You are in control – QFY 531
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When it comes to our goals, we often give up control to easily. We let our environment decide what we can and cannot do. We have to remind ourselves that we are in control of our time and our decisions. We select what is important minute by minute. And if we don’t get to make progress in the areas that matter to us, then its time we begin to manage them more intentionally.
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Start every day with intention and direction
Does it seem challenging to find an inner connection with ourselves? Our world can be noisy, overwhelming and distracting.
Yet, the direction for our life comes from within us.
The Quest For You Podcast is my mission to help you discover who you are. I will help you challenge yourself through daily guidance, motivation and inspiration. I want to help you find your direction.
Show Notes for
You are in control – QFY 531
Looking for a quote from my show notes?
Episode 531 – You are in control
- Welcome back my friends
- When this episode releases, it will be the last day of the month of January 2020
- Wow
- This month flew by
- I am looking at my monthly goals in despair
- My major tasks did not get done
- I started things, but I didn’t make much progress
- How are you feeling about your goals?
- Or your progress in general?
- If you are also feeling like me – with your days just running away – then I have a simple but important reminder for you today
- You are in control
- Its not the thing we want to hear, I know
- Its not the thing I want to hear
- But as I look at the Monthly calendar view in my agenda and I look through the days of January, I know
- I was in charge on all those days
- I was in control of what I did every hour and every minute of each day
- I decided what to eat
- I decided what to spend my free time on
- I decided on the workouts I did
- And who I spent time with
- We make these decisions every day
- One extra hour spent at the office every day could result in a promotion
- But it could also cause us to be late for dinner with the family and a lack of good communication with our loved ones
- We make many decisions every day and all of them have some form of consequence
- but I would venture out and say that often we don’t think about the outcome
- This is why goals are so critical
- Goals keep us focused and help us prioritize
- We would be intentional about the extra hour at the office if the promotion was more important than the family time
- But without a goal we often lose track over our time
- But, so I realized this month
- Even with goals this can happen
- While I had them in the back of my mind, and while I did a little about them I did not have all of them all front and center, and I did more on some and less or nothing on others
- Goals help us control our time
- They can give us direction on how to allocate time in the best possible way
- Without goals, we will drift
- We drift towards what is easy and what we like best
- And some of our goals may fall into that category
- My yoga practice early morning for example is coming easy to me now after doing it for almost 2 months
- But researching and applying for speaking gigs?
I haven’t done a thing
- But we also drift towards whatever calls our attention at the moment
- Ice cream
- Amazon
- Hanging out with friends
- Not all distractions are negative and necessarily time wasters
- But if they don’t help us achieve our objectives, then it still could have been the wrong thing to do
- For me, this may mean I have to sacrifice climbing for a weekend – an activity I love and that is on my list of things I want to get better at
- I may also have to sacrifice a workout here and there or an hour of sleep, all things that are critical for me
- But this is what I mean by control
- we manage our days
- sometimes this means we have to manage the distractions by focusing on what matters
- and sometimes it may mean managing conflicting priorities
- Last week a friend invited me to an event he organized
- It was last minute, and on a Thursday
- My climbing night
- And I am just getting back into gym climbing after the holidays and really need to
- I am not in shape and need to prepare for the outdoor season which will start back up soon
- I was close to saying no to this friend
- I had already started typing a text message
- But I sat back and thought for a moment
- And here are the things that came to mind
- He has come to my events and supported me
- His event was at a really cool venue downtown that I have never been to and wanted to see
- There would be people I could meet
- And I though about one of my goals for the year which includes growing my network
- Plus I really want to collaborate with this friend more
- Its Miguel, BTW, and you can listen to my interview with him
- It was episode
- So I called him
- And when he told me that he had already sold over 50 tickets – I knew – this event wasn’t to be missed
- So I didn’t go climbing
- I went home, took a nap which I really needed and then went
- And I really enjoyed myself
- And I walked away with a ton of ideas
- Soon we are getting together to brainstorm and I cannot wait to see what will come out of it
- A Goal is not enough
- Knowing it
- Writing it down
- Then reviewing it frequently
- And taking it into consideration during every day decisions
- This is how it gets accomplished
- And this is how we take control
- Next time you find yourself saying
- My busy travel schedule kept me from working our regularly
- My living situation is such that I cant cook and prep my meals ahead of time
- The snacks everywhere at the office are making it hard to stick to my diet
- The class starts to early in the mornings for me to make it there in time
- Be clear on the fact that you are giving up control
- Instead of managing those often difficult situations, even obstacles, you are giving in
- You are allowing them to dictate your end result
- Taking control requires a lot of work
- It means you constantly reflect whether or not what you’re doing is in line with your desired outcome
- It helps when that outcome is crystal clear
- In order to remind yourself of the desired outcome I found it helpful to ask myself questions like these more frequently:
- What do I want to look like in 2 weeks?
- What kind of person do I want to be tomorrow?
- Who do I want people to see me as?
- How do I want to show up in the world
- I ask myself these questions depending on the situation, but before decisions that I know I may regret later
- Snacking in the office, which stalls my workout and weightless goals for example
- Time allocation, like the example I gave you with my friend Miguel
- It helps to think before you act
- Give yourself a few minutes to consider your decision
- This is the moment where you take control
- When we react based on our impulses, we often don’t come from a place of control
- Control is gained when we make a conscious and well-thought through choice
- We are in control more than we think
- With often just some minor tweaks, we can make some pretty significant changes in our life
- So I encourage you
- Take some control
- Spend a few minutes thinking about the areas of your life where you feel like something is holding you back and figure out a way, even if not a perfect one that leaves you more in control
- I know I will take a hard look at my schedule and figure out where I need to change my priorities to tackle some of my 2020 goals, for which I now only have 11 months left
- Don’t forget to share this podcast with someone you think might enjoy it so we can grow this QFY community
Much love
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