Healing my Sundays
I used to dread Sundays
Not Mondays, but Sundays
They were the worst day of my week
They stood for Good-byes
Good bye to the weekend
to worry-free time
to my grandparents that I had to leave
back on my bicycle, later my motorcycle, and then the train
to my new home
which was not my old home
On Sundays I was melancholic
They were the shortest days of the week
Over much quicker than other days
I couldn’t let go of the last 24 hours that were filled with fun and laughter
While thinking ahead of the bitter week to come
People that I didn’t want to be with
Places that I didn’t want to go to
Nothing to look forward to
As a child, I often cried on Sundays
Alone, on my bicycle up that huge hill
Because I had to leave people behind that I loved
And that loved me
Where I could be myself, free and uninhibited
Living a happy life
And I carried the Sunday sadness with me
Into my adult life
Now it was the school or the job I didn’t look forward to
I passed Sundays depressed, in a bad mood, worried, anxious
In disbelief that the weekend passed so hurriedly
In rejection of everything that lay ahead
Nothing to look forward to
Lately I started working on healing my Sunday blues
I get up earlier than everyone else to make the day longer
I relish in the exceptional peace that only a Sunday morning brings
I have my favorite coffee only on Sundays
And then I take time to plan the week ahead
Filling it with endeavors to look forward to
Focusing on the potential of the future instead of the uncontrollability of the past
I exchanged the job that gave me worry with one that I enjoy
I started a project that excites and challenges me every single day
I call family and friends far away to reconnect with my past in a loving way
I plan my toughest workout for Sundays, ending the day feeling accomplished and energized
I am slowly turning around what once gave me agony
By leaving the past behind
And appreciating my present with gratitude and love
And challenging myself to see beyond today
Planning excitement, fulfillment and compassion for my future
I am holding my own hand through this
Sometimes that is what it takes
Recognizing our fears
And walking slowly but surely through them
I like sundays…