The donut box story – QFY 408
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Friday after Friday, a pink donut box appears in my office. I am not interested in the donuts but the box has drawn my attention for other reason. I have noticed a pattern on how the box is emptied and drawn a few conclusions from that.
I began to notice, while people like donuts, and eat them, they really don’t want to eat them. The entire day is about resisting the donuts. Isn’t this often the case when we try to accomplish a tough goal? We get tempted by forced we cannot control?
Lots can be learned from one of the most popular treats here in the US.
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The donut box story – QFY 408
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Episode 408 – The donut box story
- Every Friday a pink donut box appears in my office.
- I walk past it several times a day and if you have been a long time listener then you have heard me talk about that box on previous episodes.
- But this week I realized that the donut box deserves its own episode
- Yes – its that important
- Why – because it teaches a valuable lesson
- I don’t just walk by the donut box
- I cant
- The bright bubblegum color stands out on the grey counter which is surrounded by more grey
- Grey carpet
- A grey printer
- Grey office supplies
- It shines bright in an area where one would not expect anything of color and sweet smell
- Especially not in the Finance department – where the box sits
- So I look at it – intensely – every single Friday
- you might wonder – what is so interesting about a donut box?
- Other than – of course – its contents
- But they are not even the interesting part to me
- I have shared with you before that I am not tempted by donuts
- Ice cream, chocolate, nuts – those are my vices
- But not donuts
- And that allows me to look at the box every time its there
- Why – you might wonder – is there any interest?
- I have asked myself the same question
- First of all –
- The box stands out – and that draws my attention
- The donuts look interesting to me – another reason
- Not appetizing, but interesting
- Every Friday I look
- For some reason I cannot ignore the box
- There is a part of me that wants to like the donuts, to be tempted by them, but its not happening
- Even after months and months of staring at them
- since I am not interested in the contents of the pink box, I have begun to look at it like an investigator, trying to solve a case
- for a while – this wasn’t clear to me
- but over time I began to notice a few things that are very similar Friday after Friday,
- and I realized – this box doesn’t just contain donuts
- it contains treasures of wisdom
- and I want to share some of that wisdom with you today
- I don’t know if there are donut boxes in your offices or work environments
- But I know they are not just in mine
- According to an article I read, there are more than 13,000 doughnut shops in the U.S.,
- And this data is probably a couple of years old
- According to the article, donuts are one of the most available and competitive products in the foodservice industry.
- If you look around – they can be found everywhere – supermarkets, gas stations, coffee shops, restaurants and specialty stores
- Every strip mall has a donut shop and many urban areas now have a high-end donut place everyone raves about
- Donuts are loved by many
- Cheap and in its classic form – glazed or filled or sprinkled
- Or expensive – as a gourmet product with a unique twist
- My city has a shop that sells square donuts
- I have seen lines out the door driving by
- I have noticed donuts on restaurant menus with fried chicken in the middle
- I have bought donuts for others that requested them with bacon on top
- And I had to call in prior to reserve them because they are so popular that they sell out quickly
- People like donuts and the box in my office demonstrates this
- Its there every Friday – full in the morning, empty at the end of the day
- But the donuts are not eaten in a linear fashion, as you might think
- One by one over the course of the morning
- this observations was probably what propelled me to continue analyzing the donut box because it surprised me
- I noticed a different trend – Friday after Friday
- And call me weird, but I wish I could collect this data and plug into a chart to see what it shows us
- But in absence of the facts, you just have to make do with my remembering of my observations
- In the morning when the pink box first arrives – usually around 8 – its propped open by the purchaser, displaying all the contents
- There they are – the donuts shine in their sweet beauty – calling on everyone to take one with their coffee
- Finance is probably the one team that is fully in attendance by 8.30am
- Everyone else rolls in around 9-9.30
- When I get there, by around 8.20 – the box has just arrived, and is still full
- When I walk by around 9.30 to 10, which is my breakfast time – maybe a couple of donuts are missing
- A few brave ones went to get their fix
- But otherwise the box is still pretty full
- This was the first thing that caught my attention
- I was surprised to see the box close to full so late in the morning
- Most people eat Breakfast early and then take their lunch around noon
- That’s not me, but I know in my office that’s what almost everyone does.
- But our donut box shows major signs of emptying not until much later, after 10, closer to 11
- Which is close to lunch time
- I have seen people pop out behind cubicle walls, running over, grabbing one and getting right back to their desk
- Nobody saw you, don’t worry, I often think
- early in the morning – when the donuts first appear – people whine and complain
- these devilled donuts again
- not today – wont have any
- But its around mid-morning when people grab their donuts
- And then, very interestingly, around 2pm – when half the box is still full –a knife appears inside the box
- By now someone has closed the box and Yes – I am opening it – looking into it
- I know – its weird
- And I notice – slowly – people start chopping away quarter pieces of the left-over donuts over the course of the afternoon
- By 4pm, the box is usually empty or has one or 2 of the least favorite kind left over
- I was fascinated by these observations
- And you might not agree with my interpretations of the donut box but here is what I think is happening
- People really don’t want to eat any donuts
- I think by now everyone knows that donuts are bad for us
- with an average of 300 calories per donut, mostly from refined carbs and saturated fats and zero nutritional value, donuts are literally junk that the body has to process
- donuts serve as the perfect example to illustrate the concept of willpower
- in the past I have dedicated several episodes to this hot topic and I will continue to come back to it
- because willpower and mental toughness are skills we need in this ever more comfortable and cozier world we live in
- what is happening inside the donut box is very similar to what is happening with everything else in our lives that we are trying to control
- we are strong and determined in the beginning
- we are focused on our goal
- but as time moves on, our willpower fades
- especially when temptation sits right under our nose
- ultimately – we succumb
- to our cravings
- to what everyone else is doing
- to our environment
- My city has a shop that sells square donuts
- I assume donuts are a breakfast food –
- That’s why donut shops open early – right?
- But in my office – they are more like a midmorning and an afternoon snack
- I don’t know if people eat something else first and then grab the donut as a snack, or if they are just sitting there trying to resist the entire time
- But what is clear to me is that people are trying not to eat donuts, otherwise they would eat them in the morning with their coffee
- yet by the afternoon the box is empty
- With at least half the contents of the pink box eaten in the afternoon
- Not linear at all
- One of the major reasons I don’t like donuts is that they never satisfy me like regular food
- I need to eat 2 or 3 donuts to even full, but then of course I feel sick if I eat that many
- 300 calories worth of chicken or egg whites fill me up and leave me feel energized
- While 300 calories worth of donut leave me in a sugar rush and craving more
- This clearly demonstrates that donuts cannot even be considered food
- They don’t nourish and satiate the body
- Donuts are bad
- No matter how appealing they look in that pretty box and with that shiny glaze – they are useless for our body and don’t add value to our health or our energy
- Yet in my office, in the Finance department – it’s a tradition to bring donuts on Fridays and people eat them
- If these donuts were not there, they would not be eaten
- The pink donut box is a perfect example that illustrates the power our environment has over us
- I know most of the people eating these donuts don’t want to eat them
- That’s why they don’t touch them first thing in the morning
- That why some don’t touch them until after lunch
- That’s why they start chopping off small pieces as the day progresses
- Because self control wanes as the day goes on
- And I don’t blame or judge any of the people that eat the donuts
- They are just in my walking path from my office to the kitchen
- But for the finance team – they are right in the middle of their area
- And with the box sitting there, people have to deny themselves the donuts all they long
- They don’t have to look at it – they know its there
- Enforced by the tradition they established – donuts every Friday
- In the morning we are fresh and equipped with a strong will
- But as our energy is spent on mental and physical tasks over the course of the day – our self control is lowered as well
- You see –
- For me donuts may not be the issue
- But we have some really amazing snacks in another part of the office that are much harder for me to resist
- And if these snacks sat right outside my office, I would struggle just like the people who eat the donuts
- The pink donut box in my office teaches us everything we want to know about reaching our goals, establishing good habits and getting rid of bad ones, and becoming a mentally stronger person
- Every Friday people in my office don’t reach their fitness and health goals because of that pink box
- And I don’t need to know what these are, but I see it
- From that box, we can not only learn more about our levels of self control but we can also gain insight about our environment
- That pink box represents everything that’s wrong with our modern world
- The food that is appealing to our senses but bad for our body
- The ubiquitous presence of food in our lives that shows up, seemingly out of nowhere, constantly tempting us, even when we are not hungry
- As a side note, this week I was at the airport
- I ate my lunch at home prior to leaving
- But when I saw all the really good food at the airport – and I mean good – high end restaurants – I found myself thinking about food again
- I questioned whether I should eat again – just in case I get hungry on my one hour plan trip
- I bet this “just-in-case” thinking not only occurs to me
- anyway
- I realized that this donut box can help us understand why we struggle with our goals and our plans
- Because just like any good plan – stuff comes up and gets in the way
- Donut boxes appear even when we prepared all our meals and are on a strict plan
- Temptations, detours, unexpected events and obstacles – they will always interrupt our plans
- If we are determined – We need to learn how to deal with them
- We cant fight the donuts – they are popular – people will continue to eat them
- Food will continue to be around us 24/7
- I don’t know who eats all this food, but someone must because if it didn’t sell, the places would not be there
- That pink donut box made me realize how important it is that we take control of our lives
- If we want something, really want it
- Its not enough to just be motivated
- We need to plan on disruptions and prepare for them
- That way, we don’t eat the donuts or the snacks or whatever happens to show up that derails us from our course
- Its not only food
- People will often change our direction
- Unexpected events
- Our own thoughts which are filled with fear, worry and doubt
- We need to prepare ourselves so we can come out as a winner
- And in our next episode I will cover a few strategies that can help you do so
- So be sure to listen
Until then
Much love
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