More being, less doing – QFY 485
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Even when we know that our doing would be for the best, it may not be what is needed. We want to do good, we want to help, but sometimes, we need to accept that it is not what the other person or the situation requires. Sometimes we just need to be.Be there, listen, show support. Without doing. Letting go of what we think is best, and allow life to take its course.
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More being, less doing – QFY 485
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Episode 485 – More being, less doing
- Welcome back my friends
- I come to you with a heavy heart
- Today was a tough day for me
- I may have told you that I mentor a 12 year old girl from East Oakland
- Today we had a school meeting
- She is in 7th grade and she struggles
- A lot
- I wont go into details – I will only tell you – its hard for me to see such a smart and beautiful girl struggle
- She I not my daughter but in my heart it feels like she is
- I care for her a lot
- I want to see her succeed
- I want to do everything I can to help yet
- And yet – I can’t
- I struggle with that
- I keep wrecking my brain trying to see what I can do
- But the fact that I am only her mentor leaves me with hands tied
- That there are situations in life that we just have accept as they are
- We can try our best
- But sometimes we know that our best is not good enough
- My girl needs a lot of help
- She needs me every day
- Yet I cannot be with her every day
- And it tears on my heart
- But no matter how much I want to do
- Like move her into a school near me
- Or see her more often
- I can’t
- Even though I know it would help her.
- Can you relate to me?
- Have you had moments in life where you wanted to do more but couldn’t?
- Sometimes we want to help close friends – but they don’t want our help
- Or we want to make changes at work because we see something is clearly wrong – but we can’t overstep our boundaries
- We see injustice in our community and yet, we don’t feel equipped to affect any change
- We feel powerless
- Defeated, as one co-worker noticed today as I walked into work after that meeting
- And it sucks
- We live in times where we can control so much of our lives
- Often by just hitting a button on our keyboard
- We can make stuff happen
- We have options
- And with options comes the power to discern
- Once we make a choice, we feel empowered
- We have done it
- So when we know we could control something – a person, an event an outcome, but the circumstances don’t allow us to, its hard to accept
- We talked about control before
- The kind of control that is rooted in fear and comes with expectations
- The same still applies when we want to do good
- We try to control situations because of an expected outcome
- What we think will happen if we don’t intervene
- And because we are attached to an outcome
- We believe that our perceived outcome is the best option
- And yes- it might be
- Because we all want the best for ourselves and others
- The issue is that life doesn’t work acocridng to what we want or believe to be is best
- We may see it as the best option for everyone involved
- We know it will work
- We are certain that this is exactly what is needed
- But that doesn’t mean it will happen the way we think
- Other people are involved and they have their thinking that tells them what is best
- Circumstances have to play out according to an order than we don’t control
- And we have no other option than to stand and watch
- Letting go is hard
- Especially when you know you could do something that would bring a better result
- Letting go is surrendering
- Its accepting what is
- Which seems contradictory when we know the person is worse off without our actions
- But lets think about this together.
- We can try and spend all our adrenaline-charged energy on trying to fix things
- Like crazy people, we search on the internet, make phone calls, book appointments, run from here to there to make stuff happen
- I ma sure you have done some of this in times where you felt strongly about someone or something
- I know I have
- And it feels good to be needed
- We want to matter
- We long to belong
- So we do because we think our doing will change the world
- And sometimes it does
- When done in harmony with life
- This harmony is hard to define
- It is more like a feeling around in darkness
- Its experimenting with possible solutions
- One at a time
- To see what works
- Giving it time
- Waiting
- And maybe trying again something different this time
- Or if it works, taking the feedback and taking another step in the same direction
- Harmony is flow
- Its when you see that things unfold without much pushing
- You give a little, and something comes back
- You feel things are moving along
- That’s flow
- That’s harmony
- That’s balance
- But when feel pressure
- The Counterforce
- The resistance
- When we do and do and do and nothing seems to be working
- Then there is no harmony
- We are trying to control something that cannot be controlled
- When we reach this point,
- we need to surrender
- we let go of the doing and the pushing and the managing
- and we allow space for balance to be restored
- our actions that are not working – we need to let them go
- our feelings that leave us anxious, depleted, and defeated – we need to let them go
- our words that don’t seem to be heard – we need to stop talking and be quiet
- Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting about the person or the cause
- For me – Letting go doesn’t mean I will let go of my girl
- I am just letting go of forcing my way
- Instead,
- I become present to what is
- Life has its own flow
- I am not in control
- I am not in charge
- I am part of a bigger picture and I need to accept my place as it is in this moment
- I have to remind myself of that today
- Especially today
- Because my anxiousness wants to send me off into a search for unfeasible solutions
- Probably so I can feel better
- When letting go will do that
- Letting go – when I actually do it
- When I stop fighting
- By taking a few deep breaths
- By finding something to be grateful for in the situation
- And by accepting that this is what it is right now, whether I like it or not
- A sense of calm will come over me
- A form of peace with the circumstances will take hold of me
- And I see more clearly
- And I realize once again, as I often do, in such situations –
- We don’t need to DO more
- the other person that we want to help doesn’t need us to DO more
- They need us to BE more
- They just need us to be there for them
- Silent, encouraging, supporting
- Being as in being present
- Listening
- Trying to understand
- Interested
- Being who we are
- Always
- Being comes without expectations
- It allows us to let the moment unfold without being tied to an outcome
- Why don’t you try this? A question that’s loaded with expectations
- Or
- I am here for you – that’s being –
- Being is the only thing I need to do more with my girl that struggles
- Maybe being is what you need to do more with the people and sitations in your life that don’t want to be changed by your doing
Much love
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