When we get angry its almost like a game of ball. We have been handed a negative situation, and often we pass it on to others in the form of anger. Anger is an emotion that is personal. It is not to be shared with others; its to be dealt with on our own. By passing the ball to others, we exclude ourselves from taking any responsibility for our feelings. Its time to end that game and become more aware when unpleasant feelings arise.
Every purchase we make casts a vote. By becoming more discerning with our money, we raise our level of awareness of our own consumption and contribute to better products on the market. I have a few strategies for you to help you make better purchases.
Writers block doesn’t just affect writers. We all have moments when we feel stuck or empty with our creative endeavors and our goals. But writer’s block is just a temporary emptiness that requires new fuel. Instead of excusing or resisting it, we need to fill ourselves back up with new inspiration and creativity.
People often wonder how they can get better and how to get more courage to do what they want to do. It takes work. Everything meaningful to be accomplished takes a lot of work and that work often occurs during our unseen hours. These are the many hours of study and preparation that get us to be better. And as we get better, we also become more courageous to try more.
Distractions are everywhere and easy to blame when we don’t get our stuff done. But is it really the abundance of distractions that keep us from achieving what we set out to do? In this episode I will talk about 2 fundamental issue that keep us in a state of distraction. When we can address those – and I will offer some tips on how – then we can begin to reduce the distractions in our life.
A quote from Magic Realism and nature have inspired me to reconsider our structured notion of time – past, present and future. What is time is more fluid? What if we approach time less as something that is limited and scheduled for us as more eternal, and within our power? Time ticks by every second, but its also available to us right this second to make the best of it.
I am fascinated by a few lines of a song that starts with these line:
Oh, to live is to fly,
Both low and high
The ups and downs of life are part of life. We can fight against them, ignore them, worry about them OR we can fly with them. Low and high. Accept them and make them work in our favor.
Rather than trying to be right, how about we assume we are wrong?
Trying to be right has a tendency to close us off from seeing another person’s point of view. It prevents us from connecting with the human being across from us.
Assuming we are wrong prompts questions and can change the course of our relationships with others.
Our inner critic both drives us and hols us back. In well-defined environments, our inner critic lets us push forward relentlessly. But when there is risk involved, a chance that things may not work out, the inner critic likes to talk us out of it. We need to let the critic speak, so we become aware of it. But he or she should not have the final say.
A great quote by Machiavelli inspires us to think about the mistakes we are making. Are we making errors because we underestimated a risk or because we didn’t take responsibility? Mistakes of ambition are teaching moments, while mistakes of laziness never take us beyond our comfort zone.
Does it seem challenging to find an inner connection with ourselves? Our world can be noisy, overwhelming and distracting.
Yet, the direction for our life comes from within us.
The Quest For You Podcast is my mission to help you discover who you are. I will help you challenge yourself through daily guidance, motivation and inspiration. I want to help you find your direction.