Why we need authentic leadership – QFY 426

Why we need authentic leadership – QFY 426

I recently attended a workshop at my office on authentic leadership. It came timely as I had just recorded an episode on why we cannot be our authentic selves. We learned that authentic leadership is just what I had argued its not – a process of becoming your best self. Authentic means that we write our own authentic story as we go. Its not fixed; its not who we are and who we will always be. Rather, its the sum of our experiences that we use to create our own story. 

Easter Appreciations – QFY 424

Easter Appreciations – QFY 424

I spent Easter Sunday alone in a beautiful house with a blooming garden. And this made me feel grateful for all the wonderful people I have in my life and everything they teach me. This episode is a list of appreciations. Maybe you find them applicable to the people in your life. Sometimes its just a good idea to bring to our mind what each and everyone contributes to our lives. 

What does it mean to be productive – QFY 423

What does it mean to be productive – QFY 423

Being productive feels good. Getting things checked off can almost be addicting. Constant hits of dopamine provide us with motivation to get more done. But with all the checking-off frenzy – are we still focused on our big goals? I found that even those get broken down into small tasks and I get caught up getting those done day in and day out – without thinking bigger. Being productive feels best when I go after the things that matter – not just the daily grind. The things that matter may up some of the grind, but as long as I stay focused on the big objective, I don’t have to get caught up in menial little things, such as posting every milestone on social media. 

Celebrating the success of others – QFY 422

Celebrating the success of others – QFY 422

Celebrating others can be challenging. We often feel we deserve the praise more. Or, we just don’t see what they have done that deserves celebrating. Yet, this is a wonderful way to connect with another person. Not only does it make them feel great, but you also feel good padding others on the back. People remember how we make them feel and I have seen over and over again that they will cheer us on when its our turn.

Airplane Dreams – QFY 421

Airplane Dreams – QFY 421

Flying spurs my creativity and changes my perspective. Every time I am on a plane, my dreams seem so much more achievable than when I am with both feet on the ground. I wrote this poem on a recent trip, with my nose pressed against the cabin window, looking at snow-covered mountain ranges and dreaming of climbing them all. Allow yourself to be inspired by something that gives you a similar joy – music can do it, spending time in nature, reading. It feels great to “fly high” from time to time and then to take a piece of that dream with us into our “grounded life” and implement it.

How to find your passion – QFY 420

How to find your passion – QFY 420

Finding our passion can be daunting and frustrating journey, especially when we just don’t know what we are passionate about, while others are clear about it since they were children. For most of my life I didn’t think there was anything in particular I was passionate about. But when I look back, I see that I didn’t even look. When I started engaging with life, taking chances, trying out new things, thats when I discovered many things I am passionate about.We don’t find our passion – it finds us once we are open to it. 

Doing the hard work is a journey – QFY 419

Doing the hard work is a journey – QFY 419

I like reaching goals. Journeys sound good, and I don’t shy away from them – but I do like to get them done and over with. The hard work requires patience. There are setbacks and sometimes we feel like giving up. When we set our mind to the process, and accept every step, whether its a failure or a celebration, then we can really learn to master a craft. The hard work is hard, but its good for us. Because with hard work comes growth. To many of our daily tasks are about checking things off. The hard work, those projects in life that take a long time and require lots of effort and sacrifice, are the truly rewarding journeys. 

The silent treatment is not effective – QFY 417

The silent treatment is not effective – QFY 417

Have you been the receiver of the silent treatment before? Its a very ineffective way of communicating. And even though there is silence, the person issuing it is still communicating. Sadly, this kind of communication, that holds another person in limbo, doesn’t resolve much. I will go over the three main drawbacks of silent treatments, hoping it will help you detect in when others give it to you, or not use it anymore if you have resorted to it before.

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