Success is everyday practice – QFY 448
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Success. Failure. Two extremes we don’t experience regularly. Because we like our comfort zone. and from there we admire those that achieve noteworthy success and we wonder how we can do the same. When we know how to. Because we have done it before. In the critical moments in our life – we have stepped up. We achieved greatness and worked through hardship. We did it – step by step. The same formula applies when we want to take our life to the next level.
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Show Notes for
Success is everyday practice – QFY 448
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Episode 448 – Success is everyday practice
- I love this quote by Jim Rohn:
Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day;
while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.
- Success – failure – these are strong words
- lets be real:
- Most of us don’t regularly fail
- But we also don’t regularly celebrate successes
- We are somewhere in the middle
- I call it – our comfort zone
- We are good
- For the most part
- But this life in the comfort zone – its not the life we really wish to have
- Its ok, but its not extraordinary
- Extraordinary is hard to do
- That’s why most people don’t do it
- Its not that we don’t know what to do
- Or how to do it
- All the information is out there thanks to the internet
- If I choose to – I can – right now –
- enroll into an online course
- read a book or scientific paper
- get a diet plan and workout program
- and learn how to dance salsa
- without going anywhere
- from the comfort of my home
- but we don’t pursue most of these things
- they may interest us
- they may even be something we really want to learn
- maybe since childhood – we had that dream –
- of being that couple in the middle of the dancefloor that everyone admires
- but
- we are stuck
- in our comfort zone
- no time
- no money
- no help
- these are the boundaries we set that define our comfort zone
- they become excuses for not pursuing what we really want to do
- and then we back these limitations up with self-limiting beliefs:
- this is not my strength
- I just don’t have what it takes
- I lack willpower
- I wasn’t born into the right circumstances
- And before we know it, we adopt a fixed mindset
- A view of life that we think is not changeable
- And as a result, we make do with what is
- And we rarely go for more
- Because we have already given up on it
- Without even trying
- And it all starts with our comfort zone
- Our comfort zone is not set in stone
- Its quite flexible
- And just quite how flexible – depends on us
- Ever been thru a challenging time?
- Bet you have
- We all have
- And we all made it thru somehow
- You probably had to stretch to get thru
- Do things that were hard, uncomfortable, risky, even painful
- But whatever you did got you through
- I can stretch my comfort zone every day – by stretching myself
- We all stretch from time to time
- We stretch in college to get to graduation
- We stretch the first year in the new job to get the promotion
- We stretch to learn a new language, or how to take good pictures, or to eat healthier
- But once we reach the new level – or when we simply give up, we settle
- This is now our new comfort zone
- So when people wonder how to get to extraordinary
- To the next level
- How to make more out of their lives
- How to finally get the weight down and the health up
- How to quit smoking and drinking and become more focused
- How to overcome their fear of public speaking or
- Their tendency to shut down in difficult situations
- They get confused
- They think they need a magic bullet
- A 30 day plan
- A guru
- Surgery
- Or what not
- When all we need to do is what we always do when we stretch ourselves
- What we used to do
- In college
- In the new job
- During the difficult time
- At the beginning of everything new we start
- and
- what Jim Rohn said in his quote –
- “a few simple disciplines, practiced every day”
- Brushing our teeth is a discipline
- Paying our taxes is
- We do it
- Sometimes because we have to, other times because it is so engrained in ourselves that we don’t even think about it
- Success starts with doing
- Stretching ourselves begins by stepping into something different
- Extraordinary starts with new routines and habits
- Those that get us to where we want to go
- Repeated every single day – they will bring success
- They will take us from here – from our comfort zone – from status quo – to extraordinary
- You want to master Salsa dancing?
- Start dancing
- Dance every day in any way you can
- In front of your mirror
- To a youtube video
- Once a week with a partner
- Take classes
- Go out dancing so you can learn from others
- You do everything you can to stretch yourself
- To grow and expand your mind
- Instead of hanging on the couch
- Getting drunk
- Sleeping in
- And making excuses why you can’t
- You go out and do
- Its simple
- No magic required
- dig within yourself to find that what interests you
- That which you always wanted to do
- And then start
- With the smallest thing you can think of
- One salsa move with a friend who told you he knows how to dance
- Have him show you your first salsa step
- One single step is all it takes its
- From here to there
- From the couch to the dance floor
- From comfort zone to growth
- From status quo to extraordinary
Success – a few simple disciplines, practiced every day;
- And by doing that which leads to success, you avoid the other things which lead to failure
a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.
- Stop talking about it
- Start doing
- Repeated every day until it becomes part of your life
- And soon you will be a master
- Recognized by others
- Celebrated
- Success
- Extraordinary
- Your life at a new level
- much love
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