Fighting procrastination – QFY 443
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When it comes to procrastination, we don’t need more motivation. We need strategies that help us bridge the gap between idea and action, when willpower fails us. I have 3 of those strategies for you in this episode and I use them all the time when I struggle following through.
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Fighting procrastination – QFY 443
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Episode 443 – fighting procrastination
- Welcome back
- So glad you are here
- I am fascinated with everything that helps me become my best self
- Ever since I began the QFY journey, I have filled my days with buckets of purpose, as I call them
- I have allocated most of my time to areas that have meaning for me and that make my life better
- But that doesn’t mean I am always effective with my time
- In fact, I believe I could be much further ahead with my buckets of purpose if I procrastinated less and focused more
- On the previous episode we talked about the Akrasia effect
- The phenomenon we know all to well of not following through on our plans
- acting contrary to what you decided
- doing the opposite of what we set out to do
- the explanation for this effect lie, as I observe on my own life, in the way we perceive time
- while we love planning for the future, we don’t actually like to take action once the future arrives
- you all probably have at some point prepared with great motivation for a new challenge
- maybe a fitness goal or a new activity or maybe even a business idea
- but when it came time to take actual steps, to go out and make things happen, and on a consistent basis, you struggled
- Because change is hard
- Change requires stepping out of our comfort zone and doing something new
- Something we are not used to
- We are creatures of comfort
- We like our routines
- The new things is not part of the routine yet
- It interferes with our hold habits and therefore it makes it hard
- It requires willpower and when that fails us, we can say Akrasia has hit
- Which is also referred to as Weakness of will
- I look at willpower as a reservoir
- Every morning when we wake up, we are given a limited amount
- Not always the same depending on the things that are going on in our lives
- Stress, lack of sleep, physical illness can make our reservoir dwindle very quickly
- I prefer to rely on willpower as little as possible because it quite often disappoints me
- On a good day I can ignore those snacks in the office
- But as soon as things get hectic, they are my first aid to calm me
- Because carrot sticks and cucumber slices are just not as calming as chocolate covered almonds
- We need power of will every day, whether we notice it or not
- Swallowing your words and remaining silent in a meeting where the discussion gets heated
- People cutting you off in traffic while you resist the temptation to honk and get angry
- Forcing yourself to get up earlier to go the gym
- Even small things such as mincing your words with people to remain friendly costs willpower
- So when it comes to the big goals we have set, the new challenges we want to undertake, I prefer to bridge the gap between idea and action with strategies
- I want to minimize the chance that I don’t follow through
- And thereby prevent the Akasia effect from kicking in
- Because I realized:
- The better my strategies, the more effective I am with my purpose buckets
- just because they are areas of my life I am passionate about, doesn’t mean they are easy to follow through on
- They often involve quite a bit of discomfort, risk, and hard work
- And most of all – they require time
- Time I rarely have laying around
- So in order to increase the chance that I follow through I try to design methods around them that force me to follow through
- I want to rely as little as possible on having to make a decision and instead just want to follow a process
- Processes have the tendency to keep us in check
- Just think about your morning routine, which most likely you follow without ever questioning any of the steps
- Maybe you change the order sometimes
- Or you speed up one of the processes when you’re in a hurry
- But you probably rarely skip a step,
- Goals and plans are not yet part of a routine and that is what makes them so hard to follow
- So the first strategy is this:
- Make them part of a routine as quickly as possible – automate them
- The best way to automate a task is to do it every day or on a set schedule
- Climbing for example
- You’d think climbing is a passion and as such should not be a problem to execute
- True
- But climbing takes at least one full day
- If we are going out to Yosemite or further, it requires an entire weekend
- As much as I love climbing, I have stuff to do on the weekend
- Last year, every weekend I had to force myself to committ to go climbing
- This year – I automated the decision by committing to climb every weekend
- I found a new climbing partner so this also helped
- When he heard that I want to climb every weekend, he also committed
- We created a shared Google calendar where we mark our free weekends and on those weekends we climb
- This now forces me to rearrange my other responsibilities
- But the process is automated
- I don’t have to debate the decision anymore – should I climb or not
- Its done
- I did the same with my workouts which I have shared with you before
- I go to the gym every day
- I don’t schedule rest days – I schedule workout days
- And I workout until I need rest, which my body will tell me
- And then I rest
- Most people decide on the days they will work out, say Mo-Wed-Fri
- But then something comes up on Friday and now they worked out only 2 days out of 7
- Its most effective to plan whatever is important to you daily or at least weekly with a bigger timeslot
- I shared about the shabbat practice my friend Marylin keeps
- Every Saturday evening she signs off all her devices and is unavailable for 24 hours
- She takes shabbat – she stops and rests
- That is the reason my mediation practice hasn’t taken off yet
- I haven’t automated it yet
- And I haven’t removed obstacles yet that stand in the way to make it happen
- Strategy number 2
- Remove as many obstacles that hold you back
- One of my obstacles that prevents me form doing yoga is that I go to bed to late
- This holds me back from waking up earlier to do yoga
- I am just to tired
- If we want to remove obstacles, we first need to know what they are
- This requires an honest look at ourselves
- I dilly dally during the evenings
- I squander my time
- Instead of hitting the sheets, I do other things
- Until I master an earlier bedtime, I will not master a morning mediation practice
- What are your obstacles?
- We all have them
- Here is a hint:
- They usually involve time misallocation
- In order to get something done, you need time
- Time you currently spend doing something else
- Figure out what it is you spend your time one and see if you can remove that obstacle
- Other obstacles require small changes in behavior
- For example:
- When I have an almond butter jar in my pantry, I will dip into it
- It took me a year to figure this out
- I finally stopped buying jars and instead purchased individual packages
- And I realized, I actually barely use them
- Almond butter was more like treat
- In absence of chocolate, I dipped into that
- I deleted facebook off my phone over a year ago
- Obstacle removed
- The biggest challenge is to start
- Once you over come that, like the tunnel we talked about the other day, then you are rolling
- So try to remove the obstacles that hold you back and make the road as straight and clear as possible
- Find the conflict
- Find your almond butter jar
- Your facebook app
- Or the time spent on something else
- Remove the obstacle and clear the path to your goal
- My last strategy revolves around accountability
- Find something that raises the stakes
- This can be a deadline
- A person
- A system that keeps you in check
- Let me give you an example
- My speaking program involved a lot of travel to the location of the program, but in between we had many things to prepare at home,
- I was very committed
- Every time on the flight back home, I planned my next 3 weeks out
- Every night, according to my calendar, I made something happen
- But as soon as I was back home in my daily routine, I forgot about my well-laid out plans
- Half a week would pass and I wouldn’t do a thing on my assignments
- But then I would suddenly feel the pressure
- Why
- Because every Sunday I met with my local group
- Members of the speaking program here in the bay area with whom I meet once a week to work on our assignments, mostly its rehearsal time
- They were always prepared, so it wouldn’t look good if I came unprepared
- They were my rescue
- Without them, I wouldn’t be as far along as I am with my program
- Peer pressure works magic
- Use it
- Force accountability on yourself
- We are not good at holding ourselves accountable
- Other are
- Even if they don’t do it directly by yelling at us when we don’t get stuff done
- Indirect pressure is enough
- Afraid to look bad unprepared
- Trying to keep up with others and be part of the group
- Deadlines we set for ourselves are not nearly as effective as when someone else actually waits on us to bring a certain results
- My podcast epsiodes are schedule to appear Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
- That’s a deadline
- Maybe You are waiting on my epsiodes , maybe not
- But I have made that commitment and in my mind I don’t want to let you down
- So I stick to this schedule
- I use these 3 strategies all the time
- When I really want to get something done, I pull out my planner and I write it down
- It always starts with writing it down
- When I then don’t get it done, I try to automate it by scheduling it
- Once its scheduled, I already begin to look out for the obstacles that could stand in the way and I try to remove them
- And lastly, I build in accountability which raises the stakes for me to get something done
- Give one of these strategies a try when you notice that you are procrastinating and are not getting done what you set out to do
- Remember – time is a limited resource
- Lets use it on the endeavors that have importance and meaning for our live
- Those are often difficult ones, so they require strategies to help us overcome the routines that keep us comfortable, but sadly, also unchallenged
- Much love
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