Waste of time – QFY 525
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Have you ever been told that you’re wasting someone’s time? I bet this was tough. Here are a few thoughts on this idea, which is only a mechanism to shift blame. We all are responsible for our time and cannot expect others to make it worth it.
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Show Notes for
Waste of time – QFY 525
Looking for a quote from my show notes?
Episode 525 – Waste of time
- Has someone every told you that you are a waste of their time?
- I hope not, because that’s a pretty harsh thing to say
- But yet, I have heard it said to me a few times and since the last time, I cannot stop thinking about it
- Its not that I haven’t thought about it before
- It hurt me every time
- But I overlooked it because the person who said continues wasting their time with me
- I guess I am not very good at it
- But this last time it was said to me, I let it sink in a little longer
- I reflected on it
- I thought about what it means – to be someone’s waste of time
- We all have said this phrase at some point or another
- when we are caught up in activities that we didn’t choose or that take unexpected turns
- This is a complete waste of my time
- But when we hear it say to us, then it suddenly feels personal
- Because what the person suffering from our time waste in essence is saying is this:
- You are not worth my time
- And the more I thought about my role as a time waster, the more questions came up for me
- On one hand:
- I often talk about the value of time on this podcast,
- Encouraging you to spend your time wisely
- And emphasizing the fact that time is limited and a dwindling resource
- And here I am, on the other hand – doing exactly that to someone else
- wasting their valuable and limited time
- For a while, I was baffled
- How is it even possible?
- When two people decide to do something together, how can one person feel that this time is a waste?
- Wasn’t there an agreement between them?
- Maybe not a documented one, but an unspoken one?
- So how then, can one person suddenly decide that the activity is a waste of time?
- For me it’s a tough pill to swallow
- I am sensitive to time
- I talk about it a lot on this podcast
- The activities I engage in are carefully thought through
- I make room for them in my busy life
- I prioritize them
- I rarely do anything haphazardly or at the spur of the moment
- So I definitely don’t want this for anyone else either
- Obviously, I had chosen to spend my time with that person
- But then I realized:
- This is not about me
- As much as it sounds like it is, because here is someone whose valuable time I have wasted, I am not the issue
- I am not wasting anyone’s time
- We had an agreement
- We both decided to do this, whatever it is
- Just as I chose them, they chose me
- We all choose how we spend our time
- We all are responsible for our time
- And
- We all decide what the time we are spending means to us
- Lets take a closer look at these 3 statements:
- We all choose how we spend our time
- They chose to spend time with you or me
- Although this isn’t easy, but let me tell you:
- you can safely distance yourself from the statement that you are a time waster
- Even if you begged or paid the person
- They still decided to spend the time with you
- There was an unspoken agreement between the 2 of you
- You most likely didn’t hold a gun to their head
- By accepting your role as a time waster
- By taking it personal
- By being emotionally affected by it
- You are taking on the choice the other person made over their time
- The other person chose to spend the time with you
- They cannot hold you accountable for it
- The statement is trying to shift blame
- Because what the other person is really saying when they blame you for wasting their time is that you are not meeting their expectations
- And their frustration with that realization is expressed in a sentence that is meant to make you feel bad
- Because they feel bad
- So they are shifting negative feelings to you
- Someone else’s expectations are not your responsibility
- yes
- Maybe you dropped the ball
- Maybe you weren’t prepared,
- Maybe you didn’t follow through
- Maybe you were not at your best
- But you didn’t waste the time
- They did
- They made the decision
- They entered into the agreement
- However, they did so with expectations
- And every time we approach anything in life with expectations that aren’t met, we suffer
- “Freedom (n.): To ask nothing. To expect nothing. To depend on nothing.”
― Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
- Two
- We all are responsible for our own time
- If someone spends time with you and later says that you wasted their time, then this is a sign that they refuse to take responsibility for their own time
- Somehow they want you to be responsible for not bringing them the outcome they hoped for
- Our time is our responsibility
- Committing ourselves to a person or a task includes owning the result
- Even if its not one we hoped for
- You cannot be blamed for how someone else decides to spend their time
- Own your time
- If you find yourself in a situation that you feel is wasting your time, take responsibility
- Either leave the situation or make the best out of it
- But don’t blame anyone for it
- And if someone blames you for wasting their time, know that you are not responsible for their interpretation of the event
- Start by taking distance
- A deep breath, maybe a few
- To help you relax, because a statement like this hurt and therefore tenses us up
- Then make space to think and bring order to your mind
- While its your time together, try to separate the person’s time form your time
- And then try to see what might be causing the other person to feel this way
- This removes the tension and emotion form your back and neutralizes it
- There is an issue, and most likely you contributed to it is some form
- help the person articulate the real problem
- what is he or she actually frustrated about
- ask questions, show curiosity
- try to understand
- and be open to the answer
- if you messed up in some way, acknowledge that for yourself, learn that lesson you need to learn, but keep the personal attack and resulting emotional pain away
- always work and improve yourself, but don’t try to live up to someone’s expectations
- that’s impossible
- Three
- We all decide what the time we are spending means to us
- Just because 2 people agree on an activity doesn’t mean they both obtain value from it
- You have a right to your expectations, but those should not become the other person’s responsibility
- Let me give you an example:
- In my early climbing days, I didn’t yet have a partner so I went to climbing meetups
- My expectation was to get some climbing in and meet some new people
- But many of those meetups had to many people who all wanted to climb which resulted in me not getting my time in
- And I noticed that many of the participants mostly climb in gyms and use the meetups to get out for a change only
- Very few people were serious about outdoor climbing
- It would be silly for me to be upset or consider the meetup a waste of my time
- My expectations were not met, but I don’t need to blame anyone
- I learned something and I will apply that knowledge to my future decisions
- Now I hardly ever go to those meetups anymore
- You own your time
- There is no need to blame anyone else
- As much as we want the other person to do or say what we think they should do or say, we cannot force them
- We can only make a decision for ourselves –
- Is this time still valuable for me,
- Am I learning something in the process
- Do I enjoy myself
- Or, if not, then how can I use my time in a better way
- We have to decide what is a waste of our time and what is worth our time
- Calling someone or something a waste of time is not taking responsibility
Writer Laurie Buchanan said it well
“Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.”
Bottom-line is this:
- If someone blames you for wasting their time, you don’t want to question your worth
- Question your time
- How is it used best?
- Can you improve the situation or should you leave it?
- But do take some action,
- Because without action, nothing will change.
Don’t forget to share this episode with someone you think might like it.
Much love my friends
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