Magic Walks – QFY 530
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Walks can seem insignificant. As an exercise, they don’t seem tough enough. As way to get out of the house, they may not appear adventurous enough. And they may sound boring and time-consuming. Yet I have found that there is magic in walking. A few quiet minutes away from our tasks and alone with ourselves can bring answers, ideas and balance. A walk may be just what we need when everything else seems to much.
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Start every day with intention and direction
Does it seem challenging to find an inner connection with ourselves? Our world can be noisy, overwhelming and distracting.
Yet, the direction for our life comes from within us.
The Quest For You Podcast is my mission to help you discover who you are. I will help you challenge yourself through daily guidance, motivation and inspiration. I want to help you find your direction.
Show Notes for
Magic Walks – QFY 530
Looking for a quote from my show notes?
Episode 530 – Magic walks
- Welcome back QFY friends
- How are you doing?
- These days of January can be gloomy, especially when it rains
- At least that’s how I feel
- My motivation always drops and I look at the world through a much darker lens
- I started walking regularly
- I don’t do a lot of cardio anymore so walking is my way to get in some
- Plus I like tracking things and I check my daily step count all the time
- Recently I noticed that it had been going up month over month since this summer where most of my walking came from long approaches to mountains I climbed
- And now I feel I need to keep beating my monthly steps which leads to more and more time spent walking on a daily basis because I am not much in the mountains in the winter
- So I added walking after my workouts
- My gym has a walking track upstairs where I would try to get to at least 8K steps,
- But this kept me in the gym increasingly later,
- so now I started adding walks during the time I am at work, usually in the afternoon
- A couple of years ago I would do this, but then I somehow believed I didn’t have the time
- I use the quiet time when everyone is at lunch to catch up on things
- But that doesn’t mean I cannot fit in a quick walk later in the day
- Now, I am making the time
- I force myself to get out
- Yesterday I ran an errand and walked to the place I needed to go to
- Today it was gloomy and chilly and I felt tired still from my ice climbing weekend but I still went out
- In 2019 I probably walked more than I have ever walked in one year
- Thanks to my revived passion for the outdoors
- I walked a lot and when I bring 2019 back to my memory, I see myself walking
- Walking along the pacific coast with a speech in my hand, rehearsing
- Walking in the dark, the wee hours of early summer mornings with a headlamp on my head and a big pack on my back
- Walking slowly steadily uphill
- Sweating, breathing heavily
- I have walked through cities
- My own, and others I have visited
- I have walked alone, with my climbing partners, with dogs
- In silence, while with others
- In silence alone
- Or sometimes engaged in the most interesting conversations
- I have walked a lot and every time following a walk, I notice something:
- there is magic in walking
- Going out helps me in all the ways that initially hold me back from going out
- I feel just a bit more energized after my walk, even if I was tired to begin with
- I can see clearer with eyes as well which probably comes from the adjustment my eyes had to make when outside
- My mind is less cluttered, and I have some direction on next steps forward
- And my entire mood shifts and feels lighter, more at ease
- Its as if the fresh air and cool breeze goes through my body and revitalizes me
- A walk brings me answers to questions I didn’t know I had
- When I cannot find time to workout, a walk is what makes me feel I still did something
- When I was stuck inside all day and feel antsy, restless, stuffy and out of ideas, a walk restores me back to equilibrium
- Tension, worry, indecision – whatever may plaque me prior to my walk – it suddenly seems to dissolve as soon as begin taking the first steps
- And the more I walk, breathe in the fresh air, the better I begin to feel
- The often needless tension and worries go away, all forgotten
- The indecision turns into resoluteness
- The restlessness into peace and calm
- A walk is both – an ending to something and a beginning for something new
- The indecisiveness about should I go or should I not is resolved within the first few steps
- I take a deep breath and I immediately know that this was the right decision
- A walk ends the before
- The restlessness
- The debate with myself
- The guilt for not having done anything physical all day
- The doubts about whether or not I have the time for a walk
- The walk
- The act of me going out and walking ends it all
- And it allows me to start over
- I look at everything with a fresh set of eyes
- Feeling the blood flow through my body
- Feeling alive again
- Walks are magic because they bring us face to face with silence
- And maybe that’s why we find it so hard to get going
- We tend to be afraid to be alone with ourselves
- The silence, while relaxing is at the same time scary
- On my city walks, I drown it with podcasts streaming through my ears
- Although I am also trying to keep the street noise out
- In the mountains, given no other choice, because who would dare to put on headphones in nature?
- I listen and I think
- And only then
- When I am face to face, ear to ear with the silence
- that’s when the magic is allowed to unfold
- Suddenly I become conscious
- I wake up
- And I notice the thoughts that are running through my head
- Never in my other daily life to I see, hear and feel them so closely
- Only on those magic walks
- Without speaking
- Without listening to something else
- Without reading anything
- Just me
- My steps forward
- That’s when see myself clearer
- Because I notice what is going through my mind
“Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at anytime and be yourself.”
— Hermann Hesse
- A walk allows me to access this sanctuary
- Because lets be honest:
- We don’t sit in stillness at home just reflecting on our thoughts
- But a walk gives us the opportunity to so
- Lets not waste this chance to retreat into ourselves
- Lets find more ways to walk
- While waiting for someone or something
- When we need to make a call or expect a call,
- And when its over enjoy the stillness
- When we feel like doing the opposite – sleeping, slouching, relaxing
- Because doing so will feel much better after the walk
- Lets walk when we are searching
- When we need help
- When we are confused
- When we are irritated
- Because walking will resolve all of it by giving us clarity, visibility, confidence
- I encourage you to discover the magic in walking by going on a walk
- Do you love sunsets?
- Pick a hill near your house and an evening where its not too cloudy and go walk up there to watch the sunset
- Do you lack time for exercise?
- Get up 15min earlier and go for a brisk walk around the block
- Soon you will want to increase that time – trust me
- But in the meantime, make it short until you want to make it longer because it feels so good
- Do you struggle finding quiet time?
- Drive to a nearby forest or a lake and go for a walk
- You’ll find it there
- However big or small the question is you are carrying
- Start with a walk
- And then see where it takes you
Much love
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