In a world that is all about results and checking off to-do’s, we easily get caught in busyness. It feels great to create lists and schedules. But without noticing, we are running rounds in a hamster wheel – every day the same without ever reaching the next level. Our busyness keeps us trapped and distracted. We need to go out of our way to pause so we can get clear on where we really want to go.
We like to favor actions over words. But words are still needed. Words sometimes speak louder than actions. Because not all actions are always clear. and not all actions can replace words. Words can be powerful – so lets use them to make a positive impact.
We value our possessions. We also spend a lot of time thinking about them. And when something happens to them, we worry about them. We should take good care of our things but we need to remember that they can be gone in an instant. Our thoughts about them are more important. they decide how we feel and act. They determine if we have a good day or a bad one. So we need to carefully watch them, more so than our things, which are replaceable.
The case of the serious car is my story of an attempted car purchase and the lessons I learned from this rather disappointing experience. Preparation is key for any major purchase. But even then, be ready to leave your desired object behind if you are not being treated properly. As a customer, I want to feel valued and appreciated but if I am only an object that brings potential revenue, I will take my business elsewhere. Its important to keep our dignity.
Why are we so afraid of being vulnerable? We all have this fear – of being exposed, hurt, seen. And yet, without risking all of it just a little, we don’t live fully. We are standing on the banks of the river, afraid to jump, and never discover whats on the other side. Expectations increase our fear. When we are tied to a certain outcome, we are less likely to take a chance. If we can go into new situations with fewer expectations, we will notice our fear ebb a little and courage rise to the top.
I have always admired people who can be compassionate towards others, even strangers. And I finally realized – what stands in the way of my compassion is not that I am heartless and selfish. Its my agenda. I have expectations that are more important than anything. And when we only focus on our objective, we are not open to other possible outcomes – hence, a lack of compassion.
Lifting weights means discomfort for most of us. But with our cushy lives, we need to be uncomfortable more often. We need to push our limits from time to time to see what we are capable of. The benefits of lifting go beyond a strong and lean physique. Lifting heavy things teaches us who we are, how we handle difficulty and how we persevere. It builds our confidence and improves our self-esteem. In absence of regular physical challenges, we all need to push or pull heavy things now and then to test our boundaries.
We already know that physical activity is important for our health. But there are other benefits to movement. When we are active, our body and our mind are in communication. We are focused, present and engaged, more so than when we just work with our mind. Physical activity is critical for getting our goals accomplished and moving us to the next level. It teaches us to ignore distractions, those that keep us from getting done what we set out to do.
We don’t like conflict. We turn to all sorts of strategies just so we can avoid a confrontation. But conflicts are valuable. They offer an opportunity to learn more about ourselves and the relationship with the other person. In this episode I share 3 key steps I found that help me manage conflict more effectively. Allowing conflict to teach us requires some courage and letting go of fear and expectations. But the result will be a rewarding experience for our development as a better human citizen.
How can self-love equal self-discipline? These seem to be two opposing concepts. Discipline is rigid, maybe even punitive. Love is free, relaxing, joyful. But yet, how can we be our best self? By relaxing and giving in to every whim? Or by disciplining ourselves so we can reach long term goals that make us proud? When we truly love ourselves, we will look beyond the momentary pleasures and try to achieve our long-term dreams by being more intentional about our decisions.
Does it seem challenging to find an inner connection with ourselves? Our world can be noisy, overwhelming and distracting.
Yet, the direction for our life comes from within us.
The Quest For You Podcast is my mission to help you discover who you are. I will help you challenge yourself through daily guidance, motivation and inspiration. I want to help you find your direction.