Don’t go back – QFY 513
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We made the decision to move forward, but something pulls us back. We are wavering, reconsidering, contemplating about going back. Because the past is known and the future is scary. But having to go through the decision again is much scarier. Trust it. Move forward. Once you decided to let go, don’t go back.
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Show Notes for
Don’t go back – QFY 513
Looking for a quote from my show notes?
Episode 513 – Don’t go back
- This episode is for me and all of you who have ended something, or made the decision about ending it, but are now wavering, reconsidering, thinking about going back
- My proposal is – lets not go back
- Lets not go back
- To the relationship, the friendship, the person
- The job, the business opportunity, the venture
- The place, the group, the activity
- The habits, the lifestyle, the thing you let go
- If it didn’t work
- Or it didn’t work out
- It most likely wont ever work out
- Here is why:
- The decision to let go is one of the toughest decisions we make
- Because letting go is hard
- We like safety, security and often tend to hang on longer than we should
- Letting go means uncertainty, risk and often we are scared
- It’s a big step
- And even if we were forced to let go,
- Even if we didn’t have any other choice but to go into a different direction
- It was just as hard
- We still had to make the effort to move forward
- And it was most likely painful, yet
- we came out alive on the other end
- The decision to let go and move on wasn’t made overnight
- We thought this through
- We stuck it out
- We tried hard for a while
- We wanted to make it work
- But then, little by little, we gave up
- Didn’t try as hard anymore
- Resigned ourselves to the situation
- Slowly realizing that unless we change – nothing will change
- and so we let go
- we moved on
- we ended this chapter and started a different one
- By going back
- By reversing the decision we made
- We take the chance that we face the same decision again
- Will letting go next time be just as painful, or maybe even more?
- I think with every step back, moving forward becomes more difficult
- Lets not go back
- Lets instead honor the decision we made
- Or that was made for us
- Lets trust that we made the right decision at that time
- With the information that we had
- And lets move forward
- The dilemma we find ourselves in when we contemplate going back is explained in one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite authors – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- Thanks to this artifice, however, we also struggle remembering the pain of the past
- The longer ago it happened, the less we remember
- We tend to recall only the good moments
- We embellish them
- Magnify them
- And we forget all the others
- Those that made us arrive at our decision to let go
- There is comfort in remembering the good
- In reminiscing over the past
- In wishing we could go back
- Because the past is known
- But the future is uncertain
- So when a door to the past opens –
- A person from the past comes back into our life
- And opportunity already pursued in the past returns
- we are considering going back
- because the pain of the past has been pushed away, and we don’t remember is at intensely
- surely it couldn’t have been that bad
- and suddenly we see more opportunity than we did when we made the decision to let go
- some distance was probably all we needed
- and we question the decision of the past
- maybe we need to give it another chance
- sadly
- most of the time
- nothing really has changed
- only our mind that has tried to convince us that the past is safer than the future
- Because we don’t know whats ahead
- And whatever it is, its scary
- So we keep going back
- Investing energy into making something work that we already decided on wasn’t going to work
- Only to make that hard decision again
- And again
- When all we really need to do is stick to our decision
- And instead of wasting energy and effort trying to rearrange the past
- We need to spent it on exploring the possibilities of the present moment
- And here is something I started doing during my marriage, when the decision to get divorced was already made
- But my mind tried to go back and find ways to make it work yet again
- I began writing it all down
- The words that hurt
- The behaviors that caused stress, and anxiousness
- The events that were unsettling
- Everything that caused pain and that added up to the decision to let go
- I wrote it down
- I kept a running log
- Another insult?
- Noted
- Another failed attempt?
- Logged
- Word for word, action for action
- I wrote it down
- And I wrote down down how it made me feel
- I also wrote down when friends said when I told them
- Because I noticed I forgot their advice as well
- Write it all down
- And when the moment comes
- When your mind is weak and seeks safety again in the known
- Then you read your list
- Reminding yourself of why you made the decision
- Refreshing your memory, as they say
- If however you don’t think you tried hard enough
- If you think you made a rash decision,
- ran away from the problem
- Didn’t think it through
- Only sought the easy way out
- Then by all means
- Try again
- Put forth your best effort
- Give it another chance
- When your motive is not to seek comfort but to challenge yourself, to improve yourself, to be a better person
- Then by all means
- Go back
- But in my experience
- I can also apply what I learned towards the future
- In the next relationship
- With the new employer
- In the other community
- I can be my best without going back
- And why I make that my goal
- Then I know
- New opportunities will come my way
- Better ones
- That will not require me to go back
Much love
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