Above the line – Quest For You 585

Episode Summary

At any given time, we are either above the line or below the line. We are above the line when we come from a place of trust and openness. But quite often, we come from below the line, meaning we feel threatened. We react defensively because we want to be right, and that causes conflicts and misunderstanding. In this episode we will talk about becoming more aware of the line which then helps us shift from below to above and have more effective interactions with the people in our life.


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Show Notes for 

Above the line – Quest For You 585

Looking for a quote from my show notes?

Episode 585 – Above the line

  • When I heard Jim Dethmer speak on a podcast about the concept of leading from above the line, I had to know more
  • Lets dive into this valuable strategy than can help all us come from a place of love and peace more often
  • Welcome to Quest For You
    • I am grateful you are here
    • I created this podcast to help you connect more with yourself
    • I have found that a life lived according to what everyone else says I should do is a limited life
    • Only when I began to get in touch with myself – the Quest for ME – is when I discovered a more authentic life
    • And my wish is that by listening to me you will start to listen more to yourself
  • I recently learned about a very interesting concept and I have been thinking about for a couple of weeks now
  • In fact, every time I find myself getting anxious about something, I am thinking about it
  • So I thought, it might be worth sharing
  • Because I find it really helpful, and maybe you want to give this a try
  • I don’t know if Jim Dethmer came up with it, but I heard him speak about it and since have read more about it, mostly on his website called Conscious Leadership
  • He teaches this concept as part of his leadership training with corporations but I think it applies to all of life, not just when we are leading others
  • Because, when you think about it –
  • We always lead
    • We lead our own lives, and
    • We lead other in our life by the example we set for them with our actions
  • And a lot times, we lead quite unintentionally
    • My words and reactions while waiting in a long line in front of the grocery store set an example to the strangers around me
    • with my words on this podcast, I set an example to all my listeners
    • and even when I am home alone – I decide every minute how I am leading my life
  • Whether we notice it or not – we always lead
  • And its often with the people that we most love that we don’t set the example we actually want to set
  • And this is where Jim’s concept can help us
  • It helps us become more conscious with where we are, at any given time
  • And for the most part –
    • We are always either above the line or below the line
  • When I think about the officer who killed George Floyd, I see an extreme example of leading from below the line
  • When we come from a place below the line –
  • We come from a place of contraction – meaning we are closed, defensive, and we want to prove we are right
  • The cop exemplified for the entire world what an extreme version of below the line looks like
  • But most of our life is much subtler, and in fact, most of the time, we come from that place
  • I had an email exchange with a friend the other day where he admitted to being wrong 95% of the time, but asked me to own my 5%
  • At first that sounded pretty generous, but it didn’t make me feel a whole lot better
  • Because at the end of the day – we are still on opposing sides of the divide – battling over right and wrong
  • Coming from below the line
  • Have you ever noticed, that when you come from below the line – you never really come to a place of harmony?
  • Its as if something is always in between you and the other person – that doesn’t seem be surmountable
  • I can think of many conflicts in my life that were never resolved because we both came from below the line
    • Those are the moments you talk, but you really just talk past one another
    • Because we both come from a place where we want to be right
    • We feel threated in our sense of security and we want approval and acknowledgement from the other person
  • Long time ago I had asked my roommate to move some things of his out of a cabinet that was in my part of the apartment
  • It hadn’t bothered me for the first couple of years, but as I acquired more climbing and camping year, I needed a place to store it
  • He resisted it initially, and I had to insist on needing that space and having a right to it
  • Eventually he moved his things out, but it left a sour taste in my mouth
  • I felt less welcome and in his way
  • And, I began to notice, now that I purchase more pantry items than before, that also in the kitchen he occupies more of the cabinet space
  • But for the longest time – I didn’t say anything
  • Yesterday, out of nowhere, I announced to my roommate that he occupied 70% of the kitchen cabinet space
  • I clearly came from below the line
  • It was passive-aggressive
  • I just wanted to make a point
  • My roommate remained calm and said he would have appreciated a different approach
  • He could have easily become defensive
  • And somehow that’s what I expected
  • He said that he didn’t know I needed more space and offered that we both work together on cleaning out old and unused items from the cabinets to make more space overall
  • Clearly – he was above the line
  • When we come from above the line, we show openness, curiosity and an interest to understand and learn from the situation
    • We are present, available, and in a state of trust
  • Sometime we refer to it as the high road
  • And that’s the one he took this time
  • And not just that – he immediately went to work and cleaned out a shelf for me
  • Even though I didn’t request that
  • He came from a place of compassion and understanding for my needs, even though I didn’t express them appropriately
  • Our content of life is what is occurring every day
  • My roommate was watching TV when I made the announcement by shouting from the kitchen
  • I added new content to his life
  • When we encounter new, oftentimes challenging content, Jim recommends we ask ourselves to also add context
  • Often we just respond to the content of our life
  • But by adding context, we can actually shift that response to a better one
  • And by asking ourselves where we are with the content that is happening, we mindfully locate ourselves
  • So, before shouting out to my roommate my mathematical analysis of the kitchen occupation percentage, I could have easily asked:
  • Where am I?
  •            above or below the line
  • This requires a quick moment of pause
  • I am asking myself:
  • How do I want to be with this content,
    • the fact that my stuff is all cramped into 2 cabinets and his is neatly organized across 5 cabinets?
  • What context am I giving to the situation that is occurring?
  • Simply ask yourself the question when you find that the content of your life occurring is giving you some trouble
  • Where am I?
  • I started doing this more frequently now
  • Every time I tense up a little, maybe because some news unsettles me, or I feel I am getting frustrated about an issue
  • I quickly imagine the line
  • In fact I imagine it going through my body, right below the navel
  • Above the navel is my heart
  • And I know when I come from my heart, I come from a place of love and compassion
  • It’s a quick pause that allows us to reframe a situation
  • It’s a moment to become more present with ourselves instead of just going along with emotions
  • Where are you right now?
    • With the Virus situation
    • With the George Floyd shooting and the question of racism
    • Or with challenges at home, with your family, with a partner, a close friend?
  • Where are you?
    • Above or below the line
  • Jim says that our human tendency is that we always look for threats in our environment and respond reactively
  • Hence, we predominantly come from a place below the line
  • This simple question of locating ourselves brings awareness to this reactive loop we are in
  • Which, usually comes from a place of not feeling good enough
    • Something most of us experience
  • When we don’t feel there is enough love or time or resources, we come from a place of lack
  • As humans, we share the desire for approval, control, security
  • To some degree we all want to feel approved of, safe and secure
  • And when those needs are met, we can easily find ourselves below the line
    • In a resistance mode
    • Seeking that approval by insisting on being right
    • And defensive towards others
  • This state of mind can easily be detected when pause and ask ourselves where we are
  • Yesterday with my roommate – I felt right, and I wanted to be right
  • In your next disagreement with another person
  • Ask yourself – where are you
  • There is a neat video on Jim’s website that explains this concept well and I will link to it in my shownotes
  • I really suggest you watch it as it explains especially the below the line part very well and with illustrations that help you understand it
  • It shows that much of the conflict with others arises simply because we are coming from below the line
  • Now
  • The point of asking ourselves where we are is not so we can beat ourselves up about it
  • Its so normal to below the line that we simply need to accept it
  • This question is there so we can become mindful to it
  • And once we are noticing where we are, and where we might be heading – we have the opportunity to change
  • This is key
  • The content hasn’t changed
  • There might be a difficult situation you are facing at the moment
  • But are you willing to change the context, meaning how you show up for it?
  • A question I ask myself a lot, especially when I see that I cannot control the sitation even if I wanted to, is
  • What can I learn here?
  • This brings me to a state of openness
  • And this then takes me above the line
  • Mind you
  • This is not the same as taking all the fault and blaming yourself
  • This just means you are open to the lessons that the sitation may be teaching you
  • With my roommate
  • I quite clearly learned that next time I am uneasy with how fair something might be, I can simply ask
  • Asking, my friends, is the best tool I know of that catapults you above the line
  • Something may hurt because it threatens you sense of safety
  • And you don’t know how to change that feeling
  • Ask a question
  • Asking shows you are open to learn
  • Ask for clarification
  • Ask for an example
  • Ask the person to explain something better
  • Ask yourself – what can I do differently here
  • Questions open us up
  • They change our state of mind from defense to acceptance
  • So lets review the steps that can help us go from below the line to above the line
    • Next time a situation or person or circumstance gets you tangled up –
    • Start by
  1. Pause and ask Where Am I?
    • This immediately will bring you into the present moment
    • Maybe do as I do – imagine the line across your body
    • Your heart is above the line
    • I may even touch it and ask
    • Am I in my heart?
    • And if not – how can I get there?
  • The second question is key for me:
  1. How do I want to show up here?
    • Given this content I am presented with, how do I want to be ?
    • This is the question of choice
    • And let me tell you – I sometimes consciously decide to stay below the line
    • I thought about it, and wanted to be more loving, but I just coulnt
    • So I stayed below the line and responded in some unkind way
    • It happens
    • But most of the time, this is the moment where I reconsider my responses
    • And even if I cannot come up with the best action possible, I often just
  2. Ask a question
    • I do this with myself
    • Remember we talked about that we are often in conflict with ourselves as well, not just with others
    • This process helps me
    • Before I become a victim
    • Before I go down to far on the downward spiral
    • I may ask
    • What can I learn here?
    • Or
    • How can I reframe the situation into something that isnt hurting me?
    • What is a different story
  • This is a really useful tool when you are waiting
    • Waiting for someone to respond to you
    • Waiting for the virus to go away
    • Waiting for a answer or resolution of some sort
  • We can get really defensive and negative when we are alone with our thoughts
  • This locating myself has helped me find myself again and become more present with the Janine I want to be
  • And I hope it helps you as well



Much love

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