How we can become more effective in the different roles we play each day? Maybe you are tempted to say that we need to be more authentic. But its more important that we are consistent. Just as we expect products to perform the same way every time and people to treat us well each time, the same is expected of us. Our roles come with expectations and they can seem like a burden, but I argue that we when we learn to play them well, they will make us a better person.
Have you, like I, asked yourself and the people around you why you just can’t be yourself? Possibly when there was a conflict and you didn’t feel heard or seen? We all have probably thought or even uttered this question at some difficult moments in our life. I decided to tackle this common question in today’s episode. And my vote is no – no, we cannot just be ourselves. Tune in to find out why.
Spring cleaning is a tradition in many cultures and its usually related to clearing out the old and making space for the new. It can seem like a chore and hard to get in the mood for, but cleaning out and making space has shown to make us happier human beings. I tackle small projects as I find time and I cannot agree more – looking at the spaces that are now clutter-free makes me feel good.
So why not make ourselves happier by getting rid of some stuff that we probably don’t need anyway?
After several recent trips to the East coast I have finally figured out how to minimize my jet lag, which usually interferes with my first day at the new place and doesn’t allow me to perform at my best.The key is preparation – as with so many other things in life. If we want to be on top of our game, we cannot expect our bodies to adjust to a sudden time change so quickly. We need to prepare – several days ahead of time.I am sharing tips with you on sleep preparation, food intake, movement and general planning around your trip. The areas that you normally plan around and deem important in your daily life are just as important when you travel.
I am still reading Robert Greene’s book The 48 Laws of Power and I was right in the middle of allowing myself be controlled by my emotions when I came across law # 10. It talks about the “infectious” emotional states of others – how others, with their problems and instability can bring us down. While I don’t consider myself unstable, it caused me to reflect that we sometimes spend to much time with people that, instead of pushing us forward, pull is down. When we don’t get our work done or accomplish our goals because we spend to much time with them, we may need to reflect and reduce the time we give them. Sadly – we often really like these people. Maybe we have known them for a long time. But we need to be cautious of the influence they have on our effectiveness and impact in this world.
In a recent workshop I noticed something: We are all good at telling stories. But are we sharing the real stories? Those that need to be told? We may be great presenters and story tellers but in order to tell the real and true stories, we have some more work to do.Our authentic self is often hidden behind masks and covers to protect ourselves. When we start digging and questions, we can reveal the stories that we need to tell – those stories that help others on their journey.
Lets take a moment to celebrate the arrival of spring. Longer days, warmer weather, the start of something new. We complain often about winter – the changing of the clocks, and the short days. So now that spring is here, lets acknowledge it by pausing – even if just briefly.
The story I shared in episode 408 about the donut box in my office is really a story on how our environment influences our decisions. Therefore, if we want to become successful with our goals, we need to learn to manage our environment. Motivation and willpower are not enough. They will not prepare us for the many disruptions life presents us with.We need plans and system in place to manage these disruptions. Listen to my 4 lessons from the donut box and examples from my life where I have implemented a system to protect me from “the donut box.”
Friday after Friday, a pink donut box appears in my office. I am not interested in the donuts but the box has drawn my attention for other reason. I have noticed a pattern on how the box is emptied and drawn a few conclusions from that.I began to notice, while people like donuts, and eat them, they really don’t want to eat them. The entire day is about resisting the donuts. Isn’t this often the case when we try to accomplish a tough goal? We get tempted by forced we cannot control?Lots can be learned from one of the most popular treats here in the US.
I am so excited to share a listener’s feedback and experience with the inner critic in this episode.The inner critic likes to tell us stories, often right when we are about to something risky or uncommon. It wants to protect us, but at the same time it holds us back from growing into a stronger human being.I consider my inner critic an overprotective friend. Its not an enemy, because at time we do need to make responsible decisions and stay on the safe side.Lets learn more about how to best utilize such a friend.
Does it seem challenging to find an inner connection with ourselves? Our world can be noisy, overwhelming and distracting.
Yet, the direction for our life comes from within us.
The Quest For You Podcast is my mission to help you discover who you are. I will help you challenge yourself through daily guidance, motivation and inspiration. I want to help you find your direction.