Our human contracts – QFY 454
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Our relationships with the people close to us are like contracts. When not signed by both parties, these relationships become one-sided and unfulfilling. When one person is not fully committed to the relationship, we cannot force them. We also don’t need to analyze why that is, or wait around for it them to come around. We need to move on. Its time to look at the relationships in our life that may not be met by a mutual agreement.
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Our human contracts – QFY 454
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Episode 454 – Our human contracts
- Welcome back friends
- I went climbing on Saturday with a different partner, someone I only climb with once in a while
- We get a long really well, and we talk bout everything
- He is just a very open and sincere guy
- And he is single
- He always shares his dating adventures with me – which make for entertaining conversations on the strenuous hikes to the base of the mountain and the steep down climbs
- If we lived closer, he would probably be a good friend because we connect well on all topics human
- We often exchange book suggestions as he likes to read on similar topics that also interest me
- We went out to eat after our very challenging climb where I actually failed
- I had to pull a big roof and it took me a few tries
- Thank goodness for the rope but still – I don’t like to hang
- But this year I am challenging myself on harder climbs
- If I only climb grades I can comfortably climb I never get better
- Attempting something hard like a roof
- Anyway
- Over dinner he showed me a little blub that he got off Facebook I believe and I loved it
- So I want to share it with you today and talk a little bit about it
- Here it goes:
- Its written by Jeff brown who wrote the book An uncommon bond, which my friend also recommended
- It’s very clear and direct advice
- Here is what matters, here is what doesn’t
- The problem is, when it comes to people we have feelings for, friends, partners, family – we often don’t see clearly what matters
- We hang on to people because we like them –
- We make decisions based on feelings, not based on an objective assessment
- Feelings, assumptions, and expectations
- Ideas of what might be, not what is
- Like:
- someone else like this person doesn’t exist
- we can’t be without them
- they will change – just takes time
- this is as good as it gets
- We have all have our own reasons to keep people in our life
- People we really want as part of our life
- but that care not nearly as much about being part of our life
- But we don’t see that
- We make a contract with them – not realizing, that they haven’t made one with us
- Maybe they attempted to make one
- In the past
- But then something came up
- They changed their mind
- They got distracted
- They are uncertain about what they want
- So they break the contract
- They are not fully engaged in the relationship anymore
- Lets use friendship as an example
- We often notice it earlier when it comes to a friend because our hearts are not so tightly invested
- I bet you all can think of a friend that was a friend for a while, or looked like it would become a good friend – but then they didn’t follow through
- I recently had such an example
- I met this sweet woman at my speaking workshop and we connected really well
- She related to me
- When I rehearsed with her, she always got the message I was trying to convey with my speech
- She encouraged and motivated me
- And every time we saw each other we always made it a point to talk and connect
- On the last trip she said – lets stay in touch – I want to follow your journey
- She also said she would listen to my podcast
- She was a big support for me during this program
- A few weeks ago I asked her on LI for a testimonial that I could put on LI and my website, because she has heard my speech in full length
- Silence
- A week later she finally responded and said she was busy preparing for our upcoming video shoot
- Ok – I got that – we all had to present a small portion in front of camera for our speaker reel – it was a busy time
- I accepted that – although 2 other people from that course wrote me recommendations – 2 sentences – that’s all I asked for
- After the video shoot I waited a couple of weeks to see if she would remember
- 3 days I finally wrote her – checking in
- Still – no word
- And by I already know
- I’ve known the moment it took her a week to respond to my first message
- She is unlikely to follow through
- The connection I thought we had – the contract I imagined of a friendship developing – even if from afar – is not happening
- Because she didn’t sign it
- I thought she did
- We often think we have a contract with that other person
- Because there are indicators
- Attention
- Kindness
- Generosity
- A special feeling of Connectedness
- Maybe its physical, as often happens with relationships
- Maybe its because of shared experiences or a simple ability to communicate well, like my climbing partner and I have
- And its our innate desire to relate and be with other human beings
- So we are always out there trying to bond
- We are looking for connection
- We are seeking agreements of mutual relationships with other humans
- you would probably agree with me after telling you my story – that my imagined friend is not seeking an agreement with me
- this doesn’t mean I misread the signs
- she probably liked me
- she related to my message
- she probably even intended to stay in touch with me
- but something happened
- something came up
- and I don’t know what it is and there is no need to figure it out
- because it doesn’t matter
- what matters is what I see:
- non-responsiveness
- disinterest
- silence
- this is what matters
- this is what matters with all people in our life
- love relationships, friendships, even family
- even coworkers or our own employees
- when people show us clearly that they don’t want the same kind of relationship we do, then that’s all the information we need
- that means there is no agreement
- it doesn’t mean you need to analyze why that is
- or make excuses why it cannot be 100% at the moment and allow it to be
- or do more so maybe the other person comes around
- the agreement has to be signed by both
- and when it is, you will know
- you will not have doubts
- because there is a mutual contribution to the relationship and the friendship
- there is effort, compromise, and a working together
- there is conversation
- there is a caring and an interest for one another
- there is a staying in touch
- there is – connection
- an agreement is a connection between the 2 of you
- a mutual understanding of the type of connection you will have
- maybe romantic,
- maybe a sports partner, like in my case with my climbing partners
- maybe a long-distance friendship
- or a professional relationship
- a mentor – mentee connection
- whatever relationships you have in your life:
- ask yourself today – is there an agreement between the 2 of you?
- Or are you making up for the non-agreement of the other person?
- Let me tell you – for me its very hard to let go of people
- I have made big strides in the romantic area
- I have become better at seeing quickly when they are not a fit for me
- But then I don’t want to let them go entirely and I always make an effort to try to remain friends
- So much was invested with this person – why lose it?
- This often doesn’t work because somewhere there are still expectations remaining
- And you lose so much energy fighting over a relationship that doesn’t have an agreement
- Look for missing agreements in your life
- They come in many colors
- Sometimes we think they don’t mean anything
- Someone only calling when they need help
- Or always arriving late
- Other times they really bother us, but we still put up with them
- People promising us to take us places, show us things teach us something
- And then never following through
- People that cannot commit to us are not in an agreement with us
- I have a climbing partner who only contacts me when other partners cancel on him – the day off the climb
- Or – He would ask me – in the middle of a weekday– if we can meet the climbing gym – lie – right now
- You would think there is no harm in having someone around that you barely see
- Surely someday the climbing thing will work out
- This has been going on for a year now and I finally decided that this is it
- Even if it only happens 3-4x a year – it still wastes a lot of energy
- When there is no agreement, as Jeff Brown says, don’t make up
- Don’t imagine one
- Don’t wait for one
- And most importantly – don’t analyze why there isn’t one
- Just like you wouldn’t work for anyone without an employment agreement
- Or wouldn’t hire someone to do work on your house or car without an agreement
- Don’t waste your time in relationships that don’t have a mutual agreement
- You are either both engaged and committed to a common cause
- Or it a lost cause
- And why waste time on a lost cause?
- You have bigger things to do with this one amazing life you’re living
- Go out and find people that want to be part of your quest
- They are there
- When you trust this process – they will come
- I have seen it over and over again
- Find people that fit in your life, and don’t waste time forcing those that don’t
- This world is filled with amazing human beings
- Go out and connect with them
- Sign human contracts with the people that want to be in your life just a much as you want to be in theirs
- Everything else is a waste of time
Much love
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