Conversations with strangers – QFY 483
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Starting a conversation with a person you don’t know can be scary. Yet the few times I have done so, I have had surprising outcomes. I made new friends, found solutions to problems I didn’t even plan on solving when i initiated the talk, and gained insights and new perspectives I previously didn’t have. You have nothing to lose – so start these interactions more frequently and see for yourself the interesting turns your life will take.
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Conversations with strangers – QFY 483
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Episode 483 – Conversations with strangers
- “Conversation with strangers “
- What a great title for an episode
- Sounds like the name of a movie
- And I wont share all the wonderful conversations I have had with strangers because I barely have had any
- Its usually the people I am with that initiate them
- People that are less worried about what others might think
- People that are more open to others
- People that are seeking human connection
- Apparently – that is not me
- Because I hesitate to reach out to strangers
- I may say hello, or good morning, or how is it going
- The conventional platitudes come easily out of my mouth
- I have practiced them enough
- But I rarely take the time to get to know someone I don’t know, if I don’t have to
- The few times I have done so, I have had quite some surprising outcomes
- And this is why my advise today is genuine and straight-forward:
- Start conversations with strangers
- Don’t wait for them to start
- Don’t try to dodge the conversations
- Just initiate them
- I will dazzle you with 2 recent stories to support my recommendation
- So that you believe me
- For the first one – I can pad myself on the back
- I don’t have many but this is the second instance where I found a climbing partner because I spoke to a stranger
- A while ago I shared with you how I found my first outdoor climbing partner who became also my mentor and taught me everything I now know
- in the last couple of months I have been considering climbing in the gym to build some strength and challenge myself on harder routes
- but I don’t have anyone to climb with her in Oakland
- and this held me back from going
- My current outdoor partner lives in San Jose which is to far to meet up on a weeknight
- But then we met 2 guys while climbing in Tahoe a few weekends ago
- It was one of those mornings where we arrived at the crag early but my partner kept insisting that the route we were planning on climbing was further to the right
- Well – this time I was right because I had been there before
- I walked left but at the same time 2 guys came up and beat us to the route
- They were nice and we ended up chatting together
- We met them again later in the day at a second route we were both climbing and this one had a very difficult traverse
- I was leading and when I saw one of them hesitating for a long time on that section, I got nervous
- By the time I came up- they were sitting on a ledge just after that challenging traverse and what I didn’t know was that they filmed me
- I did fine on the section and I gave them my email address so they can send me the video, which one of them who lives in SFO did
- And – the following week we met at a climbing gym in the city to climb
- This has now turned into a weekly routine
- Every Thursday we climb
- I found a climbing partner – again – because I chatted
- While my climbing partner was all quiet and probably unhappy because I was right about the route, I was friendly to 2 strangers
- I didn’t have a goal in mind
- I just wanted the video they captured of me
- I had considered a climbing gym, but certainly not in San Francisco, which is out of my way
- But because I was friendly, and probably also because I impressed them with my fearless transition on the traverse, I now have a gym climbing partner
- And sometimes, he has another friend there when we climb, introducing me to even more climbers
- Being nice to strangers pays off
- Even if you part ways and never see each other again,
- You have nothing to lose, only to gain
- You learn about someones’ ideas and perspective which can change the way you look at the world
- maybe you get the chance to help someone
- Here is my second example:
- Watch for the ripple effect in that one!
- This past weekend I was in Yosemite for Labor Day weekend – with my first climbing partner
- He flew in from out of town and we had some great climbs planned
- On the first day we climbed Tenaya Peak in a record time of 5 hours car to car
- We free soloed 11 pitches and only roped up at the 12th pitch
- My climbing partner is a very talkative guy
- And he loves teaching and educating others about safe climbing methods
- On our way up, we passed a couple of young guys that were climbing on a rope
- As a side-note, I felt pretty good passing them
- Usually people pass us, especially youngens – they are faster and more fearless
- But these 2 were new to climbing and as we passed them we learned that one of them was turning 25 that day and his goal was to climb 25 pitches that day
- We met them again later on the summit where we took pictures of each other
- And then my partner invited them to hike down together because he knew the route and knows that its easy to get lost
- At the cars our birthday friend was hoping to meet another climbing partner who would take him up another climb so can reach his birthday goal
- He was pretty tired – he started the day at midnight to ensure he gets his goal completed.
- So they made coffee and we joined them
- I would have liked to climb something else – it was only noon
- But my climbing partner said we should relax and gather energy for the next day
- So when his next climbing partner arrived, a super-nice woman – we joined them to watch them climb
- This turned out to be helpful because the next day we were to tired to climb the long route we planned and I got to lead the route we watched the day before
- I now had a very good picture of the different pictures – most of the route was visible from the parking lot
- The next day, after I finished the route we went for a swim in Tenaya lake and who did we meet?
- The girl who climbed with the birthday boy before
- She and her friend also went swimming and I casually asked them where they are staying
- She immediately offered us room at her campsite which was just what we needed
- We had a limited supply of gas left in the van from driving back and forth all day between our sleeping place, the climb, the store for ice cream, then the lake
- And the next morning we wanted to summit cathedral peak which is very close to the campsite
- This saved us a long trip out of the park that night and a nice spot in the woods
- All this happened because my climbing partner was friendly – struck up a conversation with those boys
- Through them we met other people and a campsite
- Talking to strangers can bring unexpected surprises
- the people we know will tell us what we know,
- will do what we know
- because we know them
- the surprises from those people are rare
- yet a stranger can bring magic into your life
- things you never even considered
- doors can suddenly open
- opportunities can arise
- a problem we have been can lugging around can suddenly be resolved
- because we opened ourselves up to a different outcome
- I am being honest:
- There were many moments during that weekend where I was just waiting for my partner to finish his conversations with strangers
- I wanted to go on with my plan
- But I am slowly learning that I might be closing myself off to the magic of life that can take place when I don’t stick to my plans so rigidly
- A stranger is often a detour from the course
- But instead of looking at it as a waste of time, we can look at it as a special opportunity to learn something new
- Maybe there was a reason we ran into this person
- Maybe they crossed our path to show us something
- Teach us something about ourselves
- What if we look at it like that next time?
I will certainly work on that because I have seen in my own life how generously it can pay off
Much love
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