food more after a long fast
- I noticed this especially on my recent trip, which I will talk about soon
- A meal tastes so much better after a long hike or a morning busy with other tasks
- So – there you go
- This is why I fast
- I like the challenge it adds to my days
- I like the time it gives me back where I don’t have to think about food
- And most importantly, I like how I feel when I fast
- Physically and mentally – when I reach my little goal of 16 hours every day.
Maybe you give it a try
Certainly – each out with questions if you have then
Until then
Much love
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