I am worthy – QFY 528
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Sometimes we don’t feel worthy in certain areas of our life. This often means that there is a gap between what we want and what we are getting. This is a sign that we need to take action and speak up. Worthiness doesn’t come magically by telling ourselves we deserve it. We actually have to do something about it.
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Start every day with intention and direction
Does it seem challenging to find an inner connection with ourselves? Our world can be noisy, overwhelming and distracting.
Yet, the direction for our life comes from within us.
The Quest For You Podcast is my mission to help you discover who you are. I will help you challenge yourself through daily guidance, motivation and inspiration. I want to help you find your direction.
Show Notes for
I am worthy – QFY 528
Looking for a quote from my show notes?
Episode 528 – I am worthy
- I am worthy
- Welcome friends
- These 3 words were part of my yoga practice this morning and they stuck with me all day long
- I said them out loud this morning and it felt weird
- Say it for yourself and maybe you agree
- I am worthy
- I mean, isn’t this understood?
- I am worthy
- I have worth
- I am meaningful
- Yes?
- Then why did it feel so weird to say out loud – I am worthy?
- And as I contemplated on this over the course of today I realized why
- Because I am holding back
- I didn’t notice I was holding back
- But this weekend I had a very honest and direct conversation with my climbing partner
- I finally expressed how certain things he says or does make me feel
- Many factors contributed to the fact that I finally opened up including his willingness to listen
- But that’s not an excuse for holding back for so long
- Month worth of trips together that often left me frustrated, feeling inadequate, and alone
- And what did I do?
- I shut down
- I withdrew
- I hid my true feelings
- Or I responded inappropriately
- But I didn’t say what truly bothered me
- And this is what came to mind this morning
- Because I finally stood up for myself and for what is important to me
- I was very close to ending the relationship with my climbing partner
- And in my mind – I would have blamed it on him
- and our inability to communicate
- When really,
- Its my inability to communicate
- Because I was the one with the concerns
- I am sure he had concerns as well
- But while opening up to him, I realized he had no idea about how certain things he said or did made me feel
- Because I never said anything
- Many motivational blogposts and cute IG pictures encourage us to feel worthy
- Without ever telling us how to actually do it
- I learned this weekend that worthiness doesn’t just come to us
- It’s not a feeling that can be forced
- When someone tells you that you are worthy, do you magically feel worthy?
- I dont
- Worthiness comes only when we do something about it
- When we stand up for ourselves
- Think about it
- When do we say we are worthy of something and then it magically comes to us?
- I can’t think of an example
- I am worthy a raise
- Great – I will have to ask for one and make my case as to why I deserve it
- I am worthy of some alone time
- Yes – but I will need to let people in my life know so they don’t think I abandoned them
- I am worthy of respect
- Totally – but if I am not getting it, I need to either speak up or leave the situation
- If you feel that little twinge in your inners like I did, when you say that sentence out loud:
- I am worthy
- Then there is something in your life where you are holding back
- We often don’t feel worthy because we are not getting what we need
- And in order to get what we need, we need to step up
- Others around us may not know what we need,
- Or they know but they are oblivious to it
- To consumed with their own needs
- So we need to stand up \
- And this standing up for our needs can take many forms
- But you shouldn’t wait as long as I did
- The situation this weekend escalated and finally we were able to come together
- But it shouldn’t wait until it becomes unbearable
- When you are clear that you don’t feel worthy of something
- That’s a good time to begin reflecting
- In what areas of your life are you holding back?
- When do you feel insecure, unhappy, unfulfilled?
- Its easy to blame others
- Or to blame ourselves
- But then not do anything about it
- Remember
- The most challenging and uncomfortable things in our life almost always require that we take some form of action
- Listen to this beautiful quote from
“If I knew that today would be the last time I’d see you, I would hug you tight and pray the Lord be the keeper of your soul. If I knew that this would be the last time you pass through this door, I’d embrace you, kiss you, and call you back for one more. If I knew that this would be the last time I would hear your voice, I’d take hold of each word to be able to hear it over and over again. If I knew this is the last time I see you, I’d tell you I love you, and would not just assume foolishly you know it already.”
― Gabriel García Márquez
- Let me ask you:
- If you knew today would be the last time you get to see the person or experience the situation that makes you unhappy, what would you do?
- I would muster up as much courage as I can find and speak up
- With time running out, I would want to make the best out of every moment
- What we need to realize is that time is always running out, every day
- And we all deserve to feel meaningful
- So lets define what is holding us back from feeling worthy and lets do something about it
Much love
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