Best of: QFY 417 – The silent treatment is not effective

Best of: QFY 417 – The silent treatment is not effective

The silent treatment is an adult temper tantrum. And this is why this episode is important. We need to become aware to this passive aggressive behavior, whether we are the ones acting it out or receiving it. The silent treatment is an inability to communicate properly and cannot pass as effective communication. If we want to be our best self, then this is a behavior that needs to be changed or avoided. 

One must see many things – QFY 499

One must see many things – QFY 499

The holiday season is upon us and we tend to get pulled away from our goals more. Without enough momentum, we often stall or give up. Growth comes through experiences, and we can only get them when we engage with the world. Go out and see new things. Try something new, even if you fell discouraged and unmotivated. A change or a new perspective may be all you need to move forward again.

The connection roadmap – QFY 498

The connection roadmap – QFY 498

We talk all day, more than ever, yet are we really connecting? True connection with others is one of the most rewarding aspects of our lives. Yet often we don’t don’t know how to get there. We may wait for it to happen, or we believe it to be impossible. When we learn about the different levels of conversation, we can become more aware what it takes to achieve a deeper bond with the other person.

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