Time with my mom – QFY 521
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My mom visited from Germany over Christmas. It was a time completely consumed with activities and now that she is gone I am reflecting on it. Time with mom was time I wanted, but at the same time it was time I didn’t have for myself. We all go through periods where we give up our time for others. In reflecting on it, I want to share a few insights on coming to terms with such a time and embracing it.
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Start every day with intention and direction
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Show Notes for
Time with my mom – QFY 521
Looking for a quote from my show notes?
Episode 521 – Time with mom
- Welcome friends
- I am breathing
- I am sitting here breathing
- Deep, profound breaths
- As I write
- Yes, because I haven’t written and I love writing
- I love preparing my episodes
- Sharing my thoughts, the lessons I learned and the questions that are still on my mind
- I love seeing the words unfold in front of me, on the screen’
- I just came back from dropping off my mom at the airport in SFO
- 16 days with my mom are over and I the first thing I do is write
- And breathe
- Breathing because my heart is heavy with so many emotions
- My mind with so many thoughts
- And breathing helps a little
- And writing
- Writing helps a lot
- Finally back to my episodes
- I have so many ideas and inspiration, accumulated over the last 2 weeks
- They want to come out
- They want to be expressed
- So I do what I love most
- Even though I am tired
- The last night with my mom – I didn’t sleep well, neither did she
- And I told a couple of friends I would take a nap
- But of course I am not
- Maybe later after my thoughts have spilled out
- But for now, I am here
- Reflecting on the last 2 weeks
- Time with my mom
- And as I already alluded to, it was time for her, and very little for myself
- And that is what I want to speak about today
- Because among others, this was probably the biggest struggle of all,
- That my time
- The time I took off from work
- The holidays
- The time I had
- Was not really my time
- But was time for her
- Now, most of you probably wont find this to be a big deal
- If you have a family close by, children or other people you dedicate time to on a regular basis
- Then you are used to not having all your time for yourself
- But for me, These 16 days were a mountain I climbed
- They were a challenge because they took me out of my routine
- And everything that is outside of my regular routine is at the same time outside of my comfort zone
- And just like any mountain that I climb
- There is unknown terrain ahead of me
- Requiring skills I don’t know I have
- And preventing me for taking the easy way out
- And I felt the same way with my mom
- My mom as a person wasn’t the issue
- Its true that her and I are not particularly close
- But I wanted her there
- I bought the ticket for her
- The problem was that I couldn’t do what I would normally do
- My days revolved around her
- She didn’t force me
- I wanted to do this – it was my idea
- Wanted to show her this beautiful place called California
- And so I did
- Spend many hours driving, sightseeing and talking about this or that
- I wanted her to see why I live here
- And she said she finally understands it
- Said it multiple times
- Every time we were at the ocean
- And many other times
- And I enjoyed the travel portions myself
- We went to places I hadn’t seen since I first came to the US
- And we went to others that I go to frequently because I love them
- But there were several moments when I became impatient
- Especially as the days went on and I saw my vacation time dwindling and realized I had not done anything for me
- I had downloaded all these books onto my iPad, somehow imagining I would have all this time to read
- I had made a big list of items I wanted to tackle
- Mostly related to my podcast
- Even my 2020 goals are still only in draft format
- I got a few workouts in, my customary Christmas morning run, morning yoga, but not much else
- and today I am reflecting on the battles that I fought during the times where I wanted my time back
- they are similar to the battles on the mountain when I cannot seem to be able to move forward
- when I cant seem to figure out the proper move with my feet or hands to get me up
- but I cannot give up, because there is no turning back
- and so was the case with my mom
- I became impatient at times, said things I shouldn’t have said, but then pulled myself together again and moved on
- I showed her as much as possible
- Felt bad the one-2 hours I was in the gym , but otherwise I spent all my time with her
- We bought the things she needed and wanted
- We tried the foods she desired
- Could I have done more?
- Yes, for sure
- Today I realize what I could have done more of
- And these are my lessons that are slowing sinking in I relfect on my time with my mom,
- And I want to share them with you
- Because at times we all have to spend time with mom
- Time with people or on tasks that are not our first choice
- That take us out of our comfort zone and away from seemingly more important projects
- Maybe you also felt like this over Christmas
- Hanging with relatives that you would rather avoid
- And this episode is also for those of you who do not make the time for mom
- Because you don’t think you can face the sacrifice involved
- A friend told me today that he has another friend who flew all the way to Florida to see her mom on Christmas morning, and flew back the same night
- Wow
- We all have our lives and our things to do
- But I am slowly learning that we also have to make space for that which feels more like an obligation than a joy
- Why?
- Because its another form of discomfort
- Like going on a date or learning a new language
- Discomfort shapes us, bends us, forces us to draw on resources we didn’t know we have
- And most importantly, Discomfort teaches us more about ourselves
- Because it pushes our boundaries
- And in the next episode I will share with you some of the lessons my mom taught me
- Not on purpose
- On the contrary
- These were behaviors she exhibited, that sometimes even annoyed me
- But that I reflect upon today and that make me realize that I can learn from her
- But more on that later
- For today, I will share with you 3 pointers that can help you ease more into your time with your mom
- Relax
- The time is allocated
- There is no turning back
- Stressing out over what you could be doing now is not going to change the situation
- So you may as well ease into it
- It helped me when I decided up front on the days where I would take a couple of hours for myself to work out or check emails
- The longer I waited, the more stressed out I became
- So, push your to do’s aside and come to terms with the fact that most will not get done
- But if you can, carve out some time, no matter how little, for the critical tasks
- Or for self care, like a walk or a workout
- And then relax into your discomfort
- Because only when we relax can we make the best out of the situation
- As long as we complain about it, we wont see what’s best
- It requires that we are present
- Tip number 2
- Be present
- There were times I texted back and forth with friends
- Or that I was focused on the wrong things
- And not on my mom
- I wasn’t present
- Moments I didn’t listen to her or follow up on something she said
- Or didn’t ask questions to engage her
- Those are the moments I miss now that she is gone
- Being present requires a little bit of effort
- But what else do we have to do?
- We already committed to the time, then we may as well be there fully
- Even if its hard
- Its while we are present that we can be open to whatever may be
- Most importantly, we can learn
- Point 3
- Learn
- More on my learnings in my next episode
- But I am a big believer in the fact that we can always learn out of every situation
- And especially when we are uncomfortable
- Because the fact that we are uncomfortable means that something isn’t right
- Something needs addressing
- For me, it was about letting go of my agenda and spending some quality time with my mom
- And to do this, I needed to relax and be present
- What do you need to learn out the situation you are avoiding?
- Are you not making the time to spend with the people that may need you?
- Remember
- If something is uncomfortable
- If we rather not do it even though we kind of know deep inside we should
- Then there is something there that requires attention
- Force yourself and address it
- Expose yourself to your fears and face them
- Book the trip and make the time and just see what happens
- Don’t fight it
- Relax into it
- Be open and present
- And see what it is that you can learn about yourself and about being a better person
- I will share my learnings with you in the next episode
Until then
Much love and happy new year
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