We are obsessed with productivity these days. And not only at work anymore. We also want to maximize our free time so we can accomplish all the goals we set for ourselves. But despite all the fancy Apps, tools, hacks an tricks at our fingertips, many of us still don’d get our stuff done. I have on go-to productivity tool thats as simple as can be and I use it every day. Its key in helping me reach my goals.
Even when we know that our doing would be for the best, it may not be what is needed. We want to do good, we want to help, but sometimes, we need to accept that it is not what the other person or the situation requires. Sometimes we just need to be.Be there, listen, show support. Without doing. Letting go of what we think is best, and allow life to take its course.
Just because we are working on our goals, often at night and on weekends, doesn’t mean we can’t have fun. But our fun will change – from superficial time fillers to fun with purpose. the kind of fun that others may consider boring, but that helps us grow and get even closer to our goals and dreams.
Starting a conversation with a person you don’t know can be scary. Yet the few times I have done so, I have had surprising outcomes. I made new friends, found solutions to problems I didn’t even plan on solving when i initiated the talk, and gained insights and new perspectives I previously didn’t have. You have nothing to lose – so start these interactions more frequently and see for yourself the interesting turns your life will take.
Do you complain a lot? Maybe not out loud to others, but to yourself? I realized I complain more than I like. What we think is just a statement, an observation or an explanation, might actually come across to another person as a complaint. Especially if they have a stake in what we are commenting on. I found an answer to my complaining dilemma with the Stoics, and I hope you find it useful as well.
When we spend time with the best, we become our best. They are the people who push us, who give us constructive criticism, and who strive to become better every day. If we want to reach our big, lofty goals, we need those people in our lives. They may not be easy to find, and it may require a lot of hard work to get into their circle, but its worth it. One hour with the best can lead to exponential growth in our life.
Have you noticed that you are not always focusing on the areas that you say matter most? The Attention Matrix by Neen James will help you get clear on your priorities. In a few words, you will spell out where your focus is – on a personal level, in your professional life, and with your global vision. Its a valuable tool that challenges us to spell out what we are about.
What percentage of potential would you like to have? This is the question we need to ask ourselves when we decide between risk and reward, between short-term fun and long-term gain. I devised an equation for risks and rewards which shows that the risk is minimized when we look a little harder for the reward that may not yet seem obvious. And that is – our potential.
I am busy. But I am afraid to say so because the somehow the word busy has a bad rep. I look at it a bit closer in this episode and thanks to a recent post by Seth Godin, I have come to terms with busy. It never feels good to the person we are to busy for. But when we are busy, we are, ideally, doing something important. And this has to take priority.
A recent email by meditation guru Light Watkins revealed 4 truths about conflict that I find helpful. Any difficult encounter with a loved one contains these 4 truths and before we jump into judgement, react with strong emotions or make incorrect assumptions, we need to go through these truths. They have the power to redirect the outcome of the conflict into an unexpected direction.
Does it seem challenging to find an inner connection with ourselves? Our world can be noisy, overwhelming and distracting.
Yet, the direction for our life comes from within us.
The Quest For You Podcast is my mission to help you discover who you are. I will help you challenge yourself through daily guidance, motivation and inspiration. I want to help you find your direction.