Do it alone – QFY 517
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When it comes to the things we love to do, we often wait on others to go along. And when they are not available, we hesitate, we are scared, and we stay home. When your friends don’t have time, or when you don’t have the right people to something with that you want to do, then do it alone. Take a chance and go. You are guaranteed to meet others eventually who have the same passion as you and will accompany you on your journey.
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Show Notes for
Do it alone – QFY 517
Looking for a quote from my show notes?
Episode 517 – Do it alone
- Welcome back my friends
- I am grateful you are here
- Thankful that you are spending a few minutes with me
- But really these minutes are for yourself
- I record these episodes with you in mind
- Hoping I can share something of value with you
- Value means you find it useful, insightful, inspirational
- Not just so you can feel good
- But so you can think and do something new and different
- This is how I ended the last episode and this is how I want to start todays episode
- We are coming to the end of yet another year and usually I start speaking about goals and resolutions around this time, often already much earlier
- I have recorded many episodes on the importance of goal setting, how to think about your goals, how to set goals, categories of goals, and so on
- And yes, I am working on a way to add categories to my website so you can easily browse all my 500+ episodes by topic
- But in the meantime, you can use the search feature on my website
- And I will speak about goals this year as well
- Todays episode can be already be a goal for some of you
- And if not a an actual goal, I hope it inspires you
- I want to motivate you today to do more alone
- Because I know from myself and from the people around me –
- If others around us are not there to do it with us, we don’t do it all
- And when we don’t do it, we run dry
- We loose motivation
- We give up hope and we shrink our dreams
- We become lazy, comfortable, content
- But what do you mean by IT – you are probably asking now
- Here is what I mean:
- And I want to share a story first
- In the last episode I talked about my Thankgiving holiday which I spent in Moab Utah, exploring Canyonlands and Arches NP and the climbing areas around Moab
- On the last day we hiked up to Delicate Arch, one of the most popular arches in Utah and maybe even the entire country
- We left early and in the dark because we wanted to be there by sunrise
- I was about to not go
- I had not slept well the night before
- It was freezing, even though we slept in the car, and I wore 3 layers of clothing inside my sleeping bag
- I was cold and I didn’t sleep well until we turned the car on for a few minutes to heat it up
- Still – I was tired
- My friend drove to the parking lot of the trail that would lead us to the arch and I was in my sleeping bag the entire time, to tired to crawl out of it
- Debating, the entire time – should I go or not go
- And I could record an entire episode on the importance on GOING, even when you don’t feel like it
- Because especially when you don’t feel like it, its often the best thing you can do
- And so was the case for this amazing arch
- The hike up there wasn’t as bad as I thought and it wasn’t as dark as I thought either
- The moon was lighting the way
- As we got there, the sun just started rising
- Another couple was already there and one arrived together with us
- There were about 3 or 4 couples there when suddenly a woman came on her own.
- It caught my attention because a) it was so early and b) there were only a few of us there and all were couples
- She stood out and 2 things crossed my mind, and I don’t remember which one came first but I thought them both
- One thought was:
- Wow – good for her
- She got up early on her own, nobody needed to drag her out of her sleeping bag – she had the strength and willpower to do this hike in the dark and freezing cold
- And here she has to face all of us who have someone to share the view with –
- Its probably not easy and I can read her thoughts
- Which brought about my second thought which was –
- This used to be me
- For many years, before I really discovered the outdoors through climbing and with that came the partners – I was always on my own
- I am still on my own at times
- Just yesterday – the hike near Stinson beach – I did alone
- But before, if my only friend here in the Bay Area was busy, I didn’t have anyone and often went alone on a hike or to a beach
- Often returning slightly depressed after running into couples
- Not understanding why I didn’t have anyone to enjoy this with
- And then came a third thought, a little later, and it was
- I can do this too
- I can do it alone and I can enjoy it alone
- The assumption that I need someone there to enjoy it with is false
- But I carried it for years
- But in that moment, right there, I knew – I can do this too
- Does it sting a little when you are in a beautiful place and only surrounded by couples?
- Sure
- But that doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy it
- Its not the other person that makes whatever I do enjoyable
- Its me
- I looked at my climbing partner and friend and I knew – I could be here without him and enjoy this just as much
- The thing that makes the difference when you’re with someone:
- Its easier
- Its easier to find your way because some else helps navigate
- Its easier to take pictures of each other – you don’t have to beg a stranger
- Its easier to share the joy because there is someone to talk to
- But the enjoyment itself doesn’t depend on someone being there
- I can do this too
- And yet
- This is often what holds us back from even doing things
- And with that I mean anything that falls under venturing out
- I call it – doing what makes me happy
- You may tag it on your social media as “my happy place”
- Julia Cameron in her popular book The Artists Way calls it an artist date, which she defines as
- festive, solo expedition to explore something that interests you.
- She calls it play
- Its something that pushes your comfort level and thereby feeds our creative work
- Because when we do something new and different, we refilling your inner well with images and experiences which gives us new inspiration for our work and our life
- She wrote about an artist’s date for people engaged in creative work
- I believe the artists date applies to all of us
- We are all artists of our life, creating something meaningful
- Whether that’s a painting, a podcast or a family
- We are all creators of our life
- Every day we get up and create
- But creation requires inspiration
- My best podcast episodes come when I venture out
- For me this is often nature
- But it also have been different activities with interesting people
- Or sometimes just something new I tried, read or listened to
- “Find the river and say yes to the flow,” writes Julia
- The river is whatever peaks your interest
- Ask yourself, “what sounds fun?” — and then the key is to allow yourself to try it.
- Alone
- Don’t wait on others to join you, invite you or include you
- Do it alone
- When I moved back to CA , which was almost exactly 5 years ago, I only had one friend here
- For probably 2 years or so I did very little
- I mostly waited on her to invite me over for dinner, go out with me for a drink, or a hike
- And when she didn’t I wallowed on self pity
- Only when I began to venture out on my own, which initially was only the gym where I began going regularly on my own
- But that’s when things started
- In the gym I met the guy who introduced me to climbing
- When I joined a podcast meetup for the first time I met Mike, who later invited me to join a mastermind and now is a really good friend
- Everything important in my life began because I did it alone first
- And this is why I want to motivate and encourage you today:
- Do it alone
- Go for what interests you and explore
- Find your river and go with the flow
- This used to be me
- One thought was:
Or – as Julia Cameron writes, “the how follows the what.”
- That’s where we often get stuck and paralyzed
- In the planning
- In the waiting and the hoping for the circumstances to be perfect
- I say
- Go
- Get out
- Do what you want to do
- If its really your passion, which you wont even know until you try, then you will meet others along the way
- Just like I met podcasting friends, climbing friends and speaking friends
- By first going alone and trying it
- And then going again
- And sometimes it takes a while
- if you don’t meet others – guess what –
- You meet yourself
- You meet your thoughts, your worries and your fears
- And you learn how to deal with them
- My hike today was meant to challenge me – physically
- I want to improve my hiking speed, and my endurance
- So I picked a hike that went uphill
- And on the downhill I ran to make a good time
- Because during long approaches to the mountain, endurance and speed are critical
- And that’s what I worked on
- I wasn’t there to meet people because hiking is not a huge passion for me
- Mountain climbing is
- And today’s hike supported that goal
- But it also confronted me with my thoughts
- When I am alone I become more intune with myself
- And I noticed today how my thoughts went to the past a lot
- Past relationships especially
- Relationships that I brought to the present again with my thoughts
- So I consciously worked on that today on my hike
- While physically challenging myself
- Don’t wait for others
- Don’t be scared of being alone
- Instead
- Look forward to spending time with yourself
- You need it
- We all need it
- We need to learn more about who we are, what makes us happy, and what goes through our mind
- With exception of preparing some food, and checking my IG and posting some videos and pics I took today – all I have done since i returned from this hike is write
- That’s how much the outdoors inspires me
- Ask yourself?
- What inspires you?
- What do you call your happy place?
- Go there more often, and go alone
- Maybe what you thought is your happy place, is not even it
- For a long time I thought a certain coffee shop is my happy place
- Its just a place
- What I enjoy is sitting down, inspired, and writing
- That’s what makes me happy
- But you don’t learn more about yourself until you try
- So – if this is hard for you, maybe you make it a weekly date, like Julia suggests in her book
- A weekly adventure to do, see and try something new
- If you already know what makes you happy, maybe you just need to allocate more time to it
- But do it
- Because its good for your progress as a creator of your life
“Action has magic so simply begin,” writes Julia.
And with that – I hope I have inspired you to take some action and do it
Do it alone
Find your river
Much love
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